Abstract:The natural vegetation on beach zone in Jiangsu Province is fundamentally a coastal solonchak vegetation. Besides there is a very little psammon, composed of psammophytes, existed in sandy beach. By analysing the materials obtained from various sources and by our own field survey, we recognize that the coastal solonchak vegetation is an intrazonal vegetation.In this paper, we have described the environmental condition where coastal vegetation is located. It is evident that the syngenesis and formation of coastal solonchak vegetation are in accordance with the course of the development of coast solonchak.The floristic composition of coastal vegetation were extensively analysed. According to data of many plots, about 64 species of vascular plant belonging to 24 families and 56 genera were calculated. The basic components for the coastal solonchak vegetation are mainly those species of Chenopodiaceae as Suaeda salsa, S. glauca, Salicornia herbacea etc. of Gramineae as Aeluropus littoralis var. sinensis, Zoysia macrostachys, Phragmites australis, Imperata cylindrica var. major, Puccinellia chinampoensis etc. of Compositae as Artemisia capillaris, Tripolium vulgare, Scorzonera mongolica var. putjatae etc. and of Cyperaceae as Carex scabrifolia, Scirpus planiculmis etc.Based on analysing the life-form for all plants distributed in littoral zone, the life-form spectrum of coastal vegetation were made.There are three basic vegetation types in coastal solonchak vegetation. The terrestrial solonchak vegetation is represented by Suaeda salsa community, S. glauca community, Zoysia macrostachys community, Aeluropus littoralis var. sinenais community, Artemisia capillaria community, and Imperata cylindrica var. major community; The paludal solonchak vegetation is shown yb Spartina anglica community, Carex scabrifolia community, Scirpus planiculmis community and Phragmites australis community, and the aquatic solonchak vegetation is luxuriant with Ruppia rostellata community, Myriophyllum spicatum community. The distributions and successions of all communities have been described respectively, their utilizations are discussedas well.