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全 文 : [收稿日期] 2009-12-08
 [基金项目] 湖北省教育厅重点项目(2007ABA386)
 [第一作者简介] 林小芳(1985-),女 ,福建福州人 ,硕士研究生 ,主要从事园艺植物生物技术研究.
 [通讯作者] 刘乐承 , E-mai l:lchliu18@yang tzeu.edu.cn.
doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1673-1409(S).2010.01.015
  林小芳 ,付明星 ,刘乐承 (长江大学园艺园林学院 ,湖北 荆州 434025)
[ 摘要]为比较紫菜薹不同基因型之间的子叶不定芽诱导频率 , 以 6 个紫菜薹(B rassica campestris ssp.
chinensis va r.pur puraria)品种为试材 ,在不同的培养基上诱导不定芽 , 发现`十月鲜 紫菜薹的子叶不定芽
诱导频率最高。为确定` 十月鲜 紫菜薹子叶不定芽诱导最佳培养基 ,采用二次正交旋转组合设计研究了 6-
BA 、NAA 及 AgNO 3 对` 十月鲜 子叶离体培养不定芽诱导频率的影响 , 发现 3 个因素对子叶不定芽诱导影
响的主次关系为:AgNO 3 >6-BA>NAA ,最佳培养基是 MS+3.0 mg/ L 6-BA+1.5 mg/ L NAA+5.0 mg/ L
AgNO3 ,不定芽诱导率达 85.71%。
[ 关键词] 紫菜薹(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis var.purpuraria);子叶;离体培养;植株再生
[ 中图分类号] Q813.1 [ 文献标识码] A  [ 文章编号] 1673-1409(2010)01-S060-03
紫菜薹(B rassica campestris ssp.chinensis var.purpuraria)是十字花科芸薹属作物 ,原产我国 ,是长
江流域的特产蔬菜 ,在长江流域及以南各省普遍栽培。紫菜薹的食用部分为嫩花茎 ,花茎肥嫩 ,色泽鲜艳 ,
脆嫩清甜 ,风味独特 ,含有丰富的维生素 A 、C ,营养价值极高[ 1] 。紫菜薹早熟品种和中晚熟品种分别于国
庆 、元旦 、春节前后大量上市 ,深受大众的喜爱 。作为优质高档蔬菜紫菜薹也被逐渐引种到全国各地栽
培[ 2] 。随着生活水平的不断提高 ,人们对紫菜薹生产和消费的要求也日益提高 ,因此需要选育更多的优良
品种 。采用基因工程技术导入目的基因改良遗传特性 ,无疑是紫菜薹育种的一个新途径。通过根癌农杆
菌介导的转基因技术导入外源目的基因是植物遗传改良的一种有效手段 ,而应用这种技术的基础是建立
高效的离体再生体系 。尽管紫菜薹的组织培养早有成功的报道[ 3] ,但是由于基因型不同 ,实际应用中仍存
在许多问题。本研究旨在探讨激素配比和基因型对紫菜薹子叶离体培养不定芽诱导频率的影响 ,以期为
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
`十月鲜 、` 新选十月鲜 、`原种九月鲜 、`改良九月鲜 、`早丰 和`新世纪中杂 等 6个紫菜薹品种的
1.2 紫菜薹品种间子叶不定芽诱导的比较
(1)无菌苗的获得 以`十月鲜 、` 新选十月鲜 、` 原种九月鲜 、` 改良九月鲜 、` 早丰 、` 新世纪中杂
等6个紫菜薹品种的种子为材料 ,挑选饱满的种子 ,70%乙醇消毒 1 min后用无菌水冲洗3次 ,再用 0.1%
HgCl2 浸泡 10 min后用无菌水冲洗 3 次 ,然后接种于 MS 培养基中 。每个三角瓶接种 30 粒种子 ,置于
(26±1)℃、16 h光照及光照强度 1 600 lx 下培养。
(2)不定芽的诱导 根据前人报道[ 3] 和预备实验的结果 ,采用 3种组合的培养基 ,即培养基 1:MS +
2.0 mg/L 6-BA +2.0 mg/ L NAA +7.5 mg/L AgNO 3 ;培养基 2:MS +1.0 mg/ L 6-BA +1.5 mg/L
NAA+5.0 mg/ L AgNO 3 ;培养基3:MS+3.0 mg/ L 6-BA+1.5 mg/ L NAA+5.0 mg/ L AgNO 3 ,进行不
定芽的诱导。取 5 ~ 8 d苗龄无菌苗带子叶柄的子叶作为外植体 ,接种诱导不定芽 , 20 ~ 25片/皿 。30 d
·60· 长江大学学报(自然科学版) 2010年 3月 第 7卷第 1期:农学Journal of Yangtze University(Nat Sci Edit) Mar.2010 , Vo l.7 No.1:Agri Sci
1.3 6-BA、NAA和 AgNO3 二次正交旋转组合设计诱导紫菜薹子叶不定芽
(1)无菌苗的获得 以`十月鲜 紫菜薹为材料 ,操作步骤同 1.2。
表 1 因素水平及编码
Table 1 Factor levels and coding
编码值 6-BA/(mg/ L) NAA/(mg/ L)AgNO3/(mg/ L)
-1.682 1.0 0.5 0.0
-1 2.0 1.0 2.5
0 3.0 1.5 5.0
+1 4.0 2.0 7.5
+1.682 5.0 2.5 10.0
(2)不定芽的诱导  不定芽诱导培养基以
6-BA 、NAA 和 AgNO 3 的不同浓度组成 3因素实
验 ,采用二次正交旋转组合设计[ 4] ,实施情况为全
面实施 ,零水平试验重复 9次 ,其变化范围及其编
码如表 1。不定芽诱导的具体操作同 1.2。
(3)不定芽的生根诱导及植株移栽 将继代
生长至长度 1 ~ 1.5 cm 的不定芽切下 ,转移至生
根培养基(1/2MS+2 g/100 g蔗糖+0.8 g/100 g
琼脂+5.0 mg/ L A gNO 3)上诱导生根 。选长势良好的植株开瓶炼苗 ,洗去根部的培养基 ,移至装有培养
土的营养钵中 ,塑料薄膜覆盖保湿 2 ~ 3 d后按实生苗植株正常管理 。
2 结果与分析
2.1 紫菜薹品种间子叶不定芽诱导率的比较
接种培养 2 ~ 3 d后 ,紫菜薹子叶柄切口处开始膨大 , 3 ~ 4 d后部分切口形成愈伤组织;8 ~ 14 d后 ,子
叶柄切口处以及愈伤组织表面产生紫色芽点 ,芽点逐渐增大 ,再生长 2 周左右 ,形成明显的紫色芽丛。6
个紫菜薹品种在 3种培养基上的子叶不定芽的诱导结果如表 2。
方差分析结果表明 ,培养基间差异不显著 ,但品种间差异达到极显著(表 3)。进一步分析表明 , `十月
鲜 的子叶不定芽诱导率显著或极显著高于其他 5个品种 , `早丰 的子叶不定芽诱导率显著或极显著低于
其他 5个品种。这表明 ,对这 3种培养基而言 ,6个品种中`十月鲜 紫菜薹的子叶不定芽诱导率最高 , `早
丰 紫菜薹子叶不定芽诱导率最低 。
表 3 6个品种方差分析差异显著性
Table 3 The significant difference of
var iance analysis between 6 cultivars
品种 均值
`十月鲜 58.01 aA
`新选十月 53.67 bAB
`原种九月鲜 50.52 bcBD
`改良九月鲜 50.28 bcB
`新世纪中杂 49.19 cB
`早丰 43.18 dC
表 2 不同品种不同培养基子叶不定芽诱导的结果
Table 2 The induction result of cotyledon adventitious
buds by different cultivars and different media % 
1 70.91 64.29 61.25 62.81 47.00 55.41
2 71.19 68.60 60.40 53.92 48.51 53.62
3 83.71 61.67 57.00 60.69 45.45 62.81
2.2 6-BA、NAA和 AgNO3 对`十月鲜 紫菜薹子叶不定芽诱导的影响
运用二次正交旋转组合设计的方法组成 6-BA 、NAA 和 AgNO3 3因素试验 ,子叶不定芽诱导结果如
表 4。
从表 4可以看出 ,子叶不定芽诱导率最高达 85.71%,最低为 39.39%。方差分析结果(表 5)表明 ,在
本研究中 ,AgNO 3 浓度以 5.0 mg/ L 左右为宜 ,过高或过低都不利于子叶不定芽的诱导;6-BA 浓度以 1.0
mg/L 为宜 ,过高反而抑制不定芽的诱导;NAA 各浓度之间的不定芽诱导率无显著差异 。由表 5的均值
可选取`十月鲜 紫菜薹子叶不定芽诱导的最佳培养基组合 ,即 MS+3.0 mg/ L 6-BA+1.5 mg/ L NAA+
5.0 mg/L AgNO3 。
·61·第 7 卷 第 1 期:农学 林小芳等:紫菜薹子叶离体培养不定芽诱导频率的研究  
表 4 二次正交旋转试验设计及结果
Table 4 Design and results of quadratic
orthogonal rotary experiment
处理号 6-BA/(mg/ L)
/(mg/ L)
/(mg/ L)
导率/ % sin
1 4.0 2.0 7.5 50.00 45.00
2 4.0 2.0 2.5 48.00 43.85
3 4.0 1.0 7.5 59.00 50.18
4 4.0 1.0 2.5 65.49 54.03
5 2.0 2.0 7.5 70.91 57.35
6 2.0 2.0 2.5 51.49 45.86
7 2.0 1.0 7.5 56.00 48.45
8 2.0 1.0 2.5 56.35 48.68
9 1.0 1.5 5.0 64.86 53.54
10 5.0 1.5 5.0 51.24 45.89
11 3.0 0.5 5.0 52.38 46.38
12 3.0 2.5 5.0 63.64 52.89
13 3.0 1.5 0.0 39.39 35.88
14 3.0 1.5 10.0 54.00 47.29
15 3.0 1.5 5.0 62.81 52.42
16 3.0 1.5 5.0 73.49 59.02
17 3.0 1.5 5.0 70.00 56.79
18 3.0 1.5 5.0 71.04 57.42
19 3.0 1.5 5.0 62.50 52.24
20 3.0 1.5 5.0 78.26 62.24
21 3.0 1.5 5.0 66.67 54.76
22 3.0 1.5 5.0 69.56 56.54
23 3.0 1.5 5.0 85.71 67.78
方差分析和极差的直观分析结果(表 5)均表明 ,
在因素水平范围内 , 6-BA 、NAA 和 A gNO 3 对子
叶不定芽诱导率影响的主次关系为:AgNO3 >6-
BA>NAA ,其中 ,AgNO 3 的极差最大 ,对子叶不
定芽的诱导影响最大 ,是主要因素 。
表 5 子叶不定芽诱导结果的直观分析
Table 5 Direct perceiving analysis of induction
result of cotyledon adventitious buds
均值 6-BA NAA AgNO3
x1 53.54 a 46.38 a 35.88 c
x2 50.08 abc 50.34 a 48.11 ab
x3 53.97 ab 54.29 a 55.55 a
x4 48.27 bc 48.02 a 50.25 ab
x5 45.89 c 52.89 a 47.29 b
R 8.08 7.91 19.67
3 讨论
在芸薹属植物组织培养中 ,不同激素的浓度
及其配比 ,在不同的报道中并不完全一致 。目前
报道最多的组合是 BA+NAA ,但适宜浓度因基
因型而异 。本研究中`十月鲜 子叶芽诱导最佳激
素配比为3.0 mg/L 6-BA +1.5 mg/L NAA ,这
与前人在甘蓝型油菜[ 5] 、大白菜[ 6] 等芸薹属植物
中的结果基本一致;与李汉霞等[ 3] 在紫菜薹中的
研究结果也接近 ,但本研究培养基中的 6-BA 、NAA 水平略高 ,这可能是基因型和生理状态不同的缘故 。
许多研究也表明 ,不同基因型的芸薹属植物再生频率有显著的差异[ 7 , 8] 。本研究比较了 6个品种子叶不定
芽的诱导频率 ,发现`十月鲜 紫菜薹不定芽诱导率较高;进一步的二次正交旋转组合设计实验中 , `十月
鲜 子叶不定芽诱导率达到了 85%以上 ,可以进行遗传转化。
自 Chi等[ 9 , 10]首先发现培养基中添加 AgNO 3 能显著促进大白菜 、白菜和菜心的子叶再生成芽以来 ,
一般认为 Ag+是较好的乙烯活性抑制剂 ,能竞争性地作用于乙烯作用部位 ,防止外植体产生过多的乙烯
对植株再生的抑制作用[ 11] 。通常认为 AgNO 3 对芸薹属植物的再生分化有较大的影响 ,而且多认为适当
浓度的 AgNO 3 能显著地提高不定芽的分化频率[ 12 ~ 20] 。本研究结果与此一致。而且本研究的二次正交
旋转组合设计分析结果认为 , AgNO 3 是影响紫菜薹子叶不定芽诱导的主要因素 ,在其他芸薹属植物中是
否如此有待证实 。此外 ,本研究中发现高浓度的 AgNO 3 容易引起黄化现象 ,这与屈会玲等[ 21] 在彩色大白
菜中的研究结果一致 。本研究发现紫菜薹不定芽生根较为困难 ,但生根后移栽较易成活 ,生根较为困难的
原因仍需进一步研究 。
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·62·   长江大学学报(自然科学版) 2010年 3 月
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·66·   长江大学学报(自然科学版) 2010年 3 月
JIN Hui , LU Shi-min ,ZHANG Song  (Co llege o f Fisheries , H uazhong Ag ricul tu ral Universi ty ,Wuhan , Hubei 430070)
Abstract:An investig ation on the hydrobiological resources of Taolinkou Reservoir w as
conducted in 2009.The results showed that the average biomass of phytoplankton was
5.154 mg/ L , and its peak appeared in the spring and the autumn.The dominant species
w as Bacillariophyta.The average biomass of zooplankton was 3.216 mg/L and the peak
was the summer.The predominating species w ere Copepoda and Cladocera.The average
biomass of zoobenthos was 4.776 g/m2 , and the peak was the summer.The dominant
species w as Tubifex sp.It w as calculated that the potential fishery production capacity of
Tao linkou Reservoir on the basis of the biomass of plankton and zoobentho s were 1 013
t/a and 11 t/a , respectively.
Key words:hydrobiological resources;assessment;fish productivity;Taolinkou Reservoir
053Genetic Diversity in Cultivated Broccoli Revealed by ISSR and SSR Markers
LI Xin-jia ,WUMing-gen (Col leg e o f A gronomy ,Yanbian Universi ty , Long j in g , J i lin 133400 , China)
PAN Gang  (Col lege o f A gr icul ture an d Biotechno logy , Zhej ian g Universi ty , Hangzhou , Zhej iang 310029 , Ch ina)
Abstract:20 ISSR primers and 100 pairs of SSR primers w ere employed to analy ze genet-
ic diversity among 8 cultivated broccoli(Brassica oleracea var.italica)varieties.A total
of 35 and 22 polymo rphic bands were found respectively each kind of markers , the aver-
age number of bands is 3.5 and 2.2 respectively.Genetic distance among the 8 broccoli
varieties ranged f rom 0.271 3 to 0.970 2 and from 0.175 7 to 0.922 3 respectively ac-
co rding to the ISSR and SSR markers.These 8 cultivated broccoli varieties w ere divided
into tw o g roups in this study.
Key words:broccoli(Brassica oleracea var.italica);ISSR;SSR;genetic diversity
056 Induction of Embryoids , Embryogenic Callus and Plantlet Regeneration from Bing-
tangcheng(Citrus sinensis)
CAI Xiao-dong ,LIAO Wei  (Co llege o f Hor ticu lture and Gardenin g ,Yang tze Universi ty , J ingzhou , Hubei 434025 , Ch ina)
Abstract:The undeveloped ovules in mature f ruits of Bingtangcheng (Citrus sinensis)
were cultured on dif ferent M T basal medium supplemented with different kinds of plant
g row th regulators(ZT ,GA3 , BA , IAA o r 2 , 4-D),malt extraction(ME)or AgNO3 , to
induce embryoids and embryogenic callus.The result s showed that different medium af-
fected not only the regeneration ratio but also the types of embry oids.The MT medium
was effective f or induction of globular somatic embryoids;The MT +1.0 mg/ L GA3 +
500 mg/ L ME medium was beneficial fo r induction of colyledon-shaped embryoids.The
regeneration ratio of embryogenic callus w as determined by the types of embryoids and
the medium.The M T+0.5 mg/ L IAA +0.1 mg/L ZT medium and globular somatic
embryiods were the best for induction of embryogenic callus , and the rate reached 40%.
Large numbers of whole plants w ere recovered from these embryoids af ter shoot and
root induction.
Key words:Bingtangcheng (Citrus sinensis);undeveloped ovules;embryoids;embryo-
genic callus
060 Study on Induction Rate of Cotyledon Adventitious Buds of Purple Cai-tai(Brassica
campestris ssp.chinensis var.purpuraria)in vitro
LINXiao-fang , FU Ming-xing
LIULe-cheng   Col leg e o f Hort iculture an d Gardening ,Y angtz e Universi ty ,J ing zhou , H ubei 434025 , China
Abstract:For comparison of the induction rate of cotyledon adventitious buds betw een
different genes of purple cai-tai (Brassica campestr is ssp.chinensis var.purpurar ia), 6
cultivars of purple cai-tai w as used as material , s tudy on different combinations.It w as
found that among the 6 cultivars of purple cai-tai , Shiyuexian purple cai-tai obtained the
highes t induction rate of cotyledon adventitious buds.In o rder to determine the fit test
combination of induction coty ledon adventitious buds of Shiyuexian purple cai-tai , the
effects of 6-BA , NAA and AgNO3 on induction rate of co ty ledon adventitious buds were
studied by quadratic orthogonal rotary design method.The results showed that the rela-
tionship of the 3 factors on induction rate of co ty ledon adventitious buds was:AgNO3 >
6-BA>NAA.The best combination of inducing cotyledons adventitious buds was MS+
3.0 mg/ L 6-BA +1.5 mg/ L NAA+5.0 mg/L AgNO3 , and the induction rate of cotyle-
don adventitious buds was 85.71%.
Key words:purple cai-tai(Brassica campestr is ssp.chinensis var.purpuraria);cotyle-
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don;in vitro;plant regeneration
063 Factors Affecting Callus Induction Rate and Formation Time of Mature Seed of Zoysia j a-
LIUYa-li ,FEI Yong-jun  (Col lege o f Hort icul tur e and Garden ing ,Y ang tz e Un iver sity , J ing zhou , H ubei 434025 , China)
ZENGHui-ming  (Inst itute o f T ur f grass S cience , Bei j in g Forest r y Universi ty , B ei j ing 100083 , China)
Abstract:The induction rate and callus formation time are the key parameters during the
process of callus induction.Mature seeds of Japanese lawng rass(Zoysia japonica)were
used as explants to inves tigate the effect of the factors , including grinding , immersion
and the way of transferring explants on the medium , on callus induction rate and forma-
tion time.Results are as follow s:when the culture medium for callus induction was MS+ 2 , 4-D 5 mg/ L + L-Pro 500 mg/L + sucrose 30 g/ L + ag ar 7 g/L , pH5.8 ,(1)the
callus induction rate w as sig nificantly improved after seeds were ground;(2)with the
way of transferring ex plant s on medium at random , the induction rate increased;(3)the
induction rate w as higher when the mature seeds were immersed in water for 72 h.
Taken together , these findings sugges t that after the mature seeds were g round , im-
mersed in water for 72 h and transferred on medium at random , a little callus appears
f rom explant s after seeds were on medium 5 ~ 7 d , the callus formation comes to peak at
9 ~ 11 d , callus can be in subculture af ter 14 d , and the callus induction rate are as high
as 95.6%.
Key words:Zoy sia j aponica;callus;induction rate;callus formation time
071Optimization of Fermentation Culture of Bacillus latera porus Based on Artificial Neural
GAO Meng-xiang ,XIA Fan (Col leg e o f Li fe S cience ,Yangtze Universi ty , J ingzhou , Hubei 434025 , Ch ina)
Abstract:The fermentation culture of Baci llus lateraporus was studied and a new meth-
od combined the artificial neural netw o rk(ANN)with the traditional orthogonal design
was adopted to analy ze and interpret the collected data.The optimum fermentation cul-
ture of Bacillus lateraporus was obtained through emulating , evaluating and optimizing
process by the ANN , in which the optimized sucrose content w as 1.5 g/100 g , the con-
tent of yeast ex traxt 0.4 g/100 g and the content of peptone 0.6 g/100 g , 0.075 g/100 g
MgSO4 , 0.25 g/100 gKH 2PO4 , 0.010 g/100 gMnSO4 , 0.8 g/100 gCaCO3.
Key words:Baci llus lateraporus;culture formula;neural netw ork;o rthogonal test
079 Research of Extract of Ginger(Zingiber of f icinale Roscoe)in the Preservation of Silver
Carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)
WU Tao  (Co llege o f Li f e Science , Y ang tz e Un iver sity , J ing zhou , H ubei 434025 , China)
Abstract:Ext ract of ginger(Zingiber of f icinale Roscoe)was used to keep the preserva-
tion quality of silver carp(H ypophthalmichthys molitri x).The effects on preservation
quality w ere determined by biochemical(pH , total volatile basic nitrogen , thiobarbituric
acid),microbiological(total bacterial count)and sensory determinations during s torage
at 4 ℃.The extract exhibited a beneficial effect on inhibiting lipid oxidation and bacterial
g row th in the fillets.Increases of pH , total volatile basic nitrogen , thiobarbituric acid and total
bacterial count in fillets during storage were significantly reduced by the extract.
Key words:silver carp(Hypophthalmichthy s molitr ix);ginger(Zingiber of f icinale
Roscoe);ext ract;preservation
083Optimization Design on Stress Concentration of Thin-walled Hole Plate
CHEN Yi-hou ,ZHOU Si-zhu
PENG San-he   Col lege o f Mechanica l Eng ineering ,Y ang tz e Un iver sity ,J in gzhou , Hubei 434023 , China
Abstract:The stress concent ration of thin-walled hole plate w ere analyzed with finite ele-
ment method.T he s tress conditions were optimized and analysis of the hole to open a
small hole on both sides based on the ANSYS parametric design lang uage(APDL)and
desig n optimize techniques , the minimum objective function was the maximum st ress val-
ue of the center of flat-panel hole edge.The results showed that the stress concent ration
phenomenon of the thin-wall flat-panel hole edge could be effectively reduced by the
Key words:thin-walled hole plate;st ress concent ration;ANSYS;optimization design
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