全 文 : 天然产物研究与开发
Received 7 November 2003;Accepted 19 December 2003
*Corresponding author E-mail:w hm801@yahoo.com.cn
WEI Xi-ying1* ,L Ju-xian2 , LI Ying-li2 ,HE Lang-chong2
(1.The College of life science of Shaan xi Normal University , Xi an 710062 , China;
2.The College of pharmacy of Xi an J iaotong University , Xi an 710061 , China)
Abstract By means of the brine shrimp lethality bioassay the authors study the w atering abstracts activity of the
A .truncatum Bunge.and the other plants of the same genus.The results indicate tha t the tender bark and seed skin
of A.truncatum Bunge have the bioactivity.The leaves and seeds of A.derv idii Fr , the seed skin of A.robustum
pax.have the same activity.The test offers some scientific basis for the further researches of anticancer experiments
and animal model test outside the body of cell.
Key words Acer truncatum Bunge.;Brine Shrimp;Activity screening
采用 BSLB(Brine Shrimp Letality Bioassay)法
对元宝枫(Acer truncatum Bunge.)及同属植物活性部位的筛选
魏希颖1* 吕居娴2 李映丽2 贺浪冲2
(1.陕西师范大学生命科学学院 西安 710062;2.西安交通大学药学院 西安 710061)
摘 要 本文通过 BSLB法对元宝枫及同属植物不同部位的水提物进行了活性试验 ,得知:元宝枫的幼技 、种
皮的水提物具一定的生物致死活性;同属植物青榨槭叶和种子 , 秦岭槭 、杈叶槭果翅的水提物也具一定的生物
关键词 元宝枫;Brine shrimp letality bioassay 法;活性部位
Acer truncatum Bunge.belongs to the Acer plant.Ac-
cording to folk to record the cover can use as medicine and
have dispel rheumatism.Its tender leaf can take as tea or
vegetables.The fruit can clear away heat and favorable
[ 1] .The tannin of Acer truncatum Bunge.has obvi-
ous function of peaceful , lull ,easing pain , resist and congeal
the blood and stopping dow n[ 2] .The seed oil is the fine
edible oil and indust rial oil
[ 3 , 4] .The same gene plants of
Acer are A.dervidii Fr , A.maximowizcii Pax , A.te-
tramerum Pax , A.robustum Pax , A.cappadocium Re-
hd , A.henryi Pax , A .buergeriana pax and A.qinling
Pax ,which distributed extensively in Shaanxi[ 5] .For de-
veloping and utilize Shaanxi Acer resource ,we carry on the
active experiment on watering abstracts of all parts of
them .The result is as follows.
Artificial sea salt , the Brine shrimp ovum(Artemia Salina
lysts), hatch box(have two rooms.The one is darkroom)
DOI :10.16333/j.1001-6880.2004.04.012
Offered by College of pharmacy of American Purdue Uni-
Micro-syringe , test tube , do wet thermometer , two methyl
inferior sulphone(DMSO)Xi an chemical factory prod-
Acer truncatum Bunge.adopted at Xi an Jiaotong Uni-
versity campus , on 2001;The same gene plants of Acer ,
A.dervidii Fr , A.maximowizcii Pax A.tetramerum
Pax , A.robustum Pax , A.cappadocium Rehd , A.
buergeriana Pax ,which adopted at HuoDiT ang in Ning-
shan county in September 2001;A.henryi Pax adopted at
CaiZiPing in Ningshan county in September 2001 , A.
qinling Pax adopted at NanWuTai in Chang an County
in August 2001.
Methods[ 6-8]
Preparation of the sample The test solution of Acer
truncatum Bunge.take powder every 200 g of ten-
der leaves , fallen leaves , ripe leaves , tender breach , ripe
breach , flow er and bud , coat of root , fruit wing , coat
of seed in September , October , December separately ,
w ith w ater abstract 3 t imes(30 min-1h each time),
filtrate.The filtering lost all moisture.Dry to grind
powder put in desiccato rs , reserve.The same gene
plants are made like f ront means.
The Brine shrimp hatch Fetch ovum of shrimp of
Brine ,put in artificial sea w ater(mix 3.8% solution
by artificial sea salt and distilled w ater)in hatch box
in right room(room temperature 30 ~ 32 ℃, 48%
humidity).Ova w ere put in overlay dark one party.
Adding light shine another party of box evening , at-
tracting larva.A few lavas will hatch out prompt ly 24
hours later and go to ano ther side one.After 48 h ,
most ova hatching for larva already , sucking them
from hatch bright part of box and carry on biological
activation analysis at this moment.
Survey of the biological activation
Dif ferentiate precise pow der 100 mg each , join 1 mL
DMSO make i t dissolve , gets liquid A.Every sample
determine acco rding to three density(1000 μg/mL ,
100 μg/mL , 10 μg/mL).Do three parallels and three
blank contrasts under every density.Mark the test
tubes , each join 10 Shrimps according to different
sample and density .Then fetch 50 μg of A liquid , 5
μg , 0.5 μg separately , joining in one s ow n corre-
sponding test tubes separately ,hold to 5 mL .After 24
h , observe and w rite dow n the surviving and counting
of Shrimp.
Results of the test Determine
According to living beings i tem Shrimps of income
and surviving ones , calculate every densi ty death rate
of Shrimp.Through Finney computer network analy-
sis datum , confirmed ED50 , results as table1 and
table2 finally .
Table 1 Biological activity of parts of Acer truncatum
Bunge.with watering abstracts determine
Death rate of 24 h(%)
1000μg 100μg 10μg ED 50
95% of the
conf ident ial
Tender leaves 63.6 23.3 10 475.89 209~ 1938
Ripe leaves 20.0 3.2 0 >1000
Fall leaves 26.7 16.7 3.3 730.25 350~ 2690
Tender breach 90 50 16.7 83.57 42~ 160
Ripe breach 50 10 6.7 >1000
Coat of root 40 20 6.7 >1000
Flow er and bud 63.3 20 10 518.24 219~ 2160
Fruit w ing 43.3 23.3 10 >1000
Coat of seed(1) 86.7 30 10 183.64 103~ 337
Coat of seed(2) 100 90 13.3 46.99 27~ 78
Coat of seed(3) 83.3 30 3.3 218.21 125~ 897
Cont rast 0 0 0 >1000
Note:(1),(2),(3)gather at October 16 , 2001 , November 17 , Decem-
ber 5 , separately
Through determining biological activation of Acer trca-
tum Bunge , the watering abstracts of the tender breach
and the coat of seed in September 17 ED50<100μg/mL.
The watering abstracts of the coat of seed in October and
December ED50 <300 μg/mL.The tender leaves , fall
leaves and buds ED50 <1000 μg/mL.All the other parts
ED50 >1000 μg/mL.It is according to American anti-
cancer center standard ,All ED50<400 μg/mL have bio-
logical activation.So we think the watering abstracts of
the tender breach and the coat of seed of Acer trcatum
Bunge.have biological activation.
Through determining biological activation of the same
genus plants different parts indicate that the leaves and
seed of A.dervidii Fr.have biological activation.The
f ruit wings of A.qinling Pax.and A.robustum Pax have
certain biological activation.
The test offers some scientific basis for the further re-
searches of anticancer experiments and animal model test
outside the body of cell of Acer truncatum Bunge and its
same genus plants.
318 天然产物研究与开发 2004 Vol.16 No.4
Table 2 Biological activation the same genus plants of Acer determine
Kinds Parts
Death rate of 24 hours(%)
1000μg 100μg 10μg ED50
95% of the
confident ial intervals
A.dervid ii Fr.
A.tetramerum Pax.
A.maximowiz cii Pax.
A.robustum Pax.
A.cappadocium Rehd.
A.henryi Pax.
A.qinl ing Pax.
Leaf 70.0 3.6 10 125.14 56~ 301
Breach 13.3 3.3 3.3 >1000
Fruit w ing 13.3 10 6.7 >1000
Seed 56.7 53.3 13.3 268.86 94~ 1717
Leaf 10.0 10 0 >1000
Breach 57.7 16.7 6.7 483.06 241~ 1394
Fruit w ing 23.3 10 10 >1000
Leaf 36.7 10 10 >1000
Breach 3.3 0 0 >1000
Fruit w ing 10 0 0 >1000
Leaf 83.3 3.3 0 420.05 272~ 550
Breach 43.3 10 0 >1000 272~ 650
Fruit w ing 73.3 16.7 13.3 351.37 168~ 1041
Leaf 46.7 6.7 3.3 >1000
Breach 43.3 23.3 3.3 >1000
Fruit w ing 50.0 6.7 0 >1000
Leaf 16.7 6.7 0 >1000
Breach 43.3 23.3 3.3 >1000
Fruit w ing 30.0 6.7 3.3 >1000
Leaf 36.7 10.0 3.3 >1000
Breach 70.0 16.7 3.3 433.74 237~ 966
Fruit w ing 76.7 20.0 16.7 301.51 167~ 670
Cont rast >1000
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3192004 V ol.16 No.4 魏希颖等:采用 BSLB(Brine Shrimp Letali ty Bioassay)法对元宝枫(Acer truncat um Bunge.)及同属植物活性部位的筛选