全 文 :麦类作物学报 2015,35(3):324-333
Journal of Triticeae Crops doi:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2015.03.06
QTL Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in
Six-row Barley Using DArT and SSR Markers
(1.Guizhou Institute of Upland Crops,Guiyang,Guizhou 550006,China;2.Department of Phytology,Laval University,
Québec(QC)G1K7P4,Canada;3.The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cel and Chromosome Engineering/
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100014,China)
Abstract:Fusarium head blight(FHB)is one of the most serious diseases in barley(Hordeum vulgare L.)production
worldwide.The development of barley cultivars with resistance to FHB is difficult due to the complex inheritance pattern
of FHB resistance.Additionaly,morphological traits,such as row number,height,and heading date,have been shown to
influence the resistance phenotype and can render the identification of quantitative trait loci(QTLs)contributing to dis-
ease resistance complex.In order to identify QTLs for FHB resistance and other relative traits,in this work,five traits,in-
cluding FHB resistance,deoxynivalenol level(DON),plant height,heading date and maturity,were measured for up to 4
years on a doubled haploid(DH)mapping population of 93recombinant inbred lines(RILs).And a linkage map was con-
structed with molecular markers(444DArTs and 26SSRs)and used to perform composite interval mapping of the traits.
Four QTLs were found to be associated with FHB at a genome-wide significance of 5%.Two major QTLs were mapped
on chromosomes 3Hand 7H.They had additive values of-3.44and-3.69,and explained 14.1%and 17.5%of the
phenotypic variation,respectively,and together accounted for 31.6%of the total variation for FHB resistance.The other
two QTLs located on chromosome 7Hwere found to be significantly associated with DON level.Moreover,we identified
five QTLs for plant height on chromosomes 3H,5H,and 7H,and four QTLs for heading date on chromosomes 2H,4H,
5H,and 7H.Among them,two QTLs for FHB resistance and a QTL for DON accumulation were overlapped with those
for plant height,and one overlap was observed between QTLs for FHB resistance and heading date.Thus,use of these
markers closely linked to the QTLs,together with the morphology(such as height),wil facilitate the selection of resist-
ance to FHB in barley.
Key words:Barley;Fusarium head blight;Deoxynivalenol level(DON);Diversity arrays technology(DArT);Quantita-
tive trait locus(QTL);Composite interval mapping
收稿日期:2014-10-19 修回日期:2014-12-29
张立异1,陈天青1,MARCHAND S2,BELZILE F2,张爱民3
(1.贵州省旱粮研究所,贵州贵阳550006;2.Department of Phytology,Laval University,Québec(QC)G1K7P4,Canada;
摘 要:赤霉病是最严重的大麦病害之一。由于赤霉病抗性是受多基因控制的数量性状(QTL),并且一
了明确加拿大六棱大麦中赤霉病抗性以及相关性状的 QTLs,本研究在4年中对93个家系的DH作图群体
赤霉病的QTLs,其中,2个主要的QTLs定位在3H和7H染色体上,它们的加性效应为-3.44和 -3.69,分
别解释14.1% 和17.5%的表型差异,总共解释31.6%的赤霉病抗性差异;另外2个 QTLs定位于7H染色
QTL与控制株高的QTLs聚集重叠,1个赤霉病抗性 QTL和抽穗期 QTLs重叠。这些与赤霉病抗性、株高
中图分类号:S512.3;S330 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-1041(2015)03-0324-10
Fusarium head blight(FHB),also known as
scab,is one of the most serious diseases of trit-
iceae crops in humid and semi-humid areas
worldwide[1].This disease reduces yield and
grade,and may also contaminate the grain with
fungal toxins(mycotoxins),especialy deoxyni-
valenol(DON).DON contamination raises seri-
ous food safety concerns both for humans and
Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.)was domes-
ticated approximately 10,000years ago and is
one of the four most important cereal crops to-
day.Six-row barley is primarily grown in North
America and mainly used for brewing beer.
Most six-row barley cultivars currently grown in
this region are susceptible to FHB.While no
germplasm offering immunity has been reported,
a smal number of“Chevron”accessions,a six-
row barley variety introduced from Switzerland,
has consistently shown good resistance to FHB
in disease nurseries worldwide[3-4].Despite its
poor agronomic characteristics,Chevron has been
used widely in breeding programs as a source of
resistance to FHB,and numerous studies have
sought to map resistance QTLs in populations.
However,the development of barley cultivars
with resistance to FHB is difficult due to its
complex inheritance;it is a quantitative trait un-
der polygenic control.Thus,more QTLs for
FHB severity and relative traits need to be iden-
tified and then used for marker-assisted selection
of resistant lines.
Molecular markers are useful for investiga-
ting the number and location of genes involved in
quantitative traits.Several QTLs for FHB re-
sistance have been reported to be scattered
across the genome.Using RFLP markers,de la
Pena et al.[5]identified 10,11and 4QTLs asso-
ciated with resistance to FHB,DON accumula-
tion,and kernel discoloration(KD),respective-
ly.QTLs for FHB were located on al chromo-
somes,except 6H.For populations derived from
six-rowed and two-rowed crosses,two significant
QTLs for FHBs were mapped on chromosome
2Hin multiple environments,of which one QTL
was close to the vrs1locus[6].Using a high-den-
sity AFLPs linkage map,Hori et al.[7]reported
the detection of three QTLs for FHB:two loca-
ted on the short arm of 5H,and the other on
2H.Often,many QTLs coincide with loci deter-
mining morphological or physiological traits,
such as the number of rows,plant height,days to
heading and cleistogamy[5-8].
Diversity arrays technology (DArT)is a
high-throughput marker technology[9]and has
been developed for use in barley[10] (http://
www.triticarte.com.au).In order to identify
more QTLs for FHB and relatives traits,and es-
timate the potential of DArT markers in quickly
constructing a barley linkage map from a cross
between two six-row barleys,in this study,five
traits,including FHB resistance,deoxynivalenol
level(DON),plant height,heading date and ma-
turity,were measured for up to 4years on a
doubled haploid(DH)mapping population of 93
recombinant inbred lines(RILs).And a linkage
map was constructed with molecular markers
(444DArTs and 26SSRs)and used to perform
composite interval mapping of the traits.
1 Materials and methods
1.1 Plant materials and phenotype assessment
A population of 93recombinant F1-derived
ZHANG Liyi,et al:QTL Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
in Six-row Barley Using DArT and SSR Markers
doubled haploid (DH)lines,obtained from a
cross between two six-row barleys of ACCA,a
relatively susceptible elite cultivar,and the culti-
var Chevron,classified as moderately resistant,
and the parents were used in this study.Al the
trial materials were inoculated under field condi-
tions at the experimental station of Laval Uni-
versity,Québec,Canada.Barley spikes were
spray-inoculated with a freshly prepared spore
suspension (105 macroconidia · mL-1)of
F.graminearumstrain Fg9903during the head-
ing stage in June.Over 4years(2005-2008),a
randomized complete block design with three
replications was used.In the field,10spikes,se-
lected at random in the middle of each row,were
visualy assessed for FHB infection at 15days
after inoculation.For each spike,the number of
blighted spikelets and the total number of spike-
lets were determined.The percent of FHB se-
verity in each spike was calculated using the for-
mula:FHB severity= (number of blighted
spikelets/total number of spikelets)× 100%.
In 2006and 2007,harvested seeds were tested
for DON levels using an ELISA.Plant height
(cm)was measured at maturity each year,and
heading date and maturity (days)were also
scored in 2005,2006and 2007.
1.2 QTL mapping
A set of 93DH lines was used for the genet-
ic mapping described here.DNA was extracted
and genotyped for 96SSR and 1,920DArT loci.
Of these,26SSR and 444DArT loci were poly-
morphic and segregated as 1∶1,making them
suitable for mapping.A linkage map was con-
structed with MAPMAKER/exp 3.06[11]using
loci showing no segregation distortion.Linkage
groups were established by calculating recombi-
nation frequencies with identical conditions
(maximum recombination fraction of 0.35and
minimum LOD score of 3.0).The Kosambi
mapping function[12]was used to transform re-
combination frequencies into additive distances
in centi-Morgans.Based on LOD score,maximal
information content and gene order,a subset of
loci was used as a framework map for this analy-
sis;the remaining loci were attributed to and
placed within the framework of the linkage
groups using the“assign”and“place”commands
of Mapmaker,respectively.
The QTL analysis was carried out by com-
posite interval mapping(CIM)with QTL Car-
tographer(ver.2.5).LOD thresholds used to
declare the presence of putative QTLs were esti-
mated by 1,000random permutations with a sig-
nificance level of 0.05.
2 Results
2.1 Phenotype for FHB resistance,DON accu-
mulation,and agronomic traits
Data on the observed traits were colected in
at least 2(for DON level)to as many as 4years
(for FHB severity)on the set of 93DH lines and
the two parents.The scores'distribution of par-
ents and DH lines for FHB severity,DON con-
centration,plant height,heading date,and matu-
rity were presented in Table 1.Over the course
of the 4years,low (2006),medium (2007and
2008),and high(2005)levels of disease pressure
were obtained folowing spray inoculation.Re-
garding FHB severity,the two parents presented
agood contrast,with Chevron showing moderate
resistance to FHB(severity ranging from 0.4%
in 2006to 44.0%in 2005),while ACCA was
much more susceptible,with its FHB severity
ranging between 3.4% in 2006to 79.0% in
2005.Among the DH lines,FHB severity aver-
aged as 64.4%in 2005,3.1%in 2006,22.2%in
2007,and 22.8%in 2008.With the exception of
2006,the means of the population were approxi-
mately intermediate between the two parents.
With regard to DON accumulation,the two par-
ents also differed widely(Chevron as 9and 97
mg·kg-1,ACCA as 18and 213mg·kg-1 in
2006and 2007,respectively).Average levels of
DON accumulation ranged from low in 2006
(13.4 mg·kg-1)to high in 2007 (201.2
mg·kg-1)and fel within the range observed in
the parents.For the other traits,the parents dif-
fered markedly in terms of plant height(Chev-
·623· 麦 类 作 物 学 报 第35卷
ron being taler by 18-28cm than ACCA)and
maturity(Chevron being earlier by 2-18days
than ACCA),while both had similar heading
Table 1 Statistical analysis of DH lines of Chevron× ACCA in each year
Traits Year ACCA Chevron
DH lines
Min Max Mean MS SD CV/% Skewness
FHB/% 2005 79.0 44.0 28.0 100.0 64.4±1.8 291.7 17.1 26.5 0.0
2006 3.4 0.4 0.1 10.8 3.1±0.3 6.6 2.6 81.8 1.2
2007 36.6 5.5 3.6 49.4 22.2±1.1 120.6 11.0 49.5 0.3
2008 45.8 9.3 5.9 51.3 22.8±1.1 107.2 10.4 45.4 0.6
DON/(mg·kg-1) 2006 18.0 9.0 0.2 40.4 13.4±0.8 59.9 7.7 57.6 0.9
2007 213.1 97.9 49.6 435.3 201.2±9 7 700.5 87.8 43.6 0.5
Plant height/cm 2006 69.1 89.7 64.3 101.0 77.5±0.8 63.5 8.0 10.3 0.5
2007 74.2 92.2 65.7 107.3 84.3±0.9 79.5 8.9 10.6 0.4
2008 87.0 115.3 76.7 131.0 99.7±1.2 139.5 11.8 11.8 0.1
Heading date/d 2006 58.0 59.3 52.0 65.0 57.1±0.3 7.8 2.8 4.9 -0.3
2007 57.0 56.8 52.7 60.3 56.3±0.2 2.9 1.7 3.0 0.0
2008 61.7 63.3 59.0 70.0 62.9±0.3 10.4 3.2 5.1 0.4
Maturity/d 2006 84.1 82.5 77.0 90.0 81.9±0.3 6.3 2.5 3.1 0.8
2007 90.0 82.8 78.0 90.0 84.8±0.3 10.9 3.3 3.9 -0.3
2008 97.0 79.0 95.0 103.0 97.4±0.1 1.7 1.3 1.3 3.1
The coefficient of variability(CV),defined
as the standard deviation (SD)divided by the
mean,is a standardization of the SD,that alows
comparison of variability estimates regardless of
the analyte concentration and measurement u-
nits.As results,FHB severity and DON accu-
mulation presented higher levels of variability,
with mean CVs of 51% for both traits.The
highest CV(82%)occurred in 2006for FHB se-
verity.For the other three agronomical traits,a
lower degree of variability was observed in 3
years(2006to 2008).On average,11%,4%,and
3% of CV appeared for plant height,heading
date,and maturity,respectively.
The skewness of a distribution is calculated
to estimate whether these traits in the popula-
tion were normaly distributed.Generaly,the
skewness ranged from 0to 3.1.Maturity in
2008deflected most from normal distributions,
with a right skewness.The distributions in 2006
of FHB severity,DON accumulation,and maturi-
ty also showed a certain degree of skewness.
Correlation coefficients were calculated a-
mong the resistance and other agronomic traits
for the same year and for the same traits in dif-
ferent years (Table 2).For the traits in the
same year,FHB severity was positively associat-
ed with resistance to DON accumulation(r-value
=0.42)in 2007.Six significant negative corre-
lations were also observed between FHB and
DON accumulation with height,heading date and
maturity in 2006and 2007,with r-values from
-0.49to -0.24.In addition,six significant
correlations were observed among the three ag-
ronomical traits,with r-values ranging from 0.21
to 0.68.For the same traits in different years,
less or no significant correlation was observed
for FHB and DON accumulation,while signifi-
cant correlation were observed frequently for the
three agronomical traits.
ZHANG Liyi,et al:QTL Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
in Six-row Barley Using DArT and SSR Markers
Table 2 Correlation coefficients(r)between FHB resistance,DON levels,plant height,heading date and maturity
FHB05 FHB06 FHB07 FHB08 DON06 DON07 H06 H07 H08 HD06 HD07 HD08 M06 M07
FHB06 -
FHB07 0.30** 0.39**
FHB08 - - -
DON06 - - - -
DON07 - - 0.42** - -
H06 - -0.28** - - - -
H07 - - -0.49** - - -0.24* 0.67**
H08 - - - - - - 0.82** 0.7**
HD06 - -0.25* - - - - 0.32** - -
HD07 - - - - - - - - - -
HD08 - - - - - - - - 0.54** 0.72** -
M06 - -0.28** - - - - 0.36** - - 0.68** - -
M07 - - - - - -0.37** - 0.21* - - - - 0.62**
M08 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.28** - 0.22*
H:Height;HD:Heading date;M:Maturity;the digits behind the traits represented the years as 05,06,07and 08for 2005,2006,
2007and 2008,respectively;*and**indicated the difference significant at the 0.05and 0.01level,respectively;“-”indicated no
significant correlation
2.2 Linkage maps
In total,96SSR and 1,920DArT markers
were genotyped in the parents and 93DH lines
that were characterized phenotypicaly.Of them,
45SSRs and 602DArTs were polymorphic,but
67were set aside due to significant segregation
distortion(P<0.01).The greatest numbers of
distorted markers were located on chromosomes
2H,5H,and 7H.In total,470loci(26SSRs and
444DArTs)were used to establish a linkage
map(Fig.1)at a LOD threshold of 3.0using
Mapmaker/exp(ver.3.0b).In the first step,
259loci were used to construct a framework map
and the remaining 211loci were attributed to and
placed within the framework of the linkage
groups.Because many loci were mapped at the
same position,only 181loci with different posi-
tion were listed in the linkage map (Fig.1).
The framework map totaled 976cM,with an av-
erage distance of 3.8cM between adjacent mark-
ers.Despite this number of markers,two large
gaps remained such that chromosomes 2Hand
5H were broken into two linkage groups.The
order of DArT markers was consistent with that
of the published DArT maps in barley[9],with
the exception of four markers that mapped to
different chromosomes.Our work demonstrated
that the use of DArT markers added a large
number of markers(>200)in a short time.
2.3 QTL analysis
QTLs for FHB resistance,DON severity,
plant height,heading date,and maturity were de-
tected using CIM analysis.Table 3and Fig.1
showed the QTL mapping results for each trait
in different years.
2.3.1 FHB severity
By CIM analysis,seven QTLs were identi-
fied for FHB severity for 4years.In 2005and
2006,two QTLs located on chromosome 7Hdis-
played significant associations with FHB severi-
ty.In 2007,four QTLs located on chromosome
3Hand 7Hwere identified for FHB severity.A
QTL was found on chromosome 3Hin 2008.Al
the QTL aleles originated from the severity par-
ent,Chevron contributed FHB severity(as indi-
cated by the negative values of additive effect in
Table 3).As a whole,two QTLs overlapped on
chromosome 7Hfor 2years,of which the QTL
located at the end of chromosome 7Hwas detec-
ted in 2006(LOD=3.7)and in 2007(LOD=
·823· 麦 类 作 物 学 报 第35卷
6.5).The total phenotypic variance for FHB ex-
plained by al significant QTLs was 24.3%,
13.6%,67.4%,and 10.3% for 2005,2006,
2007,and 2008,respectively.
Fig.1 Genetic linkage map of barley based on a 93recombinant F1-derived doubled haploid(DH)
lines from a cross between two six-row barleys(ACCA×Chevron),with QTLs for Fusarium
Head-Blight resistance and other agronomic traits identified
2.3.2 DON accumulation
QTLs for DON accumulation were detected
in 2006and 2007using CIM analysis.In 2006,a
significant QTL for DON accumulation was
mapped on chromosome 3Hwith a LOD value of
3.2,and explained 10.9%of the phenotypic va-
riance.In 2007,two significant QTLs on chro-
mosomes 7Hwere identified,which were similar
to the regions of the QTLs found for FHB re-
sistance.These QTLs on chromosome 7Hex-
plained 30.1% of the phenotypic variance.
Chevron contributed the resistance alele to DON
2.3.3 Plant height
In total,we identified 19 QTLs for plant
height for 3years by CIM analysis.Six,five,and
eight significant QTLs were detected in 2006,
2007,and 2008,respectively,and were located on
five chromosomes except 1Hand 2H.The alele
contributed by Chevron was associated with tal
plants for 17of the 19QTLs identified.The
percentage of phenotypic variance explained for
plant height by a single QTL ranged from 3.9%
to 22.9%.The total phenotypic variance for this
trait explained by al significant QTLs for 3
years ranged from 48.9%in 2007to 79.1%in
2006.Within 3years,the QTLs on chromosome
3H (≈110cM)and 7H (≈1cM and≈20cM)
occurred in the same regions.The QTL on chro-
mosome 3Hat≈50cM also detected in different
years(2006and 2008).Otherwise,one region on
chromosome 7Hoverlapped with another QTL
for 3years,located at≈35cM on chromosome
2.3.4 Heading date
Using CIM,six QTLs associated with head-
ing date were detected on chromosomes 1H,3H,
5H,and 7Hin 2006and 2008;no QTL for this
trait was found in 2007.These QTLs explained
5.7%to 61.6% of the phenotypic variance for
this trait.One major QTL identified with a large
LOD value(LOD=23.9)was located at the in-
ZHANG Liyi,et al:QTL Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
in Six-row Barley Using DArT and SSR Markers
terval of XEBmac603 and XbPb-5074 on chromo-
some 7Hin 2008,and the QTLs for FHB,DON,
and plant height were identified at the same in-
terval.Chevron contributed three of six aleles
for later heading date,located on chromosomes
3Hand 7H.
Table 3 QTLs for FHB resistance,DON level,plant height,heading date,and maturity by composite interval mapping(CIM)
Trait Year Chromosome Marker interval Position/cM LOD value Additive effect Variance/%
FHB 2005 7H XBmag120-XBmag120 66 5.7 -10.4 24.3
2006 7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 0 3.7 -1.0 13.6
2007 3H XbPb-6289-XbPb-2406 77 5.3 -4.1 13.0
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 1 6.5 -4.7 16.9
7H XbPb-6821-XbPb-6821 15 6.3 -5.8 24.6
7H XbPb-8568-XbPb-7603 32 5.3 -4.7 12.9
2008 3H XHVLTPPB-XbPb-0312 32 2.5 -4.0 10.3
DON 2006 3H XbPb-0049-XEBmac541 128 3.2 -2.8 10.9
2007 7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 0 4.6 -33.7 14.2
7H XbPb-5074-XbPb-6821 10 4.5 -36.8 15.9
Plant 2006 3H XbPb-0836-XbPb-0836 50 3.0 1.7 3.9
height 3H XBmag841-XbPb-9110 108 10.5 3.5 17.3
6H XbPb-9796-XbPb-1228 91 4.8 2.2 7.1
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 2 9.9 3.0 14.1
7H XbPb-6821-XbPb-6821 16 8.8 4.0 22.9
7H XbPb-1447-XbPb-7603 32 9.8 3.1 13.8
2007 3H XBmag841-XbPb-9110 110 4.8 3.6 14.4
6H XBmac40-XBmac40 131 3.1 2.7 8.0
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 0 3.8 2.8 9.0
7H XbPb-6821-XbPb-6821 20 5.2 4.1 17.5
7H XbPb-8074-XbPb-8074 41 4.2 3.4 11.3
2008 3H XbPb-0836-XbPb-0836 48 4.0 3.5 6.5
3H XBmag841-XbPb-9110 110 7.2 5.2 14.4
4H XbPb-5408-XbPb-1999 38 2.7 -2.6 4.3
5Ha XbPb-1159-XbPb-0909 16 4.9 -3.8 8.4
5Hb XbPb-8553-XbPb-8553 23 3.2 3.0 5.5
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 2 3.0 2.9 4.7
7H XbPb-6821-XbPb-6821 19 5.5 4.9 13.3
7H XbPb-7603-XbPb-8074 34 4.1 3.5 7.3
Heading 2006 1H XbPb-3756-XbPb-3756 1 3.1 -0.7 5.7
date 5Hb XbPb-7170-XbPb-1241 4 5.1 -0.9 10.7
5Hb XbPb-8553-XbPb-8553 20 4.9 -0.9 10.0
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 4 15.4 1.7 38.8
2007 - - - - - -
2008 3H XbPb-0836-XbPb-6289 66 3.2 0.8 5.8
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 5 23.9 2.7 61.6
Maturity 2006 5Hb XbPb-7170-XbPb-1241 3 3.7 -0.7 6.6
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 3 16.5 1.7 40.9
2007 2Hb XbPb-4092-XbPb-8255 54 3.7 0.9 6.1
4H XbPb-6872-XbPb-9998 16 3.9 -0.8 6.2
5Hb XbPb-7170-XbPb-1241 3 3.0 -0.8 4.7
6H XBmag807-XBmag807 57 11.9 -1.6 24.0
6H XbPb-5270-XbPb-5270 67 8.9 -1.5 18.0
7H XEBmac603-XbPb-5074 6 12.2 1.8 26.9
2008 1H XbPb-1419-XbPb-8477 59 3.6 0.5 11.5
1H XBmac154-XbPb-1723 86 3.5 -0.5 12.7
“-”indicated that no QTL was identified in this environment
·033· 麦 类 作 物 学 报 第35卷
2.3.5 Maturity
Through CIM analysis,10 QTLs were
mapped for maturity on six chromosomes(ex-
cept for 3H)in 3years,accounting for 4.7%to
40.9%of the phenotypic variance for this trait.
Two QTLs was found in two years(2006and
2007);one in the marker interval of XEBmac603
and XbPb-5074 on chromosome 7H,another in
the interval of XbPb-7170 and XbPb-1241 on
chromosome 5Hb.
3 Discussion
3.1 Phenotype distribution
In this study,our aim was to map QTLs as-
sociated with relatively low FHB severity and
DON content in cv.Chevron,a six-rowed acces-
sion resistant to FHB.QTLs for other morpho-
logical traits(plant height,heading date,and ma-
turity)were also mapped to assess their effect
on the level of FHB resistance observed.
According to our observation,FHB severity
and DON concentration showed high levels of
CV (coefficient of variability),while the three
agronomical traits(plant height,heading date,
and maturity)showed lower variability.This
may be due to the properties of FHB develop-
ment and the complexity of resistance to FHB in
barley.These problems could be solved through
accurate measurement of resistance to FHB se-
verity and DON accumulation[1].
3.2 Genetic mapping
Wenzl et al.[9]reported that DArT could
detect DNA variation at several hundred genomic
loci in a short time.The potential of DArT
markers for rapid construction of a barley link-
age map were estimated for our DHs lines.A to-
tal of 1,920DArT makers were used for scan-
ning in this study.Finaly,a linkage map was
constructed with 444DArTs loci and 26SSRs
loci.Nine linkage groups were identified,and
two groups for chromosomes 2Hand 5H,respec-
tively.Chromosomes 2Hand 5Hshowed 25cM
and 31cM gaps.No marker was found in either
gap.Some gaps have also been observed in other
linkage maps[6,13-15].For example,two≈40cM
gaps on chromosomes 2Hand 4Hwere reported
in a map of a three-way cross(Zhedar/DN9712/
Foster)[6].Gaps larger than 30cM were detec-
ted on chromosome 3H,4H,5H,and 7Hin a
map of Rolfi × CIho9819[14].Some of these
gaps may occur because the parents originated
from common ancestors.However,our result
demonstrated that DArT markers were an effec-
tive technique for rapid barley genetic mapping.
3.3 QTL identification
Chevron,an old cultivar from Switzerland,is
a six-rowed malting and a popular parent in bar-
ley breeding.To date,it has been the best
source of FHB resistance and low DON level i-
dentified from six-row barleys.Several genetic
mapping studies have reported on Chevron-de-
rived FHB severity.In our population,seven and
three QTLs were identified for FHB severity and
DON accumulation in several years.Two FHB
QTLs were located on chromosome 3Hand three
FHB QTLs on chromosome 7Hfrom 2005to
2008.Three QTLs for DON accumulation were
detected on chromosomes 3Hand 7H (2006or
2007).For plant height,heading date,and matu-
rity,19,6,and 10QTLs,were detected over al
seven barley chromosomes from 2006to 2008,
respectively.Most were presented in only a sin-
gle environment.However,four QTLs for plant
height on chromosomes 3Hand 7Hwere detec-
ted in 2or 3years.Among six QTLs for heading
date,only one was presented in different envi-
ronments,while two QTLs (on chromosomes
5Hb and 7H)were presented simultaneously in
2006and 2007for maturity.
In several studies,more QTLs for FHB re-
sistance derived from Chevron were identified on
other chromosomes,besides chromosomes 3H
and 7H.Using RFLP mapping of a population of
RILs derived from a cross between Chevron and
another six-rowed barley cultivar,M69,de la Pe-
na et al.[5]identified that 10,11,and 4QTLs
were associated with FHB severity,kernel dis-
ZHANG Liyi,et al:QTL Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
in Six-row Barley Using DArT and SSR Markers
coloration score,and low DON content,respec-
tively.These QTLs were distributed over al
seven barley chromosomes.Ma et al.[13]used a
population derived from the Chevron/Stander
cross and reported nine QTLs for both FHB re-
sistance and DON accumulation,of which eight
were shared between the two traits.These
QTLs for FHB were located on chromosomes
2H,3H,5H,6H,and 7H.A QTL on chromo-
some 2Hwas consistently detected in five envi-
ronments and explained 11.8%to 20.7%of the
phenotypic variation for FHB resistance.QTLs
for FHB resistance on chromosomes 3HS,5HL,
and 7HS,contributed by Chevron,were observed
in two or three environments.In two validation
population in which FHB resistance originated
from Chevron,a QTL for kernel discoloration
(KD)on 6Hwas confirmed in eight of nine envi-
ronments and was also associated with FHB in
three of six environments,a QTL for FHB on
2Hwas confirmed and was also associated with
KD and heading date[16].So QTLs for FHB re-
sistance identified in our study need to validate
in different populations before they wil be ap-
plied in marker-assisted selection(MAS)in the
3.4 Associations between FHB resistance and
morphological traits
To investigate associations between resist-
ance and agricultural traits,the correlation coef-
ficient was calculated for each of the 4years.
Generaly,plant height,heading date and maturi-
ty showed significant and negative correlations
with FHB severity and resistance to DON accu-
mulation at the 0.05and 0.01significance lev-
els,indicating that taler plant,later heading
date,and later maturity are associated with lower
FHB severity and DON accumulation in DH
lines.Similar results have been reported by oth-
er investigators[5-6].These correlations among
resistance and plant height,heading date,and
maturity are consistent with the possibility that
the genes controling these traits were linked or
had pleiotropic effects.
In our study,several QTLs also presented
pleiotropic effect on the five traits.An impor-
tant QTL on chromosome 7H was identified
with significant associations to al five traits u-
sing CIM methods;the XEBmac603 and XbPb-
5074 markers flanked this QTL.Chevron con-
tributed the aleles for FHB resistance,DON ac-
cumulation,plant height,heading date,and ma-
turity.Two other QTLs on chromosome 7H
were present for FHB and plant height.The
FHB QTL on chromosome 3Hoverlapped with
that for plant height.These results are similar
to previous reports of negative correlations a-
mong these traits[5,13,17].In the population of the
cross Chevron× Stander,eight QTLs for FHB
were shared with QTLs for DON,and seven
QTLs for FHB and six QTLs for DON coincided
with QTLs for heading data and/or plant
height[13].As reported by de la Pena[5],the in-
terval between XMWG836 and XABG476 was
associated with al five traits,including FHB re-
sistance,DON accumulation,and plant height.
The QTL for plant height,glume length,and
number of spikelets was localized near a QTL for
FHB resistance on the short arm of chromosome
5H[7],but no association was observed between
resistance QTLs for FHB and DON level in the
same study.The negative correlation between
FHB severity and plant height in the trials could
be explained not only by gene linkage but also by
pleiotropic effects.The overlap between QTLs
for FHB resistance and those for plant height in-
dicated that genes for FHB were likely to be in
close linkage with those for plant height.Taler
plants usualy presented greater resistance to
FHB because they are further from the Fusarium
inoculums,originating from the soil surface,and
more ventilated and drier,whereas short plants
often stay wet longer because they are closer to
the soil surface[18].However,the fact that the
two major QTLs for FHB resistance overlapped
with those for plant height (taler and later
heading aleles contributed by Chevron),resul-
ting in a negative correlation between FHB re-
·233· 麦 类 作 物 学 报 第35卷
sistance and plant height,represents a problem
for MAS breeding.Thus,QTLs linked to neither
plant height nor heading date would seem to be
promising candidates in barley breeding pro-
grams using MAS methods.
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