Abstract:PCR_RFLP analysis of rbcL genes in the Taxaceae and related taxa was conducted by using 10 restriction enzymes to digest the gene fragments amplified from 14 representative species. 29 restriction sites were identified as polymorphic. To reconstruct a molecular phylogeny PHYLIP package was employed to analyse the restriction site data for determining the most parsimonious tree by maximum parsimony method. 18 most parsimonious trees as well as their consensus tree
were calculated out. The results imply 1) that the Taxaceae and the Cephalotaxaceae are monophyletic groups; 2) that the genus Amentotaxus is better to be included in the Taxaceae than to be treated as a separate family; 3) that the generic status of Pseudotaxus in the Taxaceae is supported; 4) that in the Cep
halotaxaceae the establishments of Sect. Cephalotaxus and Sect. Pectinata are rational; 5) that it is questionable to separate nageiaoids from Podocarpus to establish a new family Nagei
aceae; 6) that the Cephalotaxaceae and the Taxaceae than to the Podocarpaceae are more closely related.