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全 文 :菌 物 学 报 25(3):364~365, 2006

Urocystis wangii (Urocystales), a new species from China
(Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycology & Lichenology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100080, China)
ABSTRACT: A new species, Urocystis wangii on Koeleria sp. is described and compared with U. koeleriae.
KEYWORDS: Smut fungi, Ustilaginomycetes, taxonomy
郭 林
(中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学重点实验室, 北京 100080)
摘 要:自中国甘肃桑科草原发现一种寄生在禾本科 Koeleria sp. 植物上的黑粉菌新种,王氏条黑粉菌
Urocystis wangii。此种与寄生在 Koeleria属植物上条黑粉菌 Urocystis koeleriae近似,其区别是王氏条黑
粉菌孢子球中黑粉孢子数目多,由(0~)1~6(~8)黑粉孢子组成;而 U. koeleriae孢子球由(0~)1~4(~5)黑粉孢
中图分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6472(2006)03-0364-0365
A new species of Urocystis on Koeleria sp. (Poaceae, subfamily Pooideae, tribe Aveneae) was
collected by the author and her colleagues at the altitude of 3080 m from Sangke prairie of Gansu
Province, China. The locality, Sangke belongs to meadow prairie surrounded by the high mountains,
situated in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Its area is estimated to be 70 square kilometers and the Daxia
River crosses it. Owing to the geographical position as well as plentiful moisture and high altitude,
this prairie is abundant in smut fungi. Poa plants were infected seriously by the common smut species
Ustilago striiformis (Westend.) Niessl.
The new species of Urocystis is similar to U. koeleriae L. Guo (2005) on host plants in the same
genus in having spore balls nearly completely surrounded by sterile cells. It differs mainly by larger
spore balls measuring 18-44 x 15-34.5 µm, composed of more ustilospores (0-)1-6(-8) (0=2%,
1=16%, 2=39%, 3=23%, 4=10%, 5=5%, 6=3%, 7=1%, 8=1%), while U. koeleriae has spore balls
measuring 19.5-38.5 x 15-30.5 µm, composed of ustilospores (0-)1-4(-5) (0=4%, 1=38%, 2=44%,
3=10%, 4=3%, 5=1%). The new species is described as follows.
Urocystis wangii L. Guo, sp. nov. Figs. 1-2
Sori in foliis et vaginis strias longas vel curtas formantes, primo epidermide obtecti, deinde nudi.

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30230020 and No. 30270016)
Received:2006-02-17, accepted: 2006-03-07
3期 郭 林等:王氏条黑粉菌新种(条黑粉菌目) 365

Massa sporarum nigrobrunnea, pulverulenta. Glomeruli sporarum subglobosi, ovoidei, ellipsoidei vel
elongati, 18-44 x 15-34.5 µm, e ustilosporis (0-)1-6(-8) constructi, cellulis sterilibus omnino vel fere
omnino circumdati. Ustilosporae subglobosae, ellipsoideae, ovoideae vel leviter irregulares, 12-18 x
10-15 µm, rubrobrunneae. Cellulae steriles subglobosae, ellipsoideae vel ovoideae, 6-14 x 5-10 µm,
brunneae; pariete 0.5-1.5(-2) µm crasso, superficie levi sub LM, minute verruculoso sub SEM.
Sori in leaves and leaf sheaths, forming long or short striae, at first covered by the epidermis,
which later ruptures. Spore mass blackish-brown, powdery. Spore balls subglobose, ovoid, ellipsoidal
or elongated, 18-44 x 15-34.5 µm, composed of (0-)1-6(-8) ustilospores completely or nearly
completely surrounded by sterile cells. Ustilospores subglobose, ellipsoidal, ovoid or slightly
irregular, 12-18 x 10-15 µm, reddish-brown. Sterile cells subglobose, ellipsoidal or ovoid, 6-14 x
5-10 µm, brown; wall 0.5-1.5(-2) µm thick, smooth as seen by LM (light microscopy), minutely
verruculose as seen by SEM (scanning electron microscopy).
On Koeleria spp. (Poaceae), Gansu: Xiahe, Sangke, alt. 3080 m, 20 VI 2005, L. Guo, N. Liu &
Z.Y. Li 3397 (HMAS 139781, holotypus; HUV 21242, isotypus). Xiahe, Sangke, alt. 3080 m, 20 VI
2005, L. Guo, N. Liu & Z.Y. Li 3381 (HMAS 139782, paratypus). Xiahe, Sangke, alt. 3080 m, 20 VI
2005, L. Guo, N. Liu & Z.Y. Li 3411 (HMAS 139783, paratypus).
Etymology: The specific epithet was given to celebrate the 100th birthday of the famous
mycologist, Professor Yun-Chang Wang, one of China’s pioneers in Mycology. He published

Figs. 1-2 Spore balls, ustilospores and sterile cells of Urocystis wangii on Koeleria sp. (HMAS 139781, holotypus)
Fig. 1 As seen by LM; Fig. 2 As seen by SEM
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express her deep thanks to Dr. Vánky and Prof.
Jian-Yun Zhuang for reading the manuscript and valuable suggestions, to Prof. Shu-Run Liu for
identifying the host plants, and to Mrs. Jia-Yi Xie for assistance with the SEM photograph.
Guo L, 2005. Two new species of Urocystis (Urocystales) from China. Mycotaxon 92: 269-272
Wang YC, 1963. Ustilaginales of China. Science Press, Beijing. 1-202 (in Chinese)
王云章,1963. 中国黑粉菌. 北京:科学出版社. 1-202