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全 文 :№.4                    陕西科技大学学报                  Aug.2008
* 文章编号:1000-5811(2008)04-0005-06
LIU Gang-yong1 , 2 , QIU Xue-qing2 , YANG Dong-jie2
(1.Depar tment o f Cosmetics Science , Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational Co llege , Guang zhou 510520 , Chi-
na;2.Schoo l of Chemistry and Chemical Enginee ring , South China University o f Technology , Guangzhou
510640 , Guangdong , China)
Abstract:The changes in chem ical st ructures of w heat st raw soda lignin (WSSL)af ter the
modif ication of WSSL by phenolat ion in alkaline medium , including functional groups and
molecular average w eight , studied by chemical analyses , Fourier transform inf rared , carbon-
13 nuclear magnet ic resonance spect roscopy (13 C-NMR), gel pe rmeation chromato graphy
(GPC), and the properties of pheno lated and non-phenolated LPF adhesives w ere dete r-
mined.The resul t show s that af ter the modif icat ion , content of methoxyl g roup of WSSL de-
crease f rom 11.04 % to 8.72 %, and the content of phenolic hydro xy l increase from 2.64 %
to 4.20 %, resulting in increased nonvolati le solids and adhesive st reng th o f LPF.After the
modif ication , the weight-average molecular weight of WSSL decrease f rom 1 902 to 1 473 ,
the number-ave rage molecular weight decrease f rom 1 737 to 934 , these results in decreased
visco sity and increased sto rage stabili ty o f LPF adhesive.Therefore , the modif icat ion of
WSSL by phenolation increases it s reactivity and further improves the perfo rmance of lignin-
based pheno l-formaldehyde adhesive.
Key words:wheat st raw soda lignin;pheno lation;chemical modification;adhesive
CLC Number:TS79;O636.2    Document Code:A
0 Introduction
Phenol fo rmaldehyde (PF)resin , due its st rong adhesive ability , good weathe r-resistant and w ater-
proof characteristics , i s an ideal thermose tt ing binder to prepare manufactured boards and panels , but
phenol derives from non-renew able pe trochemical indust rial products.Therefore , it is necessary to sub-
stitute the cheap renewed ma terials to for phenol in preparing PF adhesive.As a by-product o f pulping
indust ry , lig nin is an abundant and renew ed substance w ith the similar st ructure to PF resin[ 1] , so the
use of various lignin , including soda o r kraf t lignin , lig no sulfonate and organosolv lignin and so on , as a
substitute for PF resin[ 2 , 3] was extensively studied.The lignin is alw ays modif ied by chemical methods
befo re being used because of i ts low reactivi ty.The common chemical modi ficat ions include methy lola-
[ 2] , demethy lation[ 3] and phenolation[ 4] .Of them , the phenolat ion is the most promising modification
for lignosulfonate[ 5] , which can g reat ly improve the reactivity of lig no sulfonate.Generally , the modifi-
* 收稿日期:2008-04-18
作者简介:刘纲勇(1974-),男 ,江西省莲花市人 ,博士 ,研究方向:精细化工
陕西科技大学学报 第 26 卷
cat ion of ligno sulfonate by phenolat ion is carried out in an acidic medium , but soda lignin can only dis-
so lve in alkaline so lution and the lignin-based phenol-fo rmaldehyde (LPF)adhesive is prepared in an al-
kaline solution to o.So , it is necessary to study the modif icat ion of soda lignin by pheno lation in the al-
kali medium.To the best of our know ledge , the re are few reports on effect of modification by phenola-
tion on st ructures of soda lignin and proper ties o f lignin-based phenol fo rmaldehyde adhesive.
In this paper , the change s in chem ical st ructure of w heat st raw soda lignin(WSSL)af ter the modi-
fication by phenolat ion in alkaline medium , including functional g roups and molecular average w eight ,
were studied by chemical analyse s , Fourie r t ransfo rm inf rared(FTIR), carbon-13 nuclear magnet ic res-
onance spect roscopy (13C-NMR), gel permeat ion chromatog raphy (GPC).Furthermore , the propert ies
of PF adhesive , phenolated and non-pheno lated LPF adhesive w ere compared.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Materials
Commercial g rade phenol of 99%puri ty , fo rmaldehyde so lution (37 w t % aqueous solutions)and
sodium hydroxide of 96 %purity w ere used.The WSS L powder separated f rom soda-AQ pulping black
liquor of w heat st raw by acid precipi tation w as supplied by Shandong T ralin Paper Co.Ltd.
1.2 Samples preparat ion
1.2.1 Preparation of phenola ted WSS L
WSSL , phenol , NaOH and w ate r wi th mass ratio o f 1.0∶1.0∶0.2∶1.8 w ere first added to a
four-neck f lask equipped w ith a condense r and a thermometer successively.Then , the mix ture w as heat-
ed on the heater w ith st irrer and refluxing at 100±2 ℃fo r 1 h.After the reaction product coo ling down
to the ro om tempe rature , it w as acidif ied to pH =2.5 w ith HCl and centrifug alized.The precipi tate w as
w ashed tho roughly w ith ether and dried unde r vacuum.Finally , the test sample w as obtained.
1.2.2 Purification o f WSS L and phenolated WSSL
Both WSS L and phenolated WSS L used for the chemical or spectral analy ses w ere purified acco rding
to the procedure of Lundquist
[ 6] .
1.2.3 Preparation of the phenolated LPF adhesives
LPF adhesive w as prepared in tw o stage s:phenolation of lignin and the preparation o f LPF adhesive
(i.e., polycondensation stag).In the first stag , 30 g o f phenol , 70 g of WSS L , 15.8 g of N aOH and
120 g o f wa ter w ere pour into a f lask equipped wi th a st irrer , the rmometer and ref lux condenser.The
mixture w as then sti rred fo r 10 minutes , and the temperature w as raised up to 100±2 ℃ fo r pheno lation
reaction and maintained for 1 h.In the second stag , 42 g of formaldehyde w as added fo r poly condensation
reaction and held fo r 30 min at 50 ℃.Then temperature w as raised up to 80 ℃ at a rate of 0.5 ℃/min
and maintained fo r 1 h.Finally , 28 g of formaldehyde w as added dropwise in 5 min , and the temperature
w as maintained fo r 1 h , the reactant w as then coo led down and discharged.
1.2.4 Preparation of the non-phenolated LPF adhesives
The process of non-phenolated LPF adhesives is like that of phenolated LPF adhesive except the
phenolated stag .
1.2.5 Preparation of PF adhesive
The PF adhe sive is prepa red wi th the ratio of phenol to formaldehyde 2.0 , the catalyst of alkaline ,
and tw o po lycondensation stag s.
1.2.6 Plyw ood panels manufacture
Plyw ood panels w ere prepared by pressing w hite bassw ood veneers wi th a thickness of 12 mm ,
第 4 期 刘纲勇等:酚化改性对麦草碱木素结构及 LPF 树脂性能的影响
moisture content of 8 w t % at a certain tempe ra ture.The glue-spread of the LPF adhe sives w as
125 g/m2 .The hot-press condi tions:pressure , temperature and t ime w ere respectively cho sen as 1.0
MPa , 150 ℃ and 216 seconds.
1.3 A nalysis and test
Phenolic hydro xyl and carboxy l g roups w ere determinated by conductometric tit rimetry
[ 7] .The me-
tho xy l content w as measured by modif ied Ziesel method.
The GPC g raphs w ere acquired on the Water-515 ult raviolet GPC equipped w i th ul trahydrogel 250
column made by Waters Co.Ltd.NaNO 3 solution(pH =10)was used as eluent w ith a f low rate 1.0
mL/min at 25 ℃.A UV-pho tometer w as used to determine the concentrat ion of lignin wi th maximum
abso rbance in the neighborhood of 280 nm.
The FT IR spectra of WSSL and phenolated one w ere carried out on a Vector 33 FTIR spect ropho-
tometer made by Bruker Co .l td.
13C-NMR spectra w ere obtained on Brucke r ARX-400 MHz.The lignin samples w ere acety lated by
being dissolved in solution of acetic anhydride and acetone wi th volume rat io o f 2∶1 , at the ro om tem-
perature fo r 48 h , and then purified by ethe r and dried under vacuum.T he ace tyla ted lignin samples
w ere disso lved in dimethyl sulfoxide D6(DMSO-d6)fo r 13C-NMR analy sis.
The adhesive strength w as tested on Inst ron 5566 Universal Materials Te sting Machine w i th a
crosshead speed o f 3 mm/min according to GB/T 9846-2004.The visco sity of the adhesive w as measured
according to GB/T 14074-93 on a Brookf ield DV III rheome ter at 25 ℃.The nonvolati le content w as e-
valuated acco rding to GB/ T 14074-93.The storage stability w as estimated acco rding to GB/T 9846-
Tab.1 Functional group of WSSL and phenolate-
lignin me thoxy l
g roup/ % pheno lic hydr-oxy l g r oup/ % carboxy lg roup/ %
WSS L 11.04 2.64 4.03
phenola ted WSSL 8.72 4.20 3.64
Tab.2 Average molecular weight of WSSL
    and phenolated WSSL
Lignin Mw Mn Mw/Mn
WSSL 1 902 1 737 1.10
Phenolated WSS L 1 473 934 1.58
2 Results and Discussion
2.1 Change in st ructure o f WSSL af ter phenola-
In o rder to disclose the ef fect of modification
by pheno lation on st ructure s o f WSS L , WSSL and
phenolated WSSL w ere studied by chemical analy-
ses , GPC , FTIR and 13C-NMR spect ra.
2.1.1 Chemical analy ses
Table 1 show s that , af ter the modification by
phenolation , the content o f methoxyl g roup o f WSSL decreases f rom 11.04 % to 8.72 %.Meanwhile ,
the content of pheno lic hydro xyl increases from 2.64 % to 4.20 %.As the phenolic hydroxyl and me-
tho xy l g roups are the act ive and de-active g roups respectively , the modif icat ion of WSS L by pheno lation
can improve its reactivi ty.The table also show s that the content of carboxyl group decreases f rom 4.03
% to 3.64 %, resulting in the increase in the w ater resistance of WSSL , which may leads to higher w a-
ter resistance o f LPF adhesive.
2.1.2 G PC analy sis
The number-average molecular w eight(Mn), weight-average molecular w eight (Mw)and po lydis-
per sities(Mw/Mn)of pheno lated WSSL and WSS L are listed in Tab.2.And the molecular weight dist ri-
but ion of pheno lated WSS L and WSSL is plo t ted in Fig.1.Tab.2 and Fig.1 show that , af ter the modifi-
cat ion , the dist ribution of mo lecula r w eight increases , the WSSL has a molecular w eight o f 830 to 4 200 ,
and the phenolated one is 200 to 4 720.Tab.2 also show s that , af ter the modification , the Mw of WSSL
陕西科技大学学报 第 26 卷
Fig.1  Molecular weight distribu-
tions of WSSL and pheno-
lated WSSL
decreases f rom 1 902 to 1 473 , and the Mn decreases f rom 1 737 to
934.Besides , Fig.1 show s that mo lecular w eight of a fraction of
phenolated WSSL is higher than that of the WSS L , indicating the
condensation of WSSL w ith pheno l in the pheno lation reaction.
A s is known , the larg e molecular w eight material cannot pen-
et rate into the cell w alls of the wood to form an adhesive continu-
um between contiguous w ood particles[ 3] .Compared wi th PF res-
in , lig nin has higher mo lecular weight , which w ill reduce the per-
formance of LPF adhesive.Howeve r , the modification by pheno-
lat ion can reduce the molecular w eight of WSS L evident ly , which
Fig.2 FTIR spectra of WSSL and phenolated
will improve the performance of LPF adhesive.
2.1.3 FTIR analysis
The FT IR spect ra of WSSL and phenolated WSSL
are show n in Fig.2 , f rom which i t is seen that the spec-
t ra of both WSSL and phenolated one are similar and can
be characterized by the presence o f a broad band vibra-
tions at 3 400 cm-1(OH), 2 927 cm-1(CH), 1 605 and
1 514 (aromatic skele tal vibrations), 1 426 cm -1(CH)
corresponding to ring stretching CH in-plane defo rma-
tion.Also , there are some bands vary.Assuming that
the aromat ic st ructures do no t degrade under t reatment , the absorption band of 1 514 cm-1 co rrespond-
ing to the skeleton modes in the aromat ic ring is selected as an internal reference
[ 8] .T he band 1 710
-1 , co rresponding to ester carbony l vibration of phenolated WSSL is reduced , indicating that most of
the ether groups of WSSL are cleaved.This leads to the reduct ion of molecular mass o f lignin structure.
The reduction of abso rbing intensity af ter modification at 1 120 cm -1 , corresponding to methoxy l group ,
show s the cleavage of methoxy l g roups.In the FTIR spect rum of phenolated WSSL , a new band at 755
cm-1 i s found , which coincides w ith the modif icat ion of ligno sulfonate by phenolation in acid medium ,
which arises f rom the reaction be tw een pheno l in or tho- o r para-posi tion and α-hydro xy l groups in the
side chain of lignin
[ 5] .These resul ts fur ther pro ve that condensation take place betw een WSSL and phe-
nol in the pheno lation reaction.
Fig.3 13C-NMR spectra of WSSL and phenolated WSSL
2.1.4 13C-NMR analy sis
C-NMR spect ra of WSSL and demethy lated WSSL are show n in Fig.3.The chem ical shif t of
171.5 to 171.9 ppm and 167.7 to 169.8 ppm are respect ively assigned to aromatic and aliphat ic ace tates
w hich ref lect the concentration o f phenolic and alcoho lic g roups in lignin.The fact that the a romatic ace-
第 4 期 刘纲勇等:酚化改性对麦草碱木素结构及 LPF 树脂性能的影响
tate signals of pheno lated WSSL are larg er than that o f WSSL confirm s that the phenolated WSS L has
more f ree pheno lic hydro xy l groups than WSSL .T he signals of aroma tic carbons of lignin range f rom
100 to 160 ppm.The most intense signals in this region are the C3/C5 and C2/C6 signals o f syringy l uni ts
and guaiacy l uni ts.This confirm s that the WSSL is of GS type[ 2] .
Sy ringy l uni ts are characterized by the presence of the chemical shif t s of 103.8 to 104.8 ppm.The
w eaker signals of sy ringyl units of phenolated WSS L in contrast to that of WSSL indicate the deg rada-
tion of sy ringyl uni ts.Typical signal for β-O-4 st ructural units(63.6 ppm)in the spect rum of phenolated
WSSL is a li t tle weaker compared w ith to that of WSS L , indicating that par tial β-O-4 st ructural units are
deg raded af ter the modi fica tion.The chemical shif t s of 35.8 to 40.8 and 19.8 to 20.9 ppm are assigned
to DMSO and methy l g roup in acety l respectively.A ssuming that the signals o f methy l group in acety l
do not change under t reatment , typical signals of methoxy l g roups in the phenolated WSS L (55.8 ~
56.7 ppm)are w eaker than tho se in WSS L , demonst rating that the methoxy l g roups of w ere cleaved af-
ter the modification by phenolation , which are consistent w ith the results of chemical analy ses and F TIR
2.2 Change in propert ie s o f LPF adhesive af ter phenolat ion
From the above results , i t i s concluded tha t the modif icat ion o f WSSL by pheno lation increases i ts
reactivity and decreases it s average molecular.In orde r to investig ate the ef fect of the modif icat ion of
WSSL by pheno lation on the properties of LPF adhesive , we prepared the phenolated LPF adhesive at 70
%WSSL substitution and non-phenolated LPF at 70 %WSSL substitution.Also , a t raditional PF ad-
hesive w as also prepared and its propert ies w ere dete rmined fo r comparison.The results are li sted in
Tab.3.  Tab.3 Properties of PF and phenolated and non-phenolated
proper ty PF adhesive
LPF adhesive
LPF adhe siv e
adhesiv e strength/M Pa 2.12 1.21 1.93
nonvolatile so lids/ % 44.0 42.5 43.4
visco sity/ mPa· s 410 1 950 858
sto rage stability/ h 5 7 9
  Tab.3 show s that the adhe-
sive st reng th o f pheno lated LPF adhe-
sive is nearly equal to the adhesive
st reng th o f the PF adhesive , and much
higher than the adhesive st reng th o f
non-phenolated LPF adhesive , demon-
strat ing that the modification of WSSL
by pheno lation improves it s react ivity ;the nonvo latile solids of non-pheno lated LPF is low er than the
nonvolati le solids of the phenolated LPF adhesive due to the fact that the modification of WSSL improves
it s reactivi ty , and further raises the resin y ield o f LPF adhesive;the viscosity of phenolated LPF adhe-
sive is much low er than that of non-pheno lated LPF.This is because the molecular w eight of WSS L de-
creases af ter the modifica tion by phenolation , and the lignin contributes the visco sity of LPF adhesive
g reat ly
[ 9] ;and the sto rage stabili ty of phenola ted LPF adhesive is higher that o f non-phenolated LPF ad-
hesive , which is caused by the low er viscosity of pheno lated LPF adhesive.Therefore , the modification
of WSS L by phenolation increases the reactivity of WSS L and furthe r improve the perfo rmance o f LPF
3 Conclusions
Afte r the modi fica tion of WSSL by pheno lation , chemical analy ses show that the content of me thox-
yl g roup o f WSSL decreases , and the content of pheno lic hydroxy l increase;the result of GPC show that
the average mo lecular w eight o f WSS L decreases and the dist ribution of molecular w eight increases;the
FTIR spect ra prove that WSSL is pheno lated , w ith methoxy l g roups cleaved;13C-NMR analy sis show s
陕西科技大学学报 第 26 卷
that methoxy l g roups and β-O-4 st ructural units cleaved.
The determination of the propert ie s o f phenolated and non-phenolated LPF adhesives show that the
adhesive st reng th , nonvolatile solids , and sto rag e ability of LPF adhesive increase , and the viscosity of
LPF adhesive decrease.
In summary , the modification o f WSSL by phenolation in alkaline medium can improve i ts reactivity
and reduce its complexi ty of molecular st ructure , resulting in the improvement o f the perfo rmance of
LPF adhesive , whereas the mechanism of modification of WSS L by pheno lation in alkaline condit ion is to
be fur ther studied.
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及 LPF树脂性能的影响
刘纲勇1 , 2 , 邱学青2 , 杨东杰2
(1.广东食品药品职业学院化妆品科学系 , 广东 广州 510520;2.华南理工大学化学与化工学院 , 广东广州
摘 要:用化学分析 、红外光谱(FTIR)、核磁共振碳谱(13 C-NMR)、凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)等方
法分析了麦草碱木素在碱性条件下酚化改性前后的官能团 、分子量等化学结构的变化 ,并测试
了酚化的末改性 LPF 胶粘剂的性能.结果表明 ,麦草碱木素在改性后甲氧基含量由11.04%降
低至 8.92 %,酚羟基含量由 2.64 %升高至 4.20 %,导致 LPF 胶的固体含量和胶粘强度升
高;麦草碱木素在改性后平均相对分子质量降低 ,重均相对分子质量(Mw)由 1 737降为 934 ,
数均相对分子质量(Mn)由 1 902降为 1 473 ,导致 LPF 胶的粘度降低 ,储存稳定性增加.因此 ,
酚化改性可以提高麦草碱木素的活性 ,并进一步提高木质素酚醛树脂胶粘剂的性能.
中图分类号:TS79;O636.2    文献标识码:A