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柳叶沙棘(H.salicifolia D.Don)简介

全 文 :2012年6月第10卷第2期 《国际沙棘研究与开发》 27 
The Relationship of Functional Transformation Between Physiological
Age of Seabuckthorn Leaves and its’Source Pool
Jing Zhenping1,Wen Xiufeng1,Zhang Jike2
(1.China Centre for Seabuckthorn Development and Administration,Beijing 100038,China;
2.College of life science,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,Shanxi)
Abstract:Seabuckthorn is the heliophilous plants,which leaves grows slow in May,and speed up in
June,fastest in July,and the growth goes down in August.On a branch,the number of new leaves is
about for 28.6%,mature leaves are 76.7%,and the old leaves are about 20.6%.From the top of
branch,there is difference of physiological age between the leaves,also the difference of photosyn-
thetic efficiency.Generaly the leaves from 5~13are tender leaves;15~31are mature leaves;others
at the base of branch are older leaves.The chlorophyl content in tender leaves is lower,highest in the
mature leaves,but going down obviously in older leaves.The same trend of performance in the open
of stomata,tender leaves opening smal,largest open in mature leaves and smaler open also in older
leaves.The CO2content in stomata are different because of physiology age and individual plants.
Key words:seabuckthorn;heliophilous leaves;place of leaf;physiological age;photosynthetic effi-
ciency;function leaves;chlorophyl;stomatal conductance and CO2concentration
柳叶沙棘 (H.salicifolia D.Don)简介
被褐色鳞片状鳞毛或散生淡白色星状鳞毛,老枝灰棕色。叶披针形,长 (30)45~80
分布于:中国:西藏 (错那、亚东、吉隆);不丹、尼泊尔、锡金、印度 (旁遮普,
Lahauland Spiti)和克什米尔地区。喜马拉雅地区特有种。
(水利部水土保持植物开发管理中心 梁月)