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全 文 :第38卷 第2期
延 边 大 学 农 学 学 报
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University     
收稿日期:2016-04-06 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31460050,31360049);云南省生物多样性保护专项资金资助项目
文章编号:1004-7999(2016)02-0139-10    DOI:10.13478/j.cnki.jasyu.2016.02.009
李一贤1, 余艳红2, 张晓芸1, 郭建玲1, 孙文光1, 张永洪1*
(1.云南师范大学生命科学学院,云南 昆明650500;2:云南省环境科学研究院,云南 昆明650034)
叶海菜花具有较低的遗传多样性水平(多态百分比为44.2%)。平均Nei's基因多样性指数(HE)为0.138 0±
0.189 2,平均Shannon信息指数(I)为0.207 9±0.278 3。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明:有64%的遗传变异
来自居群之间,而36%的遗传变异来自居群内部,基因流的限制(Nm=0.314 8)可能是导致居群内遗传变异
中图分类号:Q943.2   文献标识码:A   
Genetic diversity of Ottelia acuminate var.crispa(Hydrocharitaceae):
An endangered aquatic herb with extremely narrow distribution
LI Yixian 1, YU Yanhong2, ZHANG Xiaoyun1, GUO Jianling 1, 
SUN Wenguang 1, ZHANG Yonghong 1*
(1.Life Science of College,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming Yunan 650500,China
2.Yunnan Institute of Environmental Science,Kunming Yunan 650034,China)
Abstract:Ottelia acuminata var.crispais an endangered aquatic herb which narrowly confined to Lugu
Lake in southwest China.By using AFLP fingerprint,the genetic diversity and population structure of
O.acuminata var.crispaand its conservation strategy were ilustrated,and the pattern between spatial
distribution and genetic variation was identified.The results showed that O.acuminata var.crispare-
tained a low level of genetic diversity(PPB=44.2%)with the mean Nei’s gene diversity index(HE=0.
138 0±0.189 2)and mean Shannon’s information index(I=0.207 9±0.278 3).AMOVA revealed that ap-
proximately 64%genetic variation was due to between populations and 36%by within populations due to
restricted gene flow(Nm=0.314 8).No correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance was
found by Mantel test.Bayesian assignment suggested 2main genetic groups that were according with the
results of PCoA analysis.The results above indicated that the restriction of gene flow between populations
延 边 大 学 农 学 学 报 第38卷 
of O.acuminata var.crispamight be a major cause of endangerment.
Key words:Ottelia acuminata var.crispa;genetic diversity;population structure;AFLP
  Plant diversity of isolated and tiny distribution
is often affected by human activities and environ-
ment changes to a great extent.Empirical studies
complied that the rate of extinction of rare species
constrained to a smal scale which was more vul-
nerable to demographic distribution,anthropologi-
cal devastating,environmental fluctuation and gene
flow stochasticity,was approximately 100to 1 000
times more than natural rates[1].The Lugu Lake
located in a unique ecoregion of Yunnan plateau.
During the past decades,the ecoregion has suffered
destructions such as land reclamation,eutrophica-
tion,and over exploration[2].Losing suitable habi-
tat may cause species distinction,and early reports
shows many aquatic plants has shrinked drasticaly
with population size declining and distribution scale
The perennial diploid(2n=22)Ottelia acumi-
nata(Gaghep.)Dandy var.crispa(Hand.-Mazz.)
H.Li is a variety of O.acuminata(Gaghep.)Dan-
dy belongs to Hydrocharitaceae family.This spe-
cies are grow along the lake offshore about 10me-
ters with root growth on the basin in depth of
0.2-4.5 m submerged the water accompanied
with Myriophyllum spicatum L.and Potamogeton
lucens L[4].O.acuminata var.crispais a dioecism
herb with unisexual flowers float on the surface of
water with 0.2-4.5meters long inflorescence ax-
is.The polination may rely on both hydrochory
and polination insects[5-6].
O.acuminata var.crispais a representative
submerged plants of Lugu Lake and often formed
dominant community.This plant is sensitive to wa-
ter polution with important ecological values for
environmental oscilation monitoring[7].In addi-
tion,local people usualy colected the fresh flowers
as vegetable.Recent years,natural populations of
O.acuminata var.crispabecome rarer due to wa-
ter polution as wel as the extensive colection.It
confronted the risk of distinction due to the anthro-
pological devastating and environmental fluctua-
tion.It had been reported that individuals of O.
acuminata had disappeared in several plateau
lakes,such as Dianchi Lake in Kunming City,Erhai
Lake in Dali City,and Qilu Lake in Tonghai coun-
ty.In 2004,it was categorized as a criticaly endan-
gered species by IUCN[8].To O.acuminata var.
crispa,which restricted only in Lugu Lake,rapid
development of local tourism in recent years may
increase potential extinction risks of this variant
due to water polination caused by increasing tour-
Thus,it is essential to protect this endemic
and endangered species and its genetic diversity as
wel.Assessment of genetic diversity and popula-
tion structure is not only necessary for species con-
servation but also useful for population dynamics
and evolution process[9-10].However,empirical
studies didn’t depict a refined delineation of plat-
eau lake rare plants[11-12]and information about ge-
netic analysis of O.acuminata var.crispa was
limited.In this study,we focused on 1)Investiga-
ting the genetic diversity of O.acuminata var.
crispacovering the Lugu Lake.2)Elucidating the
genetic structure of O.acuminata var.crispa.3)
Suggesting appropriate and feasible strategy for
Materials and methods
Population sampling
O.acuminata var.crispahad been exhaus-
tively searched on September 2013based on the re-
cords specimens in Chinese herbarium and updated
information.11populations were colected during
the flowering season (Figure 1).The sampled
populations were separated apart approximately at
a straight distance of 2kilometers.In total,127in-
dividuals were colected with sampled individuals
being separated by at least 20m.8-15individuals
were accessed in each population,young leaves
were dried immediately in silica gel and stored at~
 第2期 李一贤,等:濒危特有水生植物波叶海菜花的遗传多样性研究
20centigrade for the experiment.
图1 波叶海菜花的居群分布地点
Fig.1 Distribution range of sampled Ottelia acuminata var.crispapopulations
DNA isolation and AFLP procedure
Totalgenomic DNA was extracted from ap-
proximate 20mg of dried leaf tissues using plant
genomic DNA rapid extraction kit(TIANGEN,
Beijing).Genomic DNA was quantified on 1%
TAE-agarose gel using λDNA labeled,about
100ng of DNA was used for AFLP procedure rec-
ommended by Vos[13]with a detailed describe by
Lauterbach[14].0.15μL EcoR I(20.000U/μ)and
0.3μL Mse I(20.000U/μL)(New England Biola-
bs,Ipswich,MA,USA)endonuclease mixture were
applied to digestion the 100ng DNA in a total vol-
ume of 40μL for 1.5hat 37℃,and digestion re-
sults was electrophorese on 1.5% agarose gel.
10μL of mixture contained 3μL EcoR I adaptor
(5μM),3μL Mse I adaptor(50μM),1μL T4lig-
ase Buffer(10×),0.5μL T4DNA ligase(400.000
U/mL),2.5μL ddH2O were added into digestion
in total of 50μL,ligation was incubated over night
at 4centigrade in ABI veriti 96thermocycler(ABI
Co.Ltd,).The product was then diluted 10fold in
ddH2O for PCR reaction.
For preselective DNA amplification,5μL of
diluted DNA restriction-ligation product was add-
ed to a 20μL cocktail containing 2μL 10×Ex-
Taq buffer,1.2μL Mg
2+ (25mM),1.6μL dNTPs
(2.5mM),1μL primer(10μM/L)E+A(Invitro-
0.1μL Ex- Taq(5U/μL),polymerase chain re-
action was performed at 65℃5min,folowed by
30cycles of 30sof denaturation at 94℃,30sof
annealing at 56 ℃ and 1 min of elongation at
72℃,and a final 5min at 72℃step for complete
extension,ending with a final cool down to 4℃.
For selective PCR amplification,25μL 10fold dilu-
ted Pre-PCR product was used as template added
to 15μL cocktail contained 2μL 10×Ex -Taq
buffer,2μL Mg
2+ (25 mM),1.6μL dNTPs
(2.5mM),0.2μL 5-FAM*EcoR I(10μM/L),
1.2μL Mse I(10μM/L),0.1μL Ex-Taq
(5U/μL).The PCR parameters used were 2min
at 94℃,13cycles of 30sof denaturation at 94℃,
30sof annealing at 65℃and 1min of elongation
at 72℃,where the annealing temperature was re-
duced every subsequent step by 0.7℃,an addi-
tional 23cycles of 30sof denaturation at 94℃,
30sof annealing at 56℃and 1min of elongation at
72 ℃,completed by a folowing 5-min step at
72℃and a cool down to 4 ℃.Al reagents for
PCR amplification was applied by TAKARA.An
initial selective polymerase chain reaction of eight
individuals cross four populations was carried out
延 边 大 学 农 学 学 报 第38卷 
with 12primer combinations,only primers pro-
vides clear and reproducible bands with sufficient
polymorphic variations between populations was
used.We finaly screened three most informative
primer combinations(E-AGC/M-CAT,E-AGC/M-
CTC,E-ACT/M-CAC)for this research.
Data analysis
The AFLP genotype was obtained from ABI
sequence prism 377using GENSCAN-ver.3.7
(ABI Co.Ltd,),obtained profiles we reanalyzed u-
sing Gene Marker ver-2.2.2
[15](Available at http:
www.softgenetics.com/genemarker),which was
applied to identified fragments between 100-
500bp,only intense and unambiguous bands were
scored as present(1)or absent(0),a0/1binary
matrix was constructed for further analysis.
The number of polymorphic bands(NP),Nei's
gene diversity(HE),Shannon's information index
(I)were conducted by POPGENE ver-1.3.1
genetic differentiation among populations(Gst)
was calculated based on Nei's and Li diversity sta-
tistics[17],the average level of gene flow(Nm)a-
mong populations was estimated by traditional
method based on GST[Nm=(1-GST)/4GST][18].
Principal Coordinate Analysis(PCoA)and
Mantel test were conducted using the program GE-
NALEX ver-6.502(Available at http://biology-as-
sets.anu.edu.au/GenAlEx)to examine the simi-
larity of the populations included and identified if
there was a correlation between geographic dis-
tance and genetic distance[19-20].Using the same
software,genetic variation within and among pop-
ulatons was partioned by the analysis of molecular
variance(AMOVA)[21].Based on the Nei’s and Li
genetic distance,an UPGMA dendrogram with
1 000bootstraps was constructed in NTSYSpc-
Bayesian clustering was conducted with
STRUCTURE ver-2.3.4
[23-24](Available at analy-
sis was performed using admixture model with un-
related alele frequencies,106iterations with a 5×
105 burn-in iterations,Ten runs for each K were
performed from 1-11,the K value of dataset was
assessed to identify the appropriate number of
clusters of individual,lnP(D)values was used to
selected the correct number of groups by calculat-
Population Genetic diversity
Weanalyzed 127individuals from 11popula-
tions of O.acuminata var.crispaand obtained a
total of 138AFLP bands based on three primer
combinations.Of the 138loci surveyed,61(44.2%)
were polymorphic.The number of bands of differ-
ent primer combinations varied fiercely (41-54),
and the percentage of polymorphic fragments var-
ied from 25.6%to 63.4% (Table 1).
表1 3对引物得到的片段以及多态百分比
Table 1 Total number of obtained fragments and percentage
of polymorphism for the three primer pairs used in this study
E-ACT/M-CAC  43  11  25.6%
E-AGC/M-CAT  54  24  44.4%
E-AGC/M-CTC  41  26  63.4%
Total  138  61  44.2%
  At species level,the percentage of polymor-
phic bands(PPB),Nei's gene diversity(HE)and
Shannon’s information index(I)was 44.20%,
0.137 1and 0.296 4respectively.At the popula-
tion level,the PPB of each population varied from
8.70%(XLS)to 19.57%(NSW),with an average
of 14.42%.Mean values of HEand I were 0.136 7
(SD 0.035 2)and 0.052 8(SD 0.009 9).Popula-
tion NSW exhibited the highest level of genetic di-
versity and population XLS showed the lowest lev-
el of genetic diversity(Table 2).
 第2期 李一贤,等:濒危特有水生植物波叶海菜花的遗传多样性研究
表2 波叶海菜花居群采集信息及遗传多样性
Table 2 Details of population location,samples size and genetic diversity of Ottelia acuminata var.crispa
Population  Code Sample number Longitude  Latitude  NP  PPB% HE(mean±S.D.) I(mean±S.D.)
XiaLuoShui  XLS  12  100.801 550° 27.744 233° 12  8.70% 0.036 8(0.122 9)0.053 1(0.175 5)
DaZuiDao  DZD  12  100.800 883° 27.739 067° 21 15.22% 0.058 3(0.146 8)0.085 4(0.211 2)
DuJiaCun  DJC  15  100.765 933° 2.736 200° 24 17.39% 0.063 2(0.153 5)0.092 7(0.219 1)
GeSha  GS  12  100.818 050° 27.726 733° 22 15.94% 0.059 8(0.147 1)0.088 1(0.212 2)
ZhaoJiaCun  ZJC  9  100.806 000° 27.701 383° 20 14.49% 0.045 3(0.127 6)0.068 6(0.184 4)
NvShenWan  NSW  11  100.799 183° 27.690 650° 27 19.57% 0.075 7(0.165 0)0.110 5(0.236 0)
LuoWang  LW  12  100.830 683° 27.697 033° 15 10.87% 0.041 5(0.127 0)0.060 7(0.182 6)
LiangDao  LD  12  100.790 833° 27.684 783° 16 11.59% 0.046 6(0.136 1)0.067 5(0.194 2)
LiuJiaWan  LJW  12  100.801 600° 27.663 800° 15 10.87% 0.029 6(0.099 0)0.046 3(0.147 4)
LangFang  LF  12  100.825 050° 27.672 233° 21 15.22% 0.058 7(0.147 2)0.086 1(0.211 7)
CaoHai  CH  8  100.835 317° 27.688 067° 26 18.84% 0.069 7(0.155 6)0.103 0(0.224 8)
Total  127  44.20% 0.138 0(0.189 3)0.207 9(0.278 3)
  注:NP,多态位点数,PPB,多态百分比;HE,Nei’s遗传多样性指数,I Shannon信息指数;S.D.,标准差。
Note:NP,number of polymorphic;PPB,percentage of polymorphic bands;HE,Nei’s gene diversity;I,Shannon’s infor-
mation index;S.D.,standard deviation.
Genetic structure
The coefficient of genetic differentiation a-
mong populations(Gst)was 0.613 6.The estimated
gene flow(Nm)between populations obtained from
Gstrevealed that the number of migrants per gen-
eration was 0.314 8.The AMOVA analysis further
revealed a significant genetic differentiation across
the sample distribution,64%of the total molecular
variation was attributed to inter-population differ-
entiation and 36% to individual differentiation
within population.
The optimal division within O.acuminata
var.crispawas found at K=2in the STRUC-
TURE ver-2.3.4analysis(as indicated byΔK
values)(Figure 2).Accordingly,the genetic groups
were assigned to 2groups(Figure 3).
图2 基于ΔK的K值估算
Fig.2 ΔK values for K estimated
图3 K=2时的波叶海菜花居群分组图
Fig.3 Subdivision by STRUCTRUE for Ottelia acuminata var.crispa.Bar gragh of populations seperated by vertical line for K=2
延 边 大 学 农 学 学 报 第38卷 
  PCoA analysis subdivided al sampled individ-
uals into two major groups(Figure 4)with the first
three axis accounted for 20.69%,12.82% and
9.87%of the total variation.Genetic variances of
which UPGMA(Figure 5)analysis also supported
the result of division.Mantel test shows that there
was no significant correlation between genetic dis-
tance and geographic distance among 11popula-
tions(Figure 6).
图4 波叶海菜花11个居群主成分分析结果
Fig.4 Principal Coordinate Analyse(PCoA)of Ottelia acuminata var.crispabetween 11populations
图5 波叶海菜花遗传距离与地理距离的相关性分析
Fig.5 Correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance based on Nei’s genetic distance of Ottelia acuminata var.crispa
图6 基于遗传距离的UPGMA聚类树
Fig.6 Rooted UPGMA dendrogram of Ottelia acuminata var.crispabased on Nei’s gene distance[27].
 第2期 李一贤,等:濒危特有水生植物波叶海菜花的遗传多样性研究
Genetic diversity within O.acuminata var.crispa
O.acuminata var.crispaappeared to retain a
low level of genetic diversity(PPB=44.2%,HE=
0.138,I=0.207 9)as compared to the same taxa in
Hydrocharitaceae[28-29].Similar results have been
documented in other aquatic species like fern Cera-
topteris pteridoides[30](PPB=44.5%,HE=0.141
and I=0.21)as compared to the similar distribu-
tion pattern and habitats.However,high genetic
diversity also documented by Kang[31]with 61.2%
polymorphic bands inferred from 8pairs of AFLP
primers in the study of endangered Isoetes sinensis
(Isoetaceae).Therefore,based on pervious study
and the present results,the estimated level of ge-
netic diversity in angiosperm was consistent with
the gymnosperm.
Generaly,species with smal geographic dis-
tribution range tended to maintain a low level of
genetic diversity than geographicaly widespread
species[32-34].And for aquatic species,genetic diver-
sity was usualy infinite by ecological fluctuation
and mating system[35-38].O.acuminata var.crispa
was a dioecious perennial aquatic herb endemic to
Lugu Lake.Polination limitation and alele effects
related to population size and sex ratio has been the
major factors of species.Fruits of O.acuminata
var.crispawere only produced by alogamy,and
insects visits was needed for cross-polination
Early reports showed that breeding restriction re-
sistance the species variance[40-41].The present re-
sults combined with empirical studies revealed that
restricted polination might be an important factor
to influence the low genetic diversity of O.acumi-
nata var.crispa.
In the case of circle lake arrangedpopulations,
hypothesis of migration patterns could be fairly
constructed based on its micro ecological charac-
ters,In the patches of specific subpopulation such
as lay on the outlet,a relatively high level of genet-
ic diversity according to its stenotic ecology might
be maintained.Simolutinously,populations lied in
inlet might retain a lower genetic diversity related
to the lacking if source-sink,this equilibrium of
natural set a pattern which cannot be ignorantly
considering and delimited[42-44].The results here
seemed to meet the case:the population XLS being
located in the inlet of the lake maintained the low-
est level of genetic diversity;the population CH be-
ing located in the outlet maintained the high genet-
ic diversity.
Genetic structure of O.acuminata var.crispa
Although the limited variabilityof the markers
may affected the analysis,the primer pairs used in
this study were sufficient to reveal some genetic
structure of O.acuminata var.crispa.Significant
genetic variance was found in O.acuminata var.
crispaby the value of Nei’s Gst(0.613 6).Genetic
variation among populations which was almost i-
dentical to the result of AMOVA analysis.Previ-
ous study indicated that outcrossing species tended
to weaken the genetic structure and inbreeding en-
hance the genetic structure[45-48].High level of ge-
netic variance among O.acuminata var.crispa
populations might be attributed to the inbreeding
The sampled populations of O.acuminata
var.crispawere portioned into 2genetic groups
monitored by STRUCTURE and PCoA,additional
evidence from UPGMA clustered results also sus-
tained the division of 2groups,in the case of the
geographic,the two groups were not significantly
divided but overlapped each other.As an aquatic
herb,gene flow was restrict limited between popu-
lation even at a micro geographical[49-50].According
to the theory of isolation by distance,positive cor-
relation should be identified between genetic dis-
tance and geographic distance when populations
reach equilibrium between gene drift and gene
flow,and if disequilibrium,either gene flow or
gene drift would be a dominant factor to the popu-
lation genetic differentiation[51-52].In accordance
with the theory,the gene flow in O.acuminata
var.crispawas very low(Nm=0.314 8)with no
evident correlation between genetic distance and
geographic distance,suggesting that gene drift
might role the population structure.According to
延 边 大 学 农 学 学 报 第38卷 
the present study,the population LD and LW
didn’t lie in a close distance,but these two popula-
tions located not too far and connected by the wa-
ter drift.Meanwhile,the populations LD,NSW
and LW were basicaly located in a water drift ac-
cording to geographic feature,and the population
NSW didn’t clustered with LD and LW,seeds dis-
posal often disturbed by algae and geographic fea-
tures of the lake.As stated above,each population
retained a unique micro ecological,population NSW
located in a bay confined by the peninsula,for this
reason it was reasonable to combine the two popu-
lations and separated from others based on assum-
ing hydrochory influenced the gene flow of O.acu-
minata var.crispa.A similar study was documen-
ted in Sparganium emersum and Silene tatari-
ca[53-54],of which with a high population similarities
and no significant correlation between genetic and
geographical distance.
Implications for conservation and priorities
It has been reported that genetic diversity was
apotential evolutionary dynamic to sustained the
ever-changing environment
[55-56].The result in
present study clearly depicted a pattern of genetic
data and shed light on the conservation for O.acu-
minata var.crispa.Accordingly,due to the low
genetic diversity and absent of gene flow,in-situ
conservation strategy should be complemented in
order to enhance the population size and slowed
down the rapid genetic erosion.At the same time,
due to the environment fluctuation and the deterio-
ration of water quality[57-58],ex-situ conservation
should be implemented too.On account of
STRUCTURE division showed that 11populations
was portioned in to 2groups,two management u-
nits of this species was suggested for conservation.
For the populations in the group A,NSW,DJC and
CH should be the priority targets of protection be-
cause of their relatively higher genetic diversity
than others.Besides,populations LD and LW,
which maintained a great distinction to other popu-
lations,should be also considered as the principal
conjoined populations for conservation.Considering
translocation can enlarged gene flow and weaken
the genetic variance among populations,transloca-
tion of individuals between different groups is not
Additionaly,for ex-situ conservation,exten-
sively sampled strategy should be implemented ac-
cording to the genetic data in order to obtained suf-
ficient genotypes and different populations may
preserved separately while individuals from differ-
ent patches needed to be keep in the same ponds
We thank Cai-Zhen Gao and Wen-Juan Cao of
Yunnan Normal University for their help in colec-
ting plant materials of O.acuminata var.crispa.
Also,we thanks Ms.Zhang jingxian for her helpful
manuscript.This work was supported by the Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant
No.31460050,31360049)and Financial Fund for
Yunnan Biodiversity Protection:Hydro-ecology In-
vestigation and Assessment for Three Plateau
lakes in Yunnan Province-Lugu Lake,Erhai Lake
and Fuxian Lake.
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