全 文 :Comparison Experiment of Root Cutting to
Castanopsis tibetana Hance between Different
Provenances at Seedling Stage
Yong WANG1, Ning HUANG2, Xiongsheng LIU1, Yutong JIANG2, Yi JIANG1*
1. Guangxi Forestry Research Institute/Key Laboratory of Central South Fast-growing Timber Cultivation of Forestry Ministry of
China/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Superior Timber Trees Resources Cultivation, Nanning 530002, China;
2. Forestry Technique Extension General Station of Guangxi Province, Nanning 530022;
3. South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642
Supported by Special Fund of Forestry Scientific Research in Public Interest in China
*Corresponding author. E-mail: jy68@163.com
Received: March 4, 2016 Accepted: July 06, 2016A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(8): 1956-1962
Copyright訫 2016, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Forestry
C astanopsis tibetana Hance is akind of megaphanerophyte inCastanopsis of Fagaceae, al-
so known as Dagouzhui, Yezhuili,
Goukao, Houbanli and Kaozhu. It an
important tree species for subtropical
evergreen broad-leaved forests in
China, with a tree height up to 30 m
and a diameter at breast height up to
1.5 m [1]. C. tibetana is distributed spo-
radically in mountain broadleaved
forests in Zhejiang, Southern Anhui,
Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan,
Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, South-
western Hubei and Southeastern Yu-
nan with an attitude of 200-1 600 m[2].
C. tibetana is a good tree species
for timber and landscaping with higher
economic value, but due to human-
caused cutting and its difficulties in nat-
ural regeneration, its natural resource is
decreasing gradually. In recent years,
many scholars has realized the prob-
lem of gradual scarcity of C. tibetana
resource, and conducted studies on it
in succession, mainly focused on
seedling raising techniques [2 -3], com-
munity structure characteristics [ 4 -5 ] ,
population life pro cess [6], biological
characteristics of seeds [ 7 ] , seedling
growth regularity [8] and so on. In this
study, with seedlings of C. tibetana
from 5 provenances as experimental
materials, the growth laws of C. ti-
betana seedlings subjected to root
cutting was revealed by the treatments
combining root cutting preserving dif-
ferent root lengths and different con-
tents of rooting agent to select an opti-
mal combination of root length and
content of root agent, providing tech-
nical support and reference for high-
efficient seedling raising of C. tibetana
and improvement of forestation effect
with C. tibetana.
Materials and Methods
Situation of experimental field
The experimental field is located
in the nursery of Guangxi Forestry Re-
Abstract Castanopsis tibetana of five different provenances (Jinxiu, Longsheng,
Ziyuan, Hezhou and Leye) were selected as experimental materials to investigate
the effects of treatments combining different root lengths and contents of rooting a-
gent on the growth of C. tibetana after transplanting of seedlings. The results
showed that, there were significant differences in the preserving rate of C. tibetana
seedlings between different provenances and different treatments. Among the 5
treatments, the seedlings of Hezhou provenance showed the maximum annual in-
crement of ground diameter, and the seedlings of Ziyuan provenance exhibited the
maximum annual increment of seedling height. Therefore, the germplasm from
Hezhou provenance might be better than those from other provenances.
Key words Castanopsis tibetana; Different provenances; Increment; Root cutting
王勇 1,黄宁 2,刘雄盛 1,蒋雨桐 3,蒋燚 1* (1.
培育重点实验室,广西南宁 530002;2.广西林
业技术推广总站,广西南宁 530022;3.华南农
业大学,广东广州 510642;)
摘 要 以金秀、龙胜、资源、贺州、乐业 5 个
合的处理方式对钩栗育苗生长的影响。 结果表
明显,5 种处理方式中,贺州种源的地径年生长
量均比其他 4 个种源的地径年生长量大,资源
种源的苗高年生长量均比其他 4 个种源苗高
年生长量大。 因此,贺州钩栗种源种质可能优
于其他 4 个种源。
关键词 钩栗;不同种源;生长量;切根处理
基金项目 国家林业行业公益科研专项资助
作者简介 王勇(1983-),男,辽宁凤城人,硕
mail: jy68@163.com。
收稿日期 2016-03-04
修回日期 2016-07-06
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
search Institute at the northern suburb
of Nanning City, at 22°56’ N and 108°
21’ E, with an altitude of 80-100 m, 7
km far away from Nanning urban area.
This area has a humid tropical mon-
soon climate of South Asia, with an
annual average temperature of 20-21
℃, an annual average relative humidi-
ty of 80%, and an annual precipitation
of 1 347 mm. The soil is lateritic red
loam developed from shale rock with a
pH value of 5-6[2].
Experimental materials
The tested C. tibetana materials
were from Jinxiu, Longsheng, Ziyuan,
Hezhou and Leye in Guangxi.
Experimental methods
The seeds collected in November,
2013 were soaked in a water tank for 1
h, impurities, empty grains and non-
plump seeds were removed, and 1 d
before sand storage, the seeds were
soaked with 0.2% potassium perman-
ganate solution for 0.5 h and dried in
the shade. The dried C. tibetana seeds
were uniformly spread on a sand bed
for pregermination. The seeds began
to germinate after about 20 d, and
moved out from seed coats after about
50 d, direct irradiation of sunlight and
damage caused by rats should be
avoided. The experiment on root-cut-
ting seedling raising of C. tibetana was
shown in Table 1.
Determination items
March-April is the recovery peri-
od of seedlings when seedlings regain
their vigor but grow slowly. Therefore,
this experiment was started from May
1, 2014 to November 27, 2014, during
which the ground diameter, seedling
height and preserving rate of each
treatment of each provenance were
determined once every 15 d.
Data analysis
The experimental data was sum-
marized and processed with Excel
2007 and SPSS 19.0.
Results and Analysis
Preserving rate of C. tibetana
seedlings subjected to root cutting
The preserving rate shown in
Table 2 was the average value of the
preserving rates of C. tibetana
seedlings determined on November
27, and it could be seen that there
were remarkable differences in the
preserving rate of C. tibetana
seedlings between different prove-
nances and different treatments. In
Table 2, treatment B of Leye prove-
nance showed the highest preserving
rate of 97.78% , and treatment A of
Ziyuan provenance exhibited the low-
est preserving rate of 45.56%. Among
all provenances and treatments, treat-
ment A of Jinxiu provenance, treat-
ments A, B and D of Ziyuan prove-
nance and treatments B and C of
Longsheng provenance all showed the
preserving rates lower than corre-
sponding CK groups, indicating that
treatment A was not beneficial to the
survival of seedlings of Jinxiu and
Ziyuan provenances, treatment B was
not beneficial to the survival of
seedlings of Ziyuan and Longsheng
provenances, and treatment C was not
beneficial to the survival of seedlings
of Longsheng provenance, which
might be related to the genetic factor
of C. tibetana itself.
Growth law of seedling height of C.
The annual growth curves and rel-
ative increment curves of seedling
height of C. tibetana in different treat-
ments of different provenances were
shown in Fig. 1. For the 5 treatments
of the 5 provenances, the change laws
of the annual growth curves and rela-
tive increment curves of seedling
height of C. tibetana were basically the
same. The growth curves of seedling
height all showed a gentle S-shaped
growth trend, and the relative incre-
ment curves were all of a single-peak
type. The growth process of seedling
height of C. tibetana subjected to root
cutting could be summarized as such
4 stages as the transplanting recovery
stage, the slow growth stage, the fast
growth stage and the asymptotically
stagnant stage, which were March -
April, May -June, July -October and
November -December, respectively.
This result substantially accorded with
the study of treating C. tibetana with
different substrates and rooting agents
conducted by Huang et al. [2]. Taking
Jinxiu provenance as an example, the
slow growth stages was from May 1 to
June 15, 46 d in total, accounting for
21.7% of the observation period; the
fast growth stage was from June 16 to
September 28, 107 day in total, ac-
counting for 50.5% of the observation
period; and the asymptotically stag-
nant stage was from September 29 to
November 27, 59 d in total, accounting
for 27.8% of the observation period.
For the relative increments of seedling
height of different treatments of each
provenance, treatment A showed an
extreme point during July 30 -August
14; treatment B exhibited an extreme
point during August 14 -August 29;
treatment C showed an extreme point
during July15 -July 30; treatment D
exhibited an extreme point during July
30-August 14; and the CK showed an
extreme point during July 15-July 30.
The four treatments of each of the 5
provenance showed seedling heights
remarkably larger than that of the CK,
indicating that the 4 treatments all had
a certain promoting effect on the
growth of seedling height of C. ti-
Different treatments of the same
Table 1 The design of experiment on root-cutting seedling raising of Castanopsis tibetana Hance
A Cutting to leave a root with a length of 1 cm before lifting of seedling, combined with dipping the root with 250 mg/L rooting agentCPD and red mud followed by transplanting
B Cutting to leave a root with a length of 2 cm before lifting of seedling, combined with dipping the root with 250 mg/L rooting agentCPD and red mud followed by transplanting
C Cutting to leave a root with a length of 2 cm before lifting of seedling, combined with dipping the root with 500 mg/L rooting agentCPD and red mud followed by transplanting
D Cutting to leave a root with a length of 3 cm before lifting of seedling, combined with dipping the root with 500 mg/L rooting agentCPD and red mud followed by transplanting
CK Dipping the root of a lifted seedling with red mud followed by transplanting
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Fig. 1 Growth curves and relative increment curves of seedling height of Castanopsis tibetana Hance seedlings of different provenances
subjected to root cutting
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Fig. 2 Growth curves and relative increment curves of ground diameter of Castanopsis tibetana Hance seedlings of different provenances
subjected to root cutting
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Table 2 Annual increment and accumulative increment (during May -December) of
seedling height and ground diameter and preserving rate of C. tibetana
increment of
increment of
increment of
increment of
ing rate
Jinxiu A 14.1 8.0 4.25 1.21 54.44
B 15.6 9.1 4.20 1.16 82.22
C 16.4 9.7 4.58 1.34 85.56
D 15.2 9.0 4.36 1.25 92.22
CK 12.9 7.5 3.91 1.08 76.67
Ziyuan A 17.4 10.6 4.78 1.67 45.56
B 18.1 10.8 4.85 1.77 57.78
C 19.5 11.9 5.26 2.01 87.78
D 18.0 10.3 5.07 1.93 72.22
CK 14.9 8.4 4.16 1.17 83.33
Hezhou A 16.5 10.0 5.22 1.63 95.56
B 15.7 9.6 5.37 1.54 86.67
C 16.6 10.4 5.58 1.97 87.78
D 16.4 9.8 5.46 1.72 84.44
CK 14.5 8.6 4.64 1.39 85.56
Longsheng A 17.1 10.3 4.78 1.63 94.44
B 17.2 10.3 4.86 1.70 51.11
C 18.7 11.5 5.14 1.99 68.89
D 17.9 10.5 4.96 1.75 96.67
CK 16.1 9.3 4.55 1.51 71.11
Leye A 17.5 10.7 4.84 1.45 81.11
B 17.1 10.5 4.75 1.54 97.78
C 17.4 10.3 5.11 1.68 84.44
D 17.6 11.1 5.10 1.76 92.22
CK 15.4 9.3 4.56 1.43 76.67
provenance differed in annual incre-
ment and relative increment of
seedling height. The annual incre-
ments of various treatments of Jinxiu
provenance showed the order of C>B>
D>A>CK, and the accumulative incre-
ments during May-December were in
order of C>B>D>A>CK; for the Ziyuan
provenance, the annual increments of
various treatments showed the order
of C>B>D>A>CK, and the accumula-
tive increments during May-December
were in order of C>B>A>D>CK; as to
the Hezhou provenance, the annual
increments of various treatments were
in order of C>A>D>B>CK, and the ac-
cumulative increments during May -
December exhibited the order of C>A>
D >B >CK; the annual increments of
various treatments of Longsheng
provenance showed the order of C >
D>B>A>CK, and the accumulative in-
crements during May -December ex-
hibited the order of C >D >B =A >CK;
and for Leye provenance, the annual
increments of various treatments
showed the order of D>A>C>B>CK,
and the accumulative increments dur-
ing May -December were in order of
D>A>B>C>CK. It thus could be known
that for each of the 4 provenances,
Jinxiu, Ziyuan, Hezhou and Long-
sheng, treatment C showed the largest
annual increment and accumulative
increment, while treatment D of Leye
provenance showed the largest annual
increment and accumulative incre-
ment. The annual increments and ac-
cumulative increments during May -
December of seedling heights in vari-
ous treatments of different prove-
nances were shown in Table 2.
Growth law of ground diameter of
C. tibetana
The growth curves and relative
increment curves of ground diameter
of C. tibetana seedlings of different
treatments and different provenances
were shown in Fig. 2. The change laws
of the growth curves and relative in-
crement curves of ground diameter of
C. tibetana in 5 treatments of each of
the 5 provenances were the same as
those of the seedling height. The
growth curves of ground diameter
showed a gentle S-shaped growth
trend, and the relative increment
curves were of a single-peak shape.
The growth process of ground diame-
ter of C. tibetana seedlings subjected
to root cutting could be summarized as
such 4 stages as the transplanting re-
covery stage, the slow growth stage,
the fast growth stage and the asymp-
totically stagnant stage, which were
March-April, May-July, August-Octo-
ber and November -December, re-
spectively. Still taking the treatment A
of Jinxiu provenance as an example,
the slow growth stage was from May 1
to June 30, accounting for 28.8% of
the observation period, and during this
period, the ground diameter increased
at a rate of 0.08 mm per 15 d average-
ly; the fast growth period was from July
1 to September 28, accounting for
42.5% of the observation period, and
the ground diameter grew at a rate of
0.12 mm per 15 d averagely; and the
asymptotically stagnant stage was
from September 29 to November 27,
accounting for 28.3% of the observa-
tion period, and the ground diameter
increased at a rate of 0.05 mm per 15
d averagely.
The annual increments and rela-
tive increments of ground diameter of
various treatments of the same
provenance were different from each
other. For Jinxiu provenance, the an-
nual increments of ground diameter of
various treatments showed the order
of C>D>A>B>CK, and the accumula-
tive increments of ground diameter
during May -December were in order
of C>D>A>B >CK; the annual incre-
ments of various treatments of Ziyuan
provenance exhibited the order of C>
D>B>A>CK, and the accumulative in-
crements of ground diameter during
May-December were in order of C>D>
B>A>CK; as to the various treatments
of Hezhou provenance, the annual in-
crements were in order of C>D>B>A>
CK, and the accumulative increments
Agricultural Science & Technology2016
Table 3 Analysis of variance on annual increment of Castanopsis tibetana Hance seedlings subjected to root cutting between different
Index Variation source Sum of squares Freedom Mean square F value Sig.
Seedling height//cm Provenance 79.574 4 19.894 123.002 0.000
Treatment 72.470 4 18.118 112.021 0.000
Provenance×treatment 14.657 16 0.916 5.664 0.000
Ground diameter//mm Provenance 7.589 4 1.897 1 044.704 0.000
Treatment 5.063 4 1.266 697.011 0.000
Provenance×treatment 0.594 16 0.037 20.454 0.000
Preserving rate//% Provenance 3 519.470 4 879.867 20.696 0.000
Treatment 1 860.187 4 465.047 10.939 0.000
Provenance×treatment 9 854.206 16 615.888 14.487 0.000
during May -December showed the
order of C >D >A >B >CK; for Long-
sheng provenance, the annual incre-
ments of various treatments exhibited
the order of C>D>B>A>CK, and the
accumulative increments during May-
December were in order of C>D>B>
A>CK; and as to Leye provenance, the
annual increments of various treat-
ments were in order of C>D>A>B>CK,
and the accumulative increments dur-
ing May -December exhibited the or-
der of D>C>B>A>CK. It this could be
known that for each of the 5 prove-
nances, the annual increment of
ground diameter in treatment C was
the largest, treatment D showed the
second largest annual increment; and
as to the accumulative increment in
May -December, Leye provenance
showed the largest accumulative incre-
ment in treatment C, and the second
highest accumulative increment in
treatment D, while each of other 4
provenances showed the largest accu-
mulative increment in treatment C and
the second largest accumulative incre-
ment in treatment D. The annual in-
crements and accumulative incre-
ments during May -December of
ground diameter in various treatments
of different provenances were shown
in Table 2.
Comprehensively from the growth
laws of seedling heights and ground
diameters and the preserving rates of
various treatments of different prove-
nances, it could be seen that treatment
C had the best effect on the growth of
C. tibetana seedlings of Jinxiu, Ziyuan,
Hezhou and Longsheng provenances,
and treatment D exhibited the best ef-
fect on the growth of C. tibetana
seedlings of Leye provenance.
Differences in growth of C. tibetana
seedlings between different prove-
Randomized block design analy-
sis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple
comparisons were performed on the
seedling height, the ground diameter
and the preserving rate of various
treatments of the 5 provenances de-
termined on November 27. It could be
seen from Table 3 that in the com-
bined experiment of different prove-
nances and different treatments, there
were very significant differences in the
growth of seedling height and ground
diameter and the preserving rate of
seedlings of C. tibetana between dif-
ferent provenances and between dif-
ferent root-cutting treatments, and
there were very significant interaction
effects between different provenances
and different treatments. It could be
known from mean-square values, the
factors causing differences in growth
of C. tibetana seedlings subjected to
root cutting were considered to have
the effects in order of provenance lev-
el>treatment level >provenance ×
treatment, while for the preserving rate
of C. tibetana seedlings subjected to
root cutting, these factors were in or-
der of provenance level>provenance×
treatment >treatment level. Therefore,
the provenance level had the greatest
effect whether on the preserving rate
of C. tibetana seedlings subjected to
root cutting or the growth of seedlings.
It could be known from Table 4,
there were significant differences in
seedling height and ground diameter
of C. tibetana seedlings between the
same treatment of different prove-
nances. In treatment A, Ziyuan prove-
nance showed the largest annual in-
crement of C. tibetana seedlings of
17.4 cm, while Hezhou provenance
exhibited the largest annual increment
of ground diameter of 5.22 mm; treat-
ments B, C and D were the same as
treatment A; in treatment B, the largest
annual increment of seedling height
was 18.1 cm, and the largest annual
Table 4 Difference analysis on annual increment of Castanopsis tibetana Hance seedlings subjected to root cutting between different
Jinxiu 14.1 a 4.25 a 15.6 a 4.20 a 16.4 a 4.58 a 15.2 a 4.36 a 12.9 a 3.91 a
Ziyuan 17.4 c 4.78 b 18.1 c 4.85 c 19.5 d 5.26 c 18.0 c 5.07 c 14.9 b 4.16 b
Hezhou 16.5 b 5.22 c 15.7 a 5.37 d 16.6 a 5.58 d 16.4 b 5.46 d 14.5 b 4.64 d
Longsheng 17.1 bc 4.78 b 17.2 b 4.86 c 18.7 c 5.14 b 17.9 c 4.96 b 16.1 c 4.55 c
Leye 17.5 c 4.84 b 17.1 b 4.75 b 17.4 b 5.11 b 17.6 c 5.10 c 15.4 bc 4.56 c
Different letters followed the data in the same column indicate significant differences (P<0.05).
Agricultural Science & Technology 2016
Responsible editor: Yingzhi GUANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
increment of ground diameter was
5.37 mm; in treatment C, the largest
annual increment of seedling height
was 19.5 cm, and the largest annual
increment of ground diameter was
5.58 mm; and in treatment D, the
largest annual increment of seedling
height was 18.0 cm, and the largest
annual increment of ground diameter
was 5.46 mm. In CK, Longsheng
provenance showed the largest annual
increment of seedling height of 16.1
cm, and Hezhou provenance showed
the largest annual increment of ground
diameter of 4.64 mm. It thus could be
known in the 5 provenances free of
root cutting and treatment with any
rooting agent, the annual increment of
seedling height of Longsheng prove-
nance was the largest, and the annual
increment of ground diameter of
Ziyuan provenance was the largest,
while in each of other 4 treatments,
Ziyuan provenance had the largest an-
nual increment of seedling height, and
Hezhou provenance exhibited the
largest annual increment of ground di-
ameter, and the annual increment of
seedling height of Ziyuan provenance
and the annual increment of ground
diameter of Hezhou provenance in
treatment C were the largest in all
treatments of seedlings from the 5
Conclusions and Discus-
There were significant differences
in the preserving rate of C. tibetana
seedlings between different prove-
nances and between different treat-
ments, and the effects of different
treatments on C. tibetana seedlings of
the same provenance were different.
The growth laws of the annual
growth curves and the relative incre-
ment curves of seedling height and
ground diameter of C. tibetana ac-
corded between different provenances
and between different treatments, the
annual growth curves showed a gentle
S-shaped trend, and the relative incre-
ment curves were of a single-peak
Treatment C (Cutting to leave a
root with a length of 2 cm before lifting
of seedling, combined with dipping the
root with 500 mg /L rooting agent CPD
and red mud followed by transplanting)
had the best effect on the growth of C.
tibetana seedlings of Jinxiu, Ziyuan,
Hezhou and Longsheng provenances,
and treatment D (Cutting to leave a
root with a length of 3 cm before lifting
of seedling, combined with dipping the
root with 500 mg/L rooting agent CPD
and red mud followed by transplanting)
exhibited the best effect on the growth
of C. tibetana seedlings of Leye prove-
Provenance and treatment
method both had very significant ef-
fects on the growth of seedling height
and ground diameter and the preserv-
ing rate of C. tibetana seedlings, and
furthermore, there were interaction ef-
fects between provenance and treat-
ment method, in which provenance
was the main influence factor.
In the 5 treatments, the annual in-
crement of ground diameter of Hezhou
provenance was larger than those of
other 4 provenances; and except the
CK, the annual increment of seedling
height of Ziyuan provenance was larg-
er than those of other 4 provenances.
From the point of the growth of ground
diameter of C. tibetana, Hezhou
provenance exhibited the annual in-
crement of ground diameter larger
than other provenances in the 5 treat-
ments including the CK, which might
be due to the effect of its genetic fac-
tor, in other words, the C. tibetana
germplasm of Hezhou provenance is
better than those of other 4 prove-
nances. From the point of the growth
of seedling height, in the CK, the annu-
al increment of seedling height of
Ziyuan provenance was remarkably
lower than those of Longsheng and
Leye provenance, but in the 4 treat-
ments combining root cutting with
rooting agent, Ziyuan provenance
showed the annual increment of
seedling height larger than other
provenance. Such performance of
Ziyuan provenance indicated that its
germplasm is not better than those of
other 4 provenance, and might be due
to its better adaptability to environment
than other provenances under the
stimulation and selective pressure
from external environment factors.
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