该文利用野外实际调查数据对四川西北部亚高山云杉(Picea asperata)天然林碳密度、净生产量、碳贮量及其分布进行了分析,结果表明,在调查区域,云杉天然林分平均生物量为230.37×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,其中乔木层为212.77×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占林分生物量的92.30%。云杉天然林生态系统各组分的平均碳密度为树干57.85%,树皮47.12%,树枝51.22%,树叶48.27%和树根52 .39%,灌木层平均碳密度49.91%,草本层平均碳密度46.34%,地被层平均碳密度43.21%,枯落物层平均碳密度39.44%,土壤碳密度平均值为1.41%,随土层深度增加各层次土壤碳密度逐渐减少。云杉林平均生态系统总碳贮量为273.79×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,其中乔木层109.30×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占云杉林生态系统总碳贮量的39.92%,灌木层5.69×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占2.08%,草本层1.26×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占0.46%,地被物层0.60×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占0.22%,枯落物层0.83×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占0.30%,林内土壤(0~100 cm)碳贮量为156.11×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2,占57.01%。云杉林的碳库分布序列为土壤(0~100 cm)>乔木层>灌木层>草本层>枯落物层>地被物层。云杉天然林分平均净生产总量为6 838.5 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1, 碳素年总净固量平 均为3 584.98 kg[[rad]]hm-2 [[rad]]a-1,其中乔木层净生产量为4 676 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1,占 林分总量的68.38%,碳素年平均固定量2552.99 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1,占林分总 量的71.21%。
Aims Carbon density, net production and carbon stock were estimated using data from natural spruce forests of Northwest Subalpine Sichuan.
Methods We harvested biomass, litter and soil carbon and calculated net production by dividing biomass by forest age.
Important findings The mean biomass of spruce forest is 230.37×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2, with the tree layer accounting for 212.77×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2 (92.36%). The percentage of carbon density in tree organs are stem 57.85%, bark 47.12%, branch 51.22%, leaf 48.27%, and root 52.39%. The percentages of carbon density in different strata are shrub 49.91%, herb 46.34%, duff 43.21%, litter 39.44%, and soil 1.41%. Carbon density declines with increased soil depth. The carbon stock is 273.79×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2, divided among the tree layer with 109.30×103kg[[rad]]hm-2 ( 39.92%), shrub 5 .69×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2 (2.08%), herb 1.26×103kg[[rad]]hm-2 (0.46%), duff 0.60×103 kg[[rad]]hm-2(0.22%), litter 0.83×103kg[[rad]]hm-2 (0.30%), and soil (0-100 cm) 156.11 ×103kg[[rad]]hm-2 (57.01%). Therefore, the carbon stocks are ordered: soil (0-100 cm) > tree layer > shrub > herb > litter > duff. Mean net production is 6838.5 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a<sup>-1</sup>, with the tree layer accounting for 4 676 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1 (68.38%). Mean annual carbon sequestration is 3584.98 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1, with the tree layer accounting for 2552.99 kg[[rad]]hm-2[[rad]]a-1(71.21%).