Large scale of sexual cell fusion was carried out in order to observe the fusion pattern during in vitro fertilization with special interest in the influence of cell volume on the membrane behavior. Three patterns could be recognized in sexual cell fusion, which was supported by fluorescent microscopy with the aid of video enhanced system and cooled CCD. It was found that the fusion pattern and cell membrane behavior were related to the cell volume ratio of two fusing cells. The results reported here might be useful for interpreting and evaluating data from in vitro fertilization experiments and for explaining male cytoplasmexclusion during fertilization.
孙蒙祥1* , 杨弘远1, Mauro VRESTI2
(1. 武汉大学植物发育生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉430072;2.Department of Environmental Science, Siena Unixersity,Siena 53100,Utaly)
摘要: 分别用玉米(Zea mays L.)和烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)为材料,以单对细胞融合技术广泛开展了各种组合的性细胞的融合实验.重点观察了性细胞融合过程中细胞体积对细胞膜融合行为的影响.视频增差显微术结合细胞膜荧光标记技术显示,性细胞融合过程中受融合双方体积差异大小的调节,细胞膜的融合行为可归纳为3种基本模式发现在体外受精条件下精细胞可以类似被吞噬的方式进入卵细胞,且其融合动作非常迅速.由此提出一种假设机制用以解释体内受精过程中雄性细胞质被排除的可能原因.
关键词: 体外受精;玉米;烟草;细胞体积;融合模式;FITC-Con A
通讯作者。E-mail: <mxsun @>.
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