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全 文 :Study on the Inhibitory Effect of Sophora japonica
Extracts against the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa
ZHOU Xiao-jian1,2,XIA Jie1,JIN Cui-li1,2,MIAO Li1,2,DONG Kun-ming1,2,FENG Ke1,2*
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127;2. Marine Science and Technology Institute,
Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127
Abstract [Objective]The research aimed to discuss the inhibitory effect of Sophora japonica extracts against the growth of Microcystis aerugi-
nosa. [Method]The inhibitory effect of extracted liquid of Sophora japonica leaf against the growth of M. aeruginosa was measured. Moreover,
the active component was studied and analyzed initially. [Result]The absolute alcohol extract of Sophora japonica leaf was separated by n-hex-
ane,ethyl acetate,n-butanol and water phases in turn. The polar fractions were found being the majority (>60%). The non-polar fraction in
n-hexane (about 25%)was found significantly inhibiting the growth of M. aeruginosa. The inhibition rates of fraction in n-hexane at the concen-
trations of 25 and 50 mg/L against M. aeruginosa in 7 d were higher than 75% and 90% respectively. In addition,chlorophyll a of M. aeruginosa
was also destroyed in the presence of the hexane fraction. [Conclusion]The research provided the theoretical basis for preventing and control-
ling the water bloom of M. aeruginosa.
Key words Sophora japonica;Microcystis aeruginosa;N-hexane phase;Chlorophyll a
Received:May 24,2011 Accepted:August 12,2011
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41076097,
41006097);Science and Technology Research Key Project of Chinese
Ministry of Education (211065);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu
Province,China(BK2010322);Open Research of Jiangsu Key Labora-
tory of Environmental Material and Environmental Engineering
(K090027,K090025,K090026,K090028);Graduate Science and Tech-
nology Innovation Project of Department of Education,Jiangsu Prov-
ince,China (M080960); New Century Talent Project of Yangzhou
* Corresponding author. E-mail:fengke@yzu. edu. cn
Since the metaphase of the 20th century,the eutrophica-
tion problem of lake has been the global environmental issue.
In China,60% of lakes were in the eutrophication state[1].
The eutrophication made that the production capacity of water
body improved,and some characteristic algae (blue algae
and chlorella) abnormally proliferated to form the water
bloom. Microcystis aeruginosa was one of major dominant
species in the algal bloom. It could secrete toxin to the water,
which not only had the poison to fishes,human and animal,
but also was the induction factor of liver cancer[2 -3]. In recent
30 years,nearly ten thousand people had the acute poisoning
by drinking or directly touching the polluted water,and more
than 100 people died[4]. Therefore,the effective prevention
and control of M. aeruginosa water bloom was the major
unsolved environmental problem at present.
The treatment of water bloom eruption mainly had the
chemical technology (algicide) ,physical technology (inter-
ception,dredging,dilution, sewage diversion) ,biological
technology (microbial control,algophagous breeding,aquatic
organism inhibition)[5]. The new pathway of inhibiting explo-
sive growth of algae was using the plant allelopathy to inhibit
algae growth[6]. The researches displayed that the aquatic
plant (reed,hornwort)[7 -8] and terrestrial plant (wheat straw,
corn straw, eucalypti ) both had the good inhibitory
effect[9 -11]. Zhou Xiaojian et al. screened 60 kinds of terres-
trial plant samples,and found the leaf extracts of Magnolia
grandiflora,Sophora japonica and Buxus sinica had the obvi-
ous inhibitory effect against M. aeruginosa[12 -13]. The active
extract of Magnolia grandiflora made that chlorophyll a content
of algale cell sharply declined,and the cell membrane perme-
ability greatly rose. SOD presented the stress state of first ris-
ing and declining then. Meanwhile,the ultrastructure of algale
cell also changed. The nuclear area in cell was fuzzy,and the
cell deformed. The plasmalemma crimpled,even cracked.
The photosynthetic pigment layer was loose and random[14].
By using the silica gel column chromatography,gel filteration
and so on,33 kinds of compounds were separated from the
leaf of Magnolia grandiflora[15]. However,there was no report
about the separation and inhibitory mechanism of active com-
ponent in extracted liquid of Sophora japonica leaf. So,the in-
hibitory effect of Sophora japonica leaf extract on the growth of
M. aeruginosa was studied. The active compound was stud-
ied and analyzed initially. We aimed to provide the theoretical
basis for preventing and controlling M. aeruginosa water
Materials and Methods
Sophora japonica was collected from the suburb in Yang-
zhou City,Jiangsu Province. M. aeruginosa was bought from
Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy of Sci-
ences. The numbering was FACHB-905.
Cultivation of M. aeruginosa The cultivation of M. aerugino-
sa used BG11 medium[16]. After the activation of algae,the cul-
tivation was carried out in the light incubator. The culture tem-
perature was 25 ℃,and the ratio of light:dark was 12 h∶12 h.
Preparation of Sophora japonica extract 350 g Sophora
japonica leaves were put into a jar with 500 ml of absolute eth-
anol for 48 h. Extraction were repeated three times,and the
extracted liquids were merged. It was concentrated by the ro-
tary evaporator at 30 ℃ until the volume didnt change. 300 ml
of distilled water was added into the extract. Then,it was set
into 1 000 ml of separatory funnel. The equal volume of
n-hexane was added to layer. The upper layer was light green
Agricultural Science & Technology,2011,12(9):1347 -1349,1354
Copyright 2011,Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved. Horticulture
n-hexane phase. The aqueous phase in the lower layer was
extracted by ethyl acetate. After the liquid was layered,the
ethyl acetate phase in the upper layer presented yellow
brown,and the aqueous phase in the lower layer was brown.
Then,the aqueous phase in the lower layer was extracted by
n-butanol. After vibrating,the upper layer was orange n-buta-
nol phase,and the lower aqueous phase was yellow. The ex-
traction was performed three times. The extracted liquid was
merged. N-hexane,ethyl acetate,n-butanol and water ex-
tracts were respectively obtained. Each extracted liquid was
evaporated to dryness by the rotary evaporator. Then,the ex-
tracts in each phase were obtained.
Inhibitory experiment of algae Each extract was respec-
tively dissolved into DMSO to prepare 10 g/L of mother solu-
tion. The extract mother solution and DMSO were added into
the algae solution in the logarithmic phase to reach their final
usage concentrations. DMSO was only added into the con-
trol,and DMSO contents in all treatments were 0. 5%. The
experiments were repeated three times. The algae solution
was cultivated for 7 d in the light incubator. The cell density of
M. aeruginosa was measured each day,and the inhibitory
rate of growth was calculated. The measurement of chloro-
phyll a concentration used acetone method[17].
Results and Analyses
Initial separation of inhibitory active component of So-
phora japonica leaf
When the volume of extracted liquid didnt change by car-
rying out rotary evaporation concentration at 30 ℃,70 ml of
absolute ethanol extracts from Sophora japonica were ob-
tained. Via the further separation,extracts and concentrations
of n-hexane,ethyl acetate,n-butanol and distilled water,the
extract in n-hexane phase was 0. 56 g (23. 53%) ,0. 30 g
(12.61%)in ethyl acetate phase,0.80 g (33.61%)in n-bu-
tanol phase,0. 72 g (30. 25%)in the water phase. It was
thus clear that the medium polar component (ethyl acetate
phase)was with the lowest concentration in the leaf extract
from Sophora japonica. The low polar component (n-hexane
phase)was with medium content. The high polar component
was with the highest content (above 63. 00%) ,and mainly
dissolved into the distilled water and n-butanol.
Comparison of inhibitory effects of each Sophora japoni-
ca extract
The above four kinds of components were respectively dis-
solved into DMSO. Then,they were added into M. aeruginosa
solution at the logarithmic phase. The final concentration of each
component was all 50 mg/L,and DMSO content was 0.5%. Af-
ter cultivation for 7 d,it was found that each component had the
different inhibitory effects on M. aeruginosa (Fig.1). N-hexane
phase had the most obvious inhibitory effect on M. aerugino-
sa,and the inhibitory rate reached 97. 89% after 7 d. The in-
hibitory rates of components in ethyl acetate,n-butanol and wa-
ter phases were respectively 20. 36%,1. 23% and 46. 35%. In
addition,after cultivation for 24 h,the algae cell sank to the
bottom in n-hexane phase culture bottle,and nearly no algae
cell suspended on the surface. But the phenomenon didnt ap-
pear in other three treatments. After cultivation for 7 d,the
microscope observation found that the cells had the obvious
hollow space and cracked. It was thus clear that the inhibitory
matter of Sophora japonica leaf mainly existed in n-hexane ex-
tracted liquid.
Fig. 1 The inhibitory effect against the growth of M. aerugino-
sa by the extract fractions of Sophora japonica
Influence of Sophora japonica n-hexane component on
the growth curve of M. aeruginosa
For the inhibitory activity mainly presented in n-hexane
phase,the inhibitory experiment of different concentrations of
Sophora japonica extract in n-hexane phase on M. aeruginosa
growth was carried out. After cultivation for 7 d,the different
concentrations of component in n-hexane phase had the sig-
nificant inhibitory effect on M. aeruginosa growth. As the cul-
ture time prolonged,the inhibitory effect also strengthened.
Seen from the growth curve (Fig. 2) ,the density of algae cell
continuously increased in the control group from the density of
2. 39 × 106 cell /ml on the first day of cultivation. When the
concentrations of component in n-hexane phase were 25,50,
75 and 100 mg/L,they all had the obvious inhibitory effect on
the growth of M. aeruginosa. The density of algae cell re-
mained unchanged or declined with the initial density. It illus-
trated that after adding component in n-hexane phase,
M. aeruginosa has stopped growth in 24 h. Started from the
third day,in the treatments of 50,75,100 mg/L of compo-
nent in n-hexane phase,the cell density of M. aeruginosa
didnt remain unchanged with the initial density,but presented
the linear decline. From the fifth day to the seventh day,the
density of algae cell which was added 25 mg/L of component
in n-hexane phase only slightly rose,but was still lower than
the initial density.
Fig. 2 Cell density of M. aeruginosa affected by n-hexane frac-
tion of Sophora japonica at the different concentrations
Seen from the curve of inhibitory rate(Fig. 3) ,after culti-
vation for 2 d,the inhibitory rate of each concentration on
M. aeruginosa reached above 50%. As the cultivation time
increased,the inhibitory rate also increased. But when the
concentration was 25 mg/L,the increase of inhibitory rate
was slower than that of other three higher concentrations. Af-
ter cultivation for 7 d,the inhibitory rates of four concentra-
8431 Agricultural Science & Technology Vol. 12,No. 9,2011
Fig. 3 Inhibitory rate of M. aeruginosa affected by n-hexane frac-
tion of Sophora japonica at the different concentrations
tions on M. aeruginosa respectively reached 74. 95%,
94.19%,93.74% and 90.88%.
Influence of Sophora japonica component in n-hexane
phase on chlorophyll a content of M. aeruginosa
Under 50 mg/L of Sophora japonica component in n-hex-
ane phase,the variation of chlorophyll a content of M. aerugi-
nosa was measured. Seen from Fig. 4,the increase trend of
chlorophyll a content in the control group in the experimental
period was obvious. It increased from 238 to 421 mg/L on the
seventh day. The content of chlorophyll a in the treated group
presented the decline trend and declined to 68 mg/L on the
seventh day. It illustrated that the photosynthesis capacity of
algae cell has declined to the very low level. It showed that
the matter from Sophora japonica leaf could destroy the chlo-
rophyll of M. aeruginosa,which might be one of reasons for
affecting the algae growth.
Fig. 4 Chlorophyll a content of M. aeruginosa affected by
n-hexane fraction of Sophora japonica
The extract of Sophora japonica leaf had the inhibitory
effect on M. aeruginosa,and mainly included the polar and
non-polar components. The non-polar component (n-hexane
phase) ,which was less in content,inhibited the growth of
M. aeruginosa more significantly. When the concentration of
component in n-hexane phase was 25 mg/L,the inhibitory ratio
of M. aeruginosa growth closed to 75%. When the concentra-
tion of component in n-hexane phase reached and surpassed 50
mg/L,the inhibitory ratio of M. aeruginosa growth reached
above 90%,and the damage of chlorophyll a accompanied.
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Responsible editor:SONG ping Responsible proofreader:
WU Xiao-yan
基于 GIS技术的农业干旱监测与评估系统(摘要)
李卫宁1,匡昭敏2* ,卢 远1,李 莉2,何 立2,罗永明2,曾行吉3
(1. 广西师范学院资源与环境科学学院,广西南宁 530001;2.广西壮族自治区气象减灾研究所 /国家卫星气象中心遥感应用试验基地,广西南宁
530022;3. 广西壮族自治区气象信息中心,广西南宁 530022)
[方法]综合运用 GIS和数学、气象学、管理学、计算机科学等技术手段和学科知识,以干旱监测、评估为核心,研发了基于 GIS技术的农业干
[结果]应用该系统对广西 2006年 11月 4日的干旱进行监测,并用实际情况进行检验,证明取得了较好的监测效果。
[结论]基于 GIS的农业干旱监测与评估系统实现了 GIS与专业监测、评估模型的有机结合,提供了灵活的人机交互界面和可视化表达,实现
关键词 农业干旱;监测与评估系统;GIS;专业模型
基金项目 广西自然科学基金项目(桂科自 0832205),国家科技支撑计划题项目(2008BAK50B02-02),广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科攻
作者简介 李卫宁(1987 -)男,江苏金坛人,硕士研究生,研究方向:GIS二次开发,E-mail:leeweining@ 163. com。* 通讯作者,高级工程师,从事灾害
的监测、评估技术及 GIS、RS的应用研究,E-mail:kzhaomin@163. com。
收稿日期 2011-06-16 修回日期
(From page 1349)
周晓见1,2,夏 洁1,靳翠丽1,2,缪 莉1,2,董昆明1,2,封 克1,2*
(1.扬州大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225127;2.扬州大学海洋科学与技术研究所,江苏扬州 225127)
25%的非极性组分(正己烷相)具有显著的抑制铜绿微囊藻生长的效果。在 25和 50 mg /L正己烷相组分作用下铜绿微囊藻的 7 d生长抑制
率分别达 75%和 90%以上,同时还伴随着细胞中叶绿素 a的破坏。
关键词 龙爪槐;铜绿微囊藻;正己烷相;叶绿素 a
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(41076097,41006097);教育部科学技术研究重点项目(211065);江苏省自然科学基金(BK2010322);江苏省环境
作者简介 周晓见(1976 - ),男,安徽安庆人,副教授,博士,从事水环境生物学研究,E-mali:zhou_xiaojian@ 163. com。* 通讯作者,教授,博士,博士
生导师,从事环境科学领域研究,E-mali:fengke@ yzu. edu. cn。
收稿日期 2011-05-24 修回日期 2011-08-12
4531 Agricultural Science & Technology Vol. 12,No.9,2011

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