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Molecular Dissection of Relationship Between Seedling Characteristics and Seed Size in Rice

Seedling characteristics such as leaf emergency, chlorophyll content,and height are important for early growth and also associated with seed size. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedling characteristics (leaf length, chlorophyll content, seedling height) and seed size were identified with an attempt to explore the relationship between seedling characteristics and seed size, using a recombinant inbred population derived from a cross between Zhenshan 97A and Minghui 63. Two, one, five, four, four, and nine QTLs were detected for chlorophyll a content, total chlorophyll, length of the second seedling leaf, length of the third seedling leaf, seedling height, and seed size, respectively. The results indicated that four QTLs for seed size and four QTLs for seedling characteristics shared several similar regions (G359 RG532, C567 RG236, RZ403 R19, C371 C405a), respectively, suggesting a close association between seedling characteristics and seed size. Several chromosomal regions influencing seed size, however, had no effects on seedling characteristics, suggesting that it was possible to improve seedling vigor without increasing grain size.

崔克辉1,2*  彭少兵 邢永忠1 余四斌1  徐才国1

(1.  华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,武汉430070;2. 国际水稻研究所,MCPO Box 3127, 1271 Makati City,Philippines)

摘要: 水稻( Oryza sativa L.)幼苗特性如叶的发生、叶绿素含量、植株高度等对早期生长是重要的,与籽粒大小相联系.以水稻珍汕97A和明恢63组合的重组自交系群体为材料,对5个幼苗特性性状和籽粒大小进行了数量性状基因定位(QTL),目的在于从遗传水平探求幼苗特性与籽粒大小的内在关系.对叶绿素a、总叶绿素含量、第二片叶长、第三片叶长、幼苗高度、粒重分别检测到2、1、5、4、4、9个QTLs.结果揭示4个幼苗特性性状的QTL和4个籽粒大小的QTL位点分别定位在4个相似区域 (G359-RG532、C567-RG236、RZ403-R19和C371-C405a),表明幼苗特性性状与籽粒大小间的紧密关系,也显示控制籽粒大小的几个染色体区域对幼苗特性性状没有影响,这意味着通过标记辅助选择改良幼苗活力但并不增加粒重是可能的.

关键词: QTL 定位;幼苗特性性状;籽粒大小;水稻

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