于2003~2004年对湖北省五峰后河国家级自然保护区的蝴蝶群落进行实地调查,采用α-多样性测度方法研究春、夏、秋3季蝴蝶群落的多样性,分析其物种丰富度指数,科、属和种级分类下的多样性指数(H( F)、H( G)、H( S))、均匀度指数和优势度指数.结果表明,春、夏、秋3季蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度指数以夏季最高,为92;各级多样性指数也以夏季最高,分别为1.6231、3.1254和3.7755;均匀度指数以春季最高,为2.2127;优势度指数则以夏季最高.各科蝴蝶物种丰富度指数以蛱蝶科(Nymphalidae)最高,为32.
In 2003~2004,a field investigation was made on the composition of butterfly community in the Houhe National Nature Reserve of Hubei Province,and the diversity,evenness and dominance of the community on the levels of family,genus and species in spring,summer and autumn were studied by the method of α-diversity.The results showed that the species richness,diversity,and dominance indices were the highest in summer,while the evenness index was the highest in spring.Nymphalidae was the highest in richness at the level of families,with the value of 32.
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