Abstract:There were 46 species belonging to 17 families in the soil seed bank on Shapotou artificially stabilized dunes. Compositae was the family with most species ‘(11 species) and the others were Chenopodiaceae (7 species), Gramineae (7 species), Leguminosae (4 species), etc. 33.3 % of the species lived in the community also had seeds in soil. The seed production of Artemisia ordosica, Hedysarum scoparium, Caragana korshinskii was 545.57 ± 676.73 grains/m2. 6.67 ±13.74 grains/m2. 0. 032±0. 024 grains/m2, respectively. The seeds of A. ordosica were not destroyed by pests, but 31.9%, 83.29% of the seeds of H. scopariurn. C. korshinskii respectively were destroyed by pests. Under the most suitable burying depth, the cumulative seed germination rate of A. ordosica, H. scoparium, C. korshinskii were 78. 3%, 66.7%. 85.0%, respectively. The rate of germination was in the order of: A. ordosica>H, scoparium>C, korshinskii. The vegetation succession would tend towards community mainly consisted of A. ordosica, Bassia dasyphylla, Eragrostis poaeoides, etc.