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当前,全球气候变化背景下,CO2浓度升高和气候变暖可能已经并将持续对小麦(Triticum aestivum)品质产生影响。为此依据自行设计的模拟气候变化的试验装置系统 (CTGC),研究大田条件下CO2浓度和温度增加对面包小麦主要品质性状的交互作用。 结果表明:在433.3~610.2μmol•mol-1范围内,CO2浓度增加对面包小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和沉降值的影响不利;增温(+2 ℃多)表现为有利。当CO2浓度从433.3 mol•mol-1逐渐增加到551.5 mol•mol-1且温度增幅逐渐为+2 ℃时,CO2和温度对面包小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和沉降值的交互作用表现为增加;而当CO2浓度增幅较大(达到610.2 mol•mol-1),温度增幅不大(白天平均温度仅增加2℃多)时,交互作用则 表现为减少。此外,CO2浓度增加使面包小麦的醎淀粉酶活性降低,温度上升则使之提高,两因素的交互作用则表现为醎淀粉酶活性提高。

Elevated CO2 concentrations and temperatures under global climate change scenarios projected for coming decades could impact bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) quality. Hence, there is a need to understand the effects of these environmental factors on crop quality. The objective of this study was to experimentally test the effects of elevated CO2, temperature, and their interactions on wheat grain quality characteristics relevant to its processing, including grain protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value, and falling number (alpha_ amylase activity). Bread wheat (`Liaochun 10‘) was field grown in CO2 and temperature gradient chamber (CTGC) and ambient controlled temperature gradient chamber (TGC). The results indicated that elevated CO2 concentrations (433.3 to 610. 2 mol•mol-1) had negative effects on grain protein content, wet gluten c ontent a nd sedimentation value of bread wheat, but gradual temperature increases (2 ℃ range) had positive effects on these three main quality characteristics. The inter action between gradual increases in CO2 levels from 433.3 to 551.5 mol•mol-1 and temperature increases (+2 ℃ range) showed a similar benefit on grain protein content, wet gluten content and sedimentation value of bread wheat, but when CO2 concentrations approached 610.2 mol•mol-1 and mean daytime temperature increased more than 2 ℃, the interaction of CO2 and temperature had a negative effect on the three bread wheat quality characteristics. In addition, under CO2 conce nt rations of 433.3-610.2 mol•mol-1 and gradually increasing temperatures , CO2 enrichment reduced alpha_amylase activity of bread wheat whereas elevated temperatures and the interaction of elevated CO2 and temperature enhanced alpha_amylas eactivity of bread wheat.