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Studies on Genetic Differentiation of Caragana opulens in Inner Mongolia Plateau


对分布于内蒙古和林格尔和阿拉善的甘蒙锦鸡儿(Caragana opulens Kom)种群的叶片形态特性和遗传结构进行了比较研究。结果发现:从叶厚度、面积、长/宽、生物量及SLA来看,阿拉善种群与和林格尔种群之间存在明显变异,阿拉善种群比和林格尔种群保水能力强,对干旱的适应能力好。遗传结构比较研究发现,甘蒙锦鸡儿种群间发生明显的遗传分化(遗传相似度为0.711),表明生物对环境的适应是有分子基础的、是以遗传变异为基础的种群分化适应。

Some morphological characteristics of leaf and genetic structures of C.opulens populations which are found in Helinger(a semi-arid/partial humid region with lower temperature,lower light intensity and shorter sun time)and Alashan(an intensively droughty region with higher temperature,higher light intensity and longer sun time) were comparatively studied in this paper in order to understand the adaptation mechanism of the species to its habitat.The results indicated that leaf blade area,thickness,thickness/area,length/width,biomass and specific leaf area(SLA) of Alashan populations were different from Helinger population.Alashan populations were better in water protecting than Helinger population.As a result,they are better adaptation to arid environment than Helinger population.By comparing the genetic structures of the two populations,we can find that the genetic differentiation had occurred between Caragana opulens populations(genetic similarity coefficient was 0.711).This may indicate that the adaptation of Caragana opulens populations to its habitats take place at molecule level,and the population differentiation occur on the basis of genetic variability.

全 文 : 万方数据
作者: 马成仓, 高玉葆, 郭宏宇, 刘惠芬, 王金龙, MA Cheng-cang, GAO Yu-bao, GUO
Hong-yu, LIU Hui-fen, WANG Jin-long
作者单位: 马成仓,MA Cheng-cang(淮北煤炭师范学院生物学系,淮北,235000;南开大学生命科学学院
,天津,300071), 高玉葆,郭宏宇,刘惠芬,王金龙,GAO Yu-bao,GUO Hong-yu,LIU Hui-
fen,WANG Jin-long(南开大学生命科学学院,天津,300071)
刊名: 生态科学
年,卷(期): 2006,25(1)

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