Why are Nitrogen Concentrations in Plant Tissues Lower under Elevated CO2? A Critical Examination of the Hypotheses Global Change Effects on Plant Chemical Defenses against Insect Herbivores Correlation Between Rubisco Activase and Photosynthesis of Cucumber in Greenhouse Under High Temperature and Elevated CO2 Correlation Between Rubisco Activase and Photosynthesis of Cucumber in Greenhouse Under High Temperature and Elevated CO2 Interactive Effects of Drought Stresses and Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photochemistry Efficiency of Cucumber Seedlings Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and shading onleaf light utilization and yield of wheat Effect of elevated CO2 on methanotrophs in the rhizosphere of rice plant Physio-ecological effects of endophyte infection on the host grass with elevated CO2 EFFECT OF ELEVATED CO2 ON Cs UPTAKE AND MICROBIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN RHIZOSPHERE SOIL OF Phytolacca americana L. The Effect of Elevated CO2 on the Functions of PS in Soybean Leaves Influences of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of 4 Tree Species under Elevated CO2 Concentration Effects of elevated CO2 on nutrient element uptakes and root morphology of different rice varieties Effect of elevated CO2 concentration on photosynthetic characteristics of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under cadmium stress Effect of Elevated CO2 and Drought on Soil Microbial Communities Associated with Andropogon gerardii Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and imidacloprid on culturable bacteria and microbial biomass carbon in cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata)soil Senescence-specific Alteration of Hydrogen Peroxide Levels in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oilseed Rape Spring Variety Brassica napus L. cv. Mozart Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on soil carbon Effects of elevated CO2 on indica rice quality in soils combined with Cu and Cd heavy metal Electrical penetration graph (EPG) of feeding behavior of Sitobion avenae (Fab.) on resistant and susceptible wheat plants grown under elevated Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on photosynthetic parameters of Pinus
koraiensis needles
Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 concentration and combined on ROS metabolism and anti-oxidative enzymes activities of maize(Zea mays L.) A review on the effects of global environment change on litter decomposition Growth responses to the interaction of elevated CO2 and drought stress in six annual species Photosynthetic physiological characteristics in response to elevated CO2 concentration of three Larch (Larix) species seedlings Research advance in effect of elevated CO2 on eco-physiology of trees Advances in the adaptability of zonal Stipa plants to CO2 and climate change in Inner Mongolia Response of soil nematodes to climate change:a review Multi-scale modeling of Arabidopsis thaliana response to different CO2 conditions: From gene expression to metabolic flux Effect of enhanced CO2 level on the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton Effects of elevated CO2 and different irrigation on photosynthetic parameters and yield of maize in Northeast China Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration on the Starch Grain Accumulation in Chloroplasts from Soybean Leaves at Different Nodes Effect of Elevated CO2 on the Primary Conversion of Light Energy of Alfalfa Photosynthesis Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on the Growth and Foliar Chemistry of Transgenic Bt Cotton Effects of Elevated CO2 on Growth, Carbon Assimilation, Photosynthate Accumulation and Related Enzymes in Rice Leaves during Sink-Source Transition Woody Plants Respond to Interactions Between Elevated CO2 and Increased Temperature Influences of precipitation regimes and elevated CO2 on photosynthesis and biomass accumulation in Leymus chinensis Influence of Elevated CO2 Concentration and Nitrogen Source on Photosynthetic Traits in the Invasive Species Eupatorium adenophorum (Asteraceae) Effects of elevated CO2 on lipid peroxidation and activities of antioxidant enzymes in Ginkgo biloba Responses of crown architecture and competition of birch seedlings (Betula albosinensis) to enriched CO2 under different planting densities Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Guzmania ‘Danis‘ Effect of elevated CO2on below-ground plant competition QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF BREAD WHEAT GROWN UNDER ELEVATED CO2 AND TEMPERATURE Impacts of elevated CO2 on insects Morphological traits and yield of soybean under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on Hill’s reaction activity and Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase activity of Ginkgo biloba L. in two consecutive growth seasons Response of Photosynthesis, Growth, Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Osmotic Tolerance of Rice to Elevated CO2 Effects of the Starch Accumulation on Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves Under Long Term Elevated CO2 Condition

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