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在西双版纳,分别统计了对叶榕(Ficus hispida)雌花期雌雄果的进蜂量和花后期雌雄果繁殖的多个特征值,以此来探讨自然条件下,影响对叶榕及其传粉榕小蜂(Ceratoso len solmsi marchali)繁殖的因素。结果表明:单果内有效进蜂数量是影响种子生产和传粉榕小蜂繁殖的首要因素,而雌花期进果的传粉榕小蜂并不是都能全部进入果腔传粉或产卵, 大部分蜂还未进到果腔就被夹死在顶生苞片层的通道里,能进入雌果内传粉的榕小蜂为(2.72 ±2.04)只•果-1,约占总进蜂量的52%;而在雄果里,能进入果腔的蜂量只有 (2.08 ±1.65)只•果-1,占35%左右。由于雌果内的雌花显著比雄果内的雌花多,结合单果进蜂量雌多雄少的格局,最终单果生产的种子数量 (1 891.63 ± 471.53)比传粉榕小蜂的数量 (367.2 0 ± 208.02) 多5倍有余。在雌果里,供给传粉的雌花数量与所生产的种子数量之间呈显著的正相关,而没有接受到花粉或不能正常受精的雌花数量与种子数量呈显著的负相关。雄果不仅生产花粉,也是传粉榕小蜂繁殖的场所,在相关于传粉榕小蜂自身繁殖力的因子中,传 粉榕小蜂产卵制造的瘿花数量对其种群数量有最大的影响;影响次之的是发育过程中死亡的个体数量,它可降低30%左右的传粉榕小蜂数量;影响排在第三位的是寄主的雌花数量。此外,3类非传粉者的存在,单果内平均可减少30多只传粉小蜂。

The interaction between Ficus species and their pollinating wasps (Agao nidae) represents a striking example of mutualism. With few exceptions, seed production by fig trees is dependent on a unique fig_pollinating wasp, and the poll inator‘s offspring feed only on the ovules. We studied the reproductive components of Ficus hispida and its pollinator (Ceratosolen solmsi marchali) in the tropical area of Xishuangbanna. Ficus hispida is functionally dioecious, with male and female functions relegated to separate plants, called gall and seed figs. Gall figs are functionally male because they foster the pollinator larvae that disperse the fig‘s pollen as adults. Seed figs are functionally female and produce only seeds. When a syconium becomes receptive, pollinators will enter it and lay eggs or pollinate the female flowers inside the syconium cavity. The pollinators trapped inside the syconium cavity and in the ostiole were recorded in the wild. The results showed that mean foundress number was greater in female th an in male syconia (females: 2.72±2.04; males: 2.08±1.65). About 52% of the foundresses could enter the cavity of the female syconia through the ostiole and only 35% for the male syconia. Many foundresses died in the ostiole and consequently failed to lay eggs and pollinate the female syconium. As there were fewer female flowers per syconium in male than in female syconia, and foundress numbers were greater in female than in male syconia, female syconia produced more seeds than male syconia produced pollinators, and the number of seeds (1 891.63 ± 471 .53) was over five times of the number of pollinators (367.20 ± 208.02). In female syconia, there was a significant positive correlation between seeds and female flowers, while there was a significant negative correlation between the number of seeds and aborted female flowers. Male syconia produced pollen and wasps also reproduced inside the male syconia, but many factors influenced pollinator repr oduction. Gall numbers showed the strongest impact on the pollinator population; the secondary factor was aborted galls, which could reduce the pollinator numbers by about 30%; the third factor was the total number of female flowers, which influenced the oviposition ratio of pollinators. Moreover, three species of non_ pollinating wasps, Philotrypesis pilosa, Philotrypesissp., and Apocry pta bakeri, oviposit from outside the syconium into ovaries containing pollinator eggs on the male tree. They co_existed with pollinators inside the male syconia. The non_pollinating wasps had a direct impact on the reproductive success of the pollinator wasp and were able to reduce the number of pollinator individuals per male syconium by 30. They also showed an indirect impact on the host figs.