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设备上纺纱 ,然后织成各种织物 。采用接枝改性亚
麻纤维纺纱织造的特点是 ,由于将力学性能极好的
子链上 ,从而改变了亚麻纤维高分子化合物结构 ,使
了亚麻纤维织物的良好的吸放湿性及服用舒适性 ,
又改善了纯亚麻织物的易皱 、成品定型性差等缺点 ,
织物易洗 、易干 、长期洗涤不变形 ,还具有手感柔软 、
穿着凉爽舒适等优点 。
2.3 亚麻纤维的化学成分与接枝效果的关系
2.3.1 木质素与纤维接枝效果的关系 亚麻纤维
中的木质素含量在 3.7%~ 10%之间 ,木质素对亚
麻纤维接枝有十分不利的影响 。通过对未经煮练脱
胶的亚麻粗纱进行接枝试验中发现纤维偏短 、脆硬 、
分裂度很低 、粗糙根本无法纺纱 。因此在亚麻纤维
接枝前应尽量清除木质素成分 。
2.3.2 果胶与接枝效果的关系 果胶是多糖类碳
水化合物 ,在亚麻纤维中的含量约占3.7%~ 5.3%。
果胶对亚麻纤维接枝没有影响 ,但对成纱的强度有
的束纤维的胶质 ,在接枝及后处理等工艺中对果胶
有软化作用从而降低了束纤维的强度 。
2.3.3 纤维素与接枝效果的关系 纤维素是亚麻
纤维的基本组成 , 约占纤维化学成分的 70%~
80%。前面所述 ,经试验证明 ,接枝后亚麻单纤维强
度仍能保持在 92%以上 ,说明接枝共聚反应液及后
2.3.4 其它杂质  其它杂质是指亚麻纤维中的半
纤维素 、灰分 、脂肪蜡质等物质。由于这些杂质在粗
纱接枝前的煮练工艺中基本上被清除 ,故对纤维的
3 结 语
经接枝共聚得到的接枝亚麻 ,其物理性能得到
很大的改善。织物有良好的吸湿性和服用性 ,弹性
高 ,柔韧性增加 ,本研究所设计的接枝共聚工业性试
验工艺是合理的 ,可作为工业化生产工艺设计的重
要依据 。
参 考 文 献
1  严 伟等.接枝亚麻纤维的工业性试验(一).纺织学报 , 2003
(1):43~ 45.
2  徐宏伟等.接枝亚麻纤维的工业性试验(二).纺织学报 , 2003
(2):38~ 39.
第 25 卷第 3期
2004 年 6月
纺 织 学 报
Journal of Textile Research
Vol.25 , No.3
Jun., 2004
(上海工程技术大学 ,上海 , 200051) 王振永 徐卫林(武汉科技学院)
摘 要:探讨棕叶纤维脱胶方法和工艺以及其物理性能 ,分析了化学成分。结果表明 ,棕叶纤维具有良好的物理机械性能 ,具有进
关键词:棕叶纤维 脱胶 物理性能 化学组成
中图分类号:TS102.22.2   文献标识码:A   文章编号:0253-9721(2004)03-0074-02
1 棕叶纤维的分离及脱胶
对于棕叶纤维的理化性能研究 ,国内外尚未见
相关报道。棕叶纤维的初步制取 ,采用直接脱胶不
能将纤维与棕叶分开 ,采用罗拉挤压法才能将纤维
分离出来。经过罗拉挤压后 ,棕叶表面的一些叶绿
素 、油脂 、脂蜡质 、灰分等物质被挤压掉 ,使棕叶纤维
相互间的粘合力在一定程度上减少或消失 ,从而初
步分离成纤维状。然后用碱液对纤维进行处理 ,使
成束纤维状 ,表面附有许多残渣。考虑到碱液浓度 、
温度和处理时间对结果有很大影响 ,选择了不同的
浓度 、温度和处理时间共 8个方案进行实验 ,工艺参
数见表 1。由于纤维粗制品手感比较粗糙 ,实验中
     表 1 碱处理工艺参数
方案 碱液浓度(g L)
(min) 浴比 其它处理
1# 100 60 100 15
2# 100 30 100 15
3# 160 60 100 15
4# 160 30 100 15
4#、7 #
处理5# 100 30 100 20
6# 80 30 100 15
7# 50 30 100 20
8# 20 30 100
DOI :10.13475/j.fzxb.2004.03.030
还对 2个脱胶后的试样用季铵碱进行了浸泡。碱处
2 测试与分析
2.1 测 试
取脱胶后的纤维数根进行切片 ,通过显微镜观
察发现棕叶纤维的横截面近似呈圆形 ,中心有较小
孔腔 ,呈束纤维状。
度。用 Instron 5566单纱强力仪测试断裂伸长 、断裂
强力和初始模量 。参照了苎麻的国家标准“苎麻化
化学分析。实验测得纤维素 、半纤维素 、木质素 、果
胶 、水溶物及脂蜡质含量 。
2.2 数据处理与分析
行分析 ,采用的是秩和检验法 ,对离散型变量求得
对棕叶纤维的长度 、线密度 、断裂强度 、断裂伸
长 、初始模量进行分析得出:方案 3#与 8#效果较
好 ,在 2 个方案中再进行比较 ,方案 8#为最佳方
案 ,即碱液浓度为 20 g L ,碱煮时间 30 min ,浴比 1∶
3 结果与讨论
棕叶纤维的长度 、线密度 、断裂强度 、断裂伸长
一换算(经计算棕叶纤维的密度为 1.55 g cm3)并比
较 ,其数据见表 2。
表 2 棕叶纤维 、剑麻纤维和菠萝叶纤维的各项物理指标对比
品种 长度(mm)
(N tex)
(kg mm2)
剑麻纤维[1] 100~ 300 16.8 0.572~ 0.73 3.02~ 3.04 45.64~ 55.98
菠萝叶纤维[2] 100~ 900 3.0~ 4.3 0.23~ 0.36 3.4 9.99
棕叶纤维 120~ 210 1.29~ 2.88 0.583~ 0.806 12.5~ 18.75 8.9~ 14.52
  由表 2可见 ,棕叶纤维的长度较长 ,细度远小于
剑麻纤维和菠萝叶纤维;强度明显大于菠萝叶纤维 ,
稍大于剑麻纤维;断裂伸长率较大 ,约是剑麻纤维和
菠萝叶纤维的 4 ~ 6倍;初始模量与菠萝叶纤维接
近。与其它 2种纤维比较起来 ,棕叶纤维是一种更
优良的纺织纤维 。
棕叶纤维的线密度及长度离散性很大 ,主要原
因可能是棕叶纤维在经过脱胶后分离为束纤维 ,而
每束纤维所包含的单纤根数有很大的差异 ,且在同
一束纤维的不同段上由于分离不能彻底 ,所包含单
纤根数不尽相同 ,所以纤维的细度及长度差异较大 。
剑麻纤维是已开发利用多年的叶纤维 ,剑麻纤
维和棕叶纤维的化学成分比较见表 3。
表 3 棕叶纤维和剑麻纤维的化学成分比较 %
纤维素 半纤维素 木质素 果胶 水溶物 脂蜡质
剑麻 44.86 14.38 32.16 3.02 5.38 0.21
棕叶 36.85 20.2 15.15 3.20 10.20 14.40
  从表 3发现 ,棕叶纤维中 ,脂蜡质的含量远远大
于剑麻纤维 。原因有两方面:一方面棕叶纤维本身
后 ,虽然经手揉搓 ,但不能完全去除其表面的杂质 ,
所以在经过苯乙醇沸煮后就都计算在脂蜡质中 ,使
4 结 论
压初加工 。脱胶工艺流程为:理顺棕叶※罗拉挤压
2.棕叶纤维长度较长 ,细度远远较剑麻细 ,强
度比菠萝叶纤维及剑麻纤维稍大 ,断裂伸长率较大
约是剑麻纤维的 3 ~ 4倍。从物理性能上分析 ,作为
纺织纤维 ,棕叶纤维优于菠萝叶纤维及剑麻纤维 。
3.脱胶后的纤维如不给油或进行柔软处理 ,手
感较硬 ,颜色呈浅棕色 。用柔软剂浸泡以后 ,纤维柔
软 ,有卷曲 ,伸长率增加 。
4.棕叶的纤维素含量为 36.85%,比剑麻稍低 ,
5.棕叶来源广 ,纤维性能较好 ,值得进一步研
究开发 。
参 考 文 献
1  姜繁昌等.剑麻可纺性研究.麻纺织技术 , 1997(2):3~ 8.
2  郁崇文.凤梨麻纤维的的开发利用.麻纺织技术 , 1997(3):13 ~
3  姜繁昌等.剑麻纤维可纺性研究.麻纺织技术 , 1997(1):2~ 7.
752004年 第3期 纺织学报 【 】
parameters , analyze and discuss the dynamic curve and parameters of the motion of rising f rame and lifting knife and heald. Zheng Zhiyu(40)………………
Measure and Research on Braided Angle of Composites Preform
An algorithm of three-dimensional braided composite material preform image processing based on mathematics morphology is presented.This image of edge is
fit to the parameter testing of three-dimensional braided composites material preform.The research is vital important to analyze mechanical property of three-
dimensional braided composites material. Wan Zhenkai et al(42…………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Limit Method Analyze the Textile Structural Composites Elastic Modulus
Analyze the elastic constants of textile structural composites by mosaic model and undulation model of woven fabric composi tes.The limit of stiffness constants
and compliance constants of plain weave are obtained. Wang Chunmin(44………………………………………………………………………………… )
The Reliabil ity and Effectiveness of FBGS in Textile Composite
Concerned with the Feasibility and Effective of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor(FBGS)embedded in the textile composites.The result indicates that has a little
effect on the initial st rain field of the host under current investigation , the measurement by FBGS canbe regarded as the internal strain and temperature of the host.
Yang Bin et al(48………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
The Study of Lamination Technology for Film and Fabric
The adhesion between film and fabric with diff erent materials and different structure was investigated.The effect of different coating process on adhesion and
wettability were introduced.The result showed that the different fabrics possessed difference adhesion and the adhesion increased with the increasing of surface
wettability.The moisture premeability and adhesion of complex were affected more by the variety of coating process. Luo Xin et al(50……………………… )
Study the Cellulase Finishing Process for Cotton Fabric by Orthogonal Analyses Method
Analyze the experimental data by Orthoganal analyses method of factors influence the effect of cotton knitting fabric with biofinishing , get a optimized
parameters , to optimize the cellulase finishing process and improve the softness , air permeabi lity , hygroscopicity.Better results are obtained for thicker fabrics.…
  Huang Chen et al(52…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Noise Reduction of Computerized Embroidery Machine Vibration Based on Wavelet
During computerized embroidery machine tests , wavelet theory is applied and matlab program ismade in order to get vibration response of beam without noise
and good results are given. Zhao Fu et al(55……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Research on Relation Between Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Woven Fabric and Sewing Quality
Four indexes are introduced to appraise the sewing quality of polyurethane woven fabric.Their relationship between polyurethane woven fabric mechanical
properties and sewing quality is studied systematically by means of multivariate stati stic analysis , and the major influential factors of sewing quality through
polyurethane woven fabric are interpreted. Fang Liying et al(57…………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Study on Digitalization of Chest Silhouette and in Practice
By carrying on draping the different female body in various relax quantity of body chest.Analyze the regularity of variation in chest si lhouette digitalization and
groped it for practical application. Liu Guanbin(59………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Compare the Woman s Pants Pattern between Old Middle-aged and Youth
Compare the difference in figure , parameter and drawing method of the fitted woman s pants pattern of old, middle-aged and youth.Discuss close
relationships between bodily form and pants pattern. Wu Qiaoying et al(61………………………………………………………………………………… )
The Extend Strategic Model for Fashion Process Location Selection
Base on the strategic model for fashion process locat ion selection , extend it , at aims of minimize cost and the delivery as well.Fashion companies can use the
model f lexibly under variety situat ion and make the practical opt imum strategy to fulfill both the punctual delivery and the reasonable cast.
Hu Jueliang et al(64)
Systematic Study on Reducing Reworks in Fashion Manufactory
Put forward that to reduce reworks is a systems engineering , which need emphasize on strengthen the systems and process, insist on orient to customer ,
encourage stuff participate and teamwork , decisions based on reliable information , improve communication and coordination , demonstrate leadership commitment
and make a continuing education plan about quality , etc. YanYuxiu et al(66……………………………………………………………………………… )
Study on the Color Perception of the Garment
The principle of the color perception and the methods of color perception measurement are investigated.The visual evoked potentials created by color were
obtained.The results show that different colors result in the different level of evoked potentials.Although there are individual differences , the trends of the color
evoked potentials are similar. Chen Yan et al(68…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Technique of Manufacture
The Research on High Speed Spinning Finish Oil TPA-98 for Nylon
Based on requirements of nylon high-speed spinning process , the spinning f inish oil TPA-98 take serial poly-ether have good lubricate and thermal properties
as main component and optimized by adjusting it s wetting , antistatic and thermal resist properties.It is proved the product have excellent spinnabi lity and higher
dyeing uptake. Xu Jinyun et al(70………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Industrial Test of Graft Flax Fiber(Ⅲ)
Ethyl acrylate grafted and co-polymeri zed flax , its physical characteristics gets a great improvement:higher elasticity;better softness.Fabrics have a nice
hygroscopicity and wearing characteristi cs. Kang Fusheng et al(72………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Primarily Investment into Developing the Palm Leaf Fiber
The de-gumming method and process of palm leaf and it s physical properties are probed.It s chemical composition analyzed.Show that:The palm leaf fiber
has good mechanical and physical properties and has a great value for further developing and studying. Liu Xiaoxia et al(74……………………………… )
Performance Analysis about Bamboo Pulp Fiber
The elongation performance and swelling property of bamboo pulp fiber are tested and analyzed.Point out:That the physical properties of bamboo pulp fiber
are similar to viscose , high hygroscopicity , weak tensi le strength in wet and higher percentage of elongation.It s applications and productions are forecasted.
Li Ruizhou et al(76…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Using the Technique of Picture Treatment to Appraise the Fuzzing Characters of Fabrics of Soybean Protein Fiber
A method provided by using the technique of picture treatment realized the software programming and image col lecting.It i s used to appraise the fuzzing
characters of fabrics of soybean protein fiber objectively. He Jun et al(78…………………………………………………………………………………… )
A Trail Discussion on the Characteristic Style of Wool Fabric
Discuss the contents, the characteristics of style evaluation of wool fabrics and the relative factors they affect the style. Wu Qingping et al(80………… )
The Design and Produce of the Loose Weave Double-layer Joining Fancy Suiting
The analyses and probe of the specific properties , ideas of design , production process and technical requirements of loose weave fancy suiting
Zhang Chunfang(82)
The Imperfection an Improvement of Knitting Elements Acting on Yarn
Base on analyze the imperfection of elements acting on yarn , raise two loop formation methods , One is rolling friction between yarns and knitting elements ,
the other iswithout slide between yarns and knitting elements.The experiments show the later can also knit in loop form wi th high strength , high modulus fiber and
yarn as well as large loop stitches. Zhou Luoqing(84……………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Study the Antistatic Property of Antistatic Knitted Fabric
Study the interval between conductive fiber to fiber and contents of conductive fiber in the antistatic knitted fabric in relations with the antistatic property of