Compositional Dynamics of Plant Functional Groups and Their Effects on Stability of Community ANPP During 17 yr of Mowing Succession on Leymus chinensis Steppe of Inner Mongolia, China Advances inresearch on the mechanisms of age-related productivity decline of planted forests Combining multitemporal NOAA-AVHRR NDVI and ground auxiliary data for estimating terrestrial net primary production in Guangdong The Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Herbage Regrowth and Aboveground Net Primary Production Carbon density and production in  valley spruce-fir forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China. Effects of Climate Change and Shifts in Forest Composition on Forest Net Primary Production Relationships between net primary production and nitrogen cycling in Chinese forest ecosystems Simulated the impact of climate change on net primary production in hilly area of Loess Plateau, China Impacts of grazing and climate change on the aboveground net primary productivity of mountainous grassland ecosystems along altitudinal gradients over the Northern Tianshan Mountains, China Biomass and Productivity by Natural Pinus henryi Forests Fundamental concepts and field measurement methods of carbon cycling in forest ecosystems: a review Carbon budget of alpine Potentilla fruticosa shrubland based on comprehensive techniques of static chamber and biomass harvesting STUDIES ON BIOMASS AND PRODUCTION OF THE LOEWR SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN HEISHIDING NATURAL RESERVE——310MASS INCREMENT AND NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION The variation of net primary production and leaf area index over Xinjiang Autonomous Region and its response to climate change A Preliminary Study on the Net Primary Production of the Secondary Tropical Forest in Xishuangbanna Responses of temporal dynamics of aboveground net primary productivity of Leymus chinensis community to precipitation fluctuation in Inner Mongolia Remote Sensing Estimation of Forest Net Primary Productivity in Heilongjiang Province with C-FIX Model A simulation model of net primary production at watershed scale in hilly area of Loess Plateau, China SIMULATION OF NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN KAOKAOLAIGOU WATERSHED, CHINA PRELIMINARY STUDY OF CARBON DENSITY, NET PRODUCTION AND CARBON STOCK IN NATURAL SPRUCE FORESTS OF NORTHWEST SUBALPINE SICHUAN , CHINA Estimation of Forest Biomass and Net Primary Production for Zhejiang Province Based on Continuous Forest Resources Inventory

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