Genetic dissection of maize seedling root system architecture traits using an ultra-high density bin-map and a recombinant inbred line population Maize ZmVPP5 is a truncated Vacuole H+-PPase that confers hypersensitivity to salt stress Identification and functional characterization of the AGO1 ortholog in maize Effects of transgenic soybean on growth and phosphorus acquisition in mixed culture system Identification of Functional Genetic Variations Underlying Drought Tolerance in Maize Using SNP Markers The Response of Defferent Genotypic Maize to Arsenic RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYTOHORMONES AND GENIC MALE STERILITY INDUCED BY SPACE FLIGHT IN MAIZE Effect of Wellestablished Plasma Treatment Technology on Some Physiological Characteristics in Maize Leaves During Seedling Stage TRANSFORMATION OF MAIZE WITH TREHALOSE SYNTHASE GENE(TPS1) CLONING FROM Saccharomyces cerevisiae ANALYSIS OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAIZE ANTHERS FROM MALE FETILIZABLE PLANT AND MALE STERILE PLANT INDUCED BY SPACE FLIGHT Establishment of High Efficiency System in Wheat Haploid from Wheat×Maize A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUPER-WEAK BIOLUMINESCENCE OF DIFFERENT MAIZE INBRED SEEDS AND THEIR DROUGHT RESISTANCE ULTRASTRUCTURE OBSERVATION OF MAIZE MICROSPORIC EMBRYOGENESIS EFFECTS OF SPACE CONDITIONS ON ULTRASTRUCTURE OF LEAVE IN MAIZE ( Zea mays L.) MUTATION OF MAIZE NATURAL HYBRID AND GERM PLASM MATERIAL SELECTION BY γ RAY IRRADIATION Inheritance and Sequence Homology Analysis of the Maize DNA Introgressed into the Wheat Doubled Haploid Plant Through Wheat×Maize Cross Plant Profilin Inhibits Polymerization of Maize Pollen Actin in Vitro Correlation Between Ultrastructural Changes of Mesophyll Cell and Lipid Peroxidation Damage in Maize Leaves During Water Stress Purification of Plasma Membrane of Maize Sperm Cells by Aqueous Polymer Two-Phase partitioning Changes of Freeze-Fracture Ultrastructure and Light Harvesting Chlorophyll Protein Complex in Thylakoid Membranes During Ontogeny of Maize Transformation of long-lasting UHA in soil and its effect on maize yield Optimized irrigation scheduling for maize in the piedmont of Mt.Taihang of the North China Plain Study on the drought-resistant identification indexes in maize Studies on the relationship between the activity of alkaline phosphatase in intraradical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and efficiency of mycorrhizal symbiosis Effects of mixed cropping of maize and peanut on the Fe nutrition of peanut in sterilized soil Effects of application of lignin on the growth and yield of spring maize The maize iron nutrition not obeying the reward descending rule Effect of magnesium on fertilizer-utilized coefficient of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as grain yield in maize Effect of zinc on fertilizer utilization rates of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium ,grain yield and quality in maize Study on C02 emimion from soil of typical farmland in North China Plain Effects of different zinc concentrations on maize restoration after zinc deficiency and the function of endosperm in zinc deficiency Effect of nitrate levels on dynamic changes of root morphology in different maize inbred lines Effects of effective microorganisms (EM) compost on summer maize growth and development Normalized leaf area index model for summer maize The periodic characteristic of wind speed above and within a maize canopy Techniques of assembling fertilization for maize in black soil area Maize diseases and pests of field ecosystems under different structures on dryland red soil Analysis and application on maize nutrition of growth Signal Transduction Pathway of ZmHSF-Like Gene Responding to Different Abiotic Stresses Effects of phosphorus application on changes in soil phosphorus under wheat/maize/soybean strip relay intercropping system Effects of low nitrogen stress on the physiological and morphological traits of roots of different low nitrogen tolerance maize varieties at seedling stage Effects of different rotational tillage patterns on soil physical properties and yield of winter wheat-spring maize rotation field in Weibei highland Effects of chemical regulation and P fertilization on P absorption and utilization in maize/peanut intercropping system Use of integrated climatic index to determine high temperature damage to summer maize at florescence in the Huaibei Plain Application of different canopy resistance models in summer maize evapotranspiration simulation Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress Analysis of functional diversity of soil microbial communities under different cultivation patterns at different growth stages of maize Effects of different stable organic matters on physicochemical properties of lime concretion black soil and maize yield Effect of inoculation of AMF on plant growth and phosphorus utilization in intercropped maize under chamber phosphorus addition on red soils in Dianchi Watershed Ammonia volatilization in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system of purple soil in hilly area of Central Sichuan Basin Effects of phosphorus supply on microbial carbon source utilization and functional diversity of maize rhizosphere Effects of long-term nitrogen fertilization on maize root decomposition characteristics at different soil depths Effects of cropping patterns and fertilization on rhizosphere soil phosphorus availability of maize/soybean relay intercropping system Effects of fertilization methods on border effect of cereal-vegetablestrip intercropping system Analysis of agro-ecosystem footprint of flux in semi-arid areas Effect of biochar on nitrogen forms and related microorganisms of rhizosphere soil of seedling maize Effect of combined nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer application of wheat-maize intercropping system Spatial distribution and temporal variation of maize root in the soil under field conditions Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on growth and phosphorus accumulation of intercropped maize on purple soil Evaluation and regionalization of maize vulnerability to drought disaster in Western Jilin Province based on CERES-Maize model Indexes screening and comprehensive evaluation of low nitrogen tolerance of hybrid maize cultivars at seedling stage Effects of application of organic fertilizer under different planting densities on dry matter production and yield formation of summer maize Effects of nitrogen application and intercropping on spatio-temporal distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen in pea/maize intercropping field Optimized FAO-AEZ model for estimation of maize yield potential and dry matter accumulation for super-high yield cultivation Research on cadmium toxicity mechanism during maize germination Variations in photosynthetic characteristics and yield of maize inpotato/maize intercropping systems Effects of fertilization and row spacing on microenvironment within population canopy and dry matter accumulation of waxy maize Cause and mechanism of winter wheat yield reduction under straw mulch in the North China Plain Effect of phosphorus application on soil available phosphorus and maize phosphorus uptake and yield Effects of different combinations of planting density, row spacing and row direction on field microclimatic conditions and grain yield of maize Critical period of weed control in no-tillage summer maize fields Maize Genetic Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium tume faciens and Optimization of the Differentiation and Rhizogenesis Conditions Cloning of Maize Starch Branching Enzyme Gene and Construction of RNA Interference Vector Effects of 30% Diethyl-Amino-Ethyle-Hexanoate·Ethephon Soluble Concentrate on Roots Bleeding Sap and Its Com-ponents of Zea mays Breeding strategy of male sterile maize line with thermo-photoperiod sensitivity Distribution of NO-3-N of maize rhizosphere in rhizosphere soil under style ofdifferent irrigation THE EFFECT OF MERCURY ON MEMBRANE-LIPID PEROXIDATION AND ENDOGENOUS PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IN MAIZE SEEDLING WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF C_3 AND C_4 PLANTS STUDIES ON DIFFERENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY OF DIFFERENT MAIZE SEEDS WHICH HAVE BEEN STORAGED FOR TEN YEARS IN NORMAL ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE Change of nitrogen use efficiency of maize affected by long-term manure fertilization in the typical black soil

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