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Strategies and Challenges in Plant Germplasm Conservation


全 文 :种质资源保存的战略问题和面临的挑战*
李德铢1**, 杨湘云1, Hugh W. Pritchard2
(1 中国西南野生生物种质资源库, 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室, 云南 昆明摇 650204;
2 Seed Conservation Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, West Sussex RH17 6TN, UK)
摘要: 植物种质资源保存, 特别是种子库保存是各种迁地保护措施中最为经济有效的方法。 通过对成千上
万个物种的有效保存, 种子库为减缓物种的灭绝和气候变化对生物多样性的影响发挥了特别关键的作用。
本文较为详细地介绍了 “中国西南野生生物种质资源库冶 的立项背景和最新进展, 同时介绍了世界上其
它几个主要的植物迁地保存设施, 特别是英国皇家植物园的 “千年种子库冶。 结合 “全球植物保护策略冶
讨论了中国植物濒危状况, 估计我国受威胁的物种比例达 20鄄25% , 甚至更高。 本文还简要讨论了种子保
存中的一些科学问题, 包括超低温保存, 并强调了植物分类学和种子生物学的学科建设在植物种质资源保
关键词: 迁地保护; 植物种质资源; 种子库保存; 超低温保存; 中国西南野生生物种质资源库
中图分类号: Q 949. 9摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2011)01-011-08
Strategies and Challenges in Plant Germplasm Conservation
De鄄Zhu LI1, Xiang鄄Yun YANG1, Hugh W. PRITCHARD2
(1 Germplasm Bank of Wild Species; Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China; 2 Seed Conservation Department,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, UK)
Abstract: This paper discusses scientific issues, action plans and strategies for plant germplasm conservation in
general and seed banking in particular. Germplasm conservation is an insurance policy against extinction, and cur鄄
rently preserves tens of thousands of wild plant species. In this report, we introduce the background and current sta鄄
tus of the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, and compare its strategy with that of other major ex situ conservation fa鄄
cilities in the world, e. g. , the Millennium Seed Bank. In the context of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation,
we also discuss the estimated number of threatened species in China, which could be greater than 25% of the flora.
Some scientific conservation鄄related techniques, such as cryopreservation, are described in brief. Seed banking is
the most cost鄄effective approach in all ex situ conservation approaches. Cryopreservation will become increasingly im鄄
portant in accomplishing the ex situ conservation goal and in enabling the long鄄term preservation of seeds, including
recalcitrant ones. This paper also highlights the necessity of increased efforts to train young scientists in taxonomy and
seed biology to improve efficiency, validity of seed identification, and long鄄term management prospects of seed banks.
Key words: Ex situ conservation; Plant germplasm; Seed banking; Cryopreservation; The Germplasm Bank of Wild
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2011, 33 (1): 11 ~ 18
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2011. 11023
Foundation items: The National Basic Research Programme of China (973 Programme, 2007CB411600), the Ministry of Science and
Technology of China (2005DKA21006) and the Millennium Seed Bank Project of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, which re鄄
ceives grant鄄in鄄aid from the DEFRA, UK
Author for correspondence: De鄄Zhu Li (1963鄄), professor and the director of the Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS. Prof Li忆s research in鄄
terests focus on systematics, biogeography and molecular evolution of flowering plants in China and he is the leading scientist of the
Germplasm Bank of Wild Species Project. 摇 E鄄mail: dzl@ mail. kib. ac. cn
Received date: 2011-01-30, Accepted date: 2011-02-09
The status of China忆s plant diversity and
ex situ plant conservation
Plants provide food, fuel, bio鄄chemicals, fiber
and ornamentals for humans; however, increasingly
swift loss of plant diversity has resulted in a decrease
of ecosystem services ( European Communities,
2008). China is home to 31 500 native species of
vascular plants, of which 16 169 (51. 3% ) are en鄄
demic (Raven, 2011), and harbors four of the 34
global biodiversity hotspots ( Myers et al., 2000;
Mittermeier et al., 2005). Approximately two鄄thirds
of the vascular plant species are found in the biodi鄄
versity hotspot located in the mountains of southwest
China. This region has the most endemic鄄rich tem鄄
perate flora of the world, is the distribution centre of
many genera ( including Rhododendron, Pedicularis
and Primula (Wu, 1988), and comprises an ever鄄
green broadleaved forest ecosystem dominated by
subtropical species of Fagaceae, Lauraceae,
Theaceae and Magnoliaceae. China忆s rapid econom鄄
ic expansion, however, has had an immense impact
on its environment and biodiversity. Given China忆s
unique situation of not only containing one eighth of
the world忆s flora within its borders (Li, 2008), but
also having one fifth of the world忆s population and
the fastest growing economy, conservation actions in
China will be of great significance in a long鄄term
global context (Li & Pritchard, 2009).
Although in situ conservation plans (e. g., pro鄄
tected areas, natural reserves and conservation corri鄄
dors) are considered to be an important method of
conservation, natural and man鄄made disasters and
development ( e. g.hydropower, mineral extraction,
tourism, land conversion for crops including rubber
trees, illicit tree clearing and burning) are jeopardi鄄
zing the species in natural reserves and in unprotect鄄
ed areas. Ex situ conservation ( e. g. botanic gar鄄
dens, germplasm banks and tissue culture collec鄄
tions) serves as a fail鄄safe mechanism for certain
segments of diversity that might otherwise be lost in
nature and in human鄄dominated ecosystems. Ex situ
conservation is generally accomplished through the
maintenance of clonal crops in field gene banks and
in vitro banks, raising certain trees in conservation
stands, and producing seed鄄bearing species in botan鄄
ic gardens and / or in conventional or cryogenic seed
banks. The call to explore ex situ strategies for key
groups of species is long鄄standing (Roche, 1975),
but in practice one approach, seed banking, is used
for the maintenance of most ex situ collections (FAO,
1997; Linington and Pritchard, 2001).
The largest seed banks have been devoted to
crops and other economically important species. The
National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation,
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, holds a collection of
half a million seed accessions. The National Centre
for Crop Germplasm Preservation at the Chinese A鄄
cademy of Agricultural Science in Beijing is a na鄄
tionwide network of seed banks that preserves around
400 000 accessions of crop seeds. Partly because of
the increasing alarm about climate change and its
impact on world food production, the Svalbard Glob鄄
al Seed Vault was built in Norway in February 2008
as a coordinated effort to consolidate and systematize
conservation of the worlds crops, particularly those
listed on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) en鄄
acted in 2004 (FAO, 2009).
In response to the lack of a global effort to con鄄
serve wild species as seeds, the Millennium Seed
Bank (MSB) Project was initiated in 1997. Coordi鄄
nated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United
Kingdom, the MSB Project忆s target was to conserve
collaboratively both the UK flora and 10% of the
world s flowering plants ( or 24 200 species) by
2010. This goal was achieved at the end of 2009
with some 50 369 accessions conserved, thereby set鄄
ting a benchmark for future conservation efforts.
One of the main purposes of conservation is
long鄄term use of the materials. A major category of
renewable natural resources, biological resources are
essential for the sustainable development of human
society. Wild plants and animals can provide genetic
diversity used in the breeding of new cultivars, and
21摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
are widely used as ingredients of natural medicines,
such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Due
to China忆s high biodiversity, dependence on agricul鄄
ture, and heritage of TCM, there is an urgent neces鄄
sity to build up China忆s own germplasm bank and to
conserve wild plant and animal species for the sus鄄
tainability of the nation.
The making of the Germplasm Bank of
Wild Species
In August 1999, Prof. WU Zheng鄄Yi, a distin鄄
guished botanist and a senior academician of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and winner
of the 2007 National Supreme Science and Technolo鄄
gy Award of China, wrote to the then Chinese Premi鄄
er ZHU Rong鄄Ji to urge the national government to
set up a germplasm bank of wild species in southwest
China忆s Yunnan Province. Premier Zhu responded
immediately and positively to the proposal. With the
support from both the CAS authority and the Yunnan
provincial government, a team of some 20 scientists
created a project proposal and carried out a feasibili鄄
ty study over five years. In March 2004, the feasi鄄
bility report on the establishment of the Germplasm
Bank of Wild Species in Southwest China (GBOWS)
was approved by the National Development and Re鄄
form Commission. Its mission was to be to preserve
and research wild species, to create a restoration pro鄄
gramme, to provide public education, and to foster
international collaboration and exchange. This would
be a large national scientific facility project, with a
total investment of 148 million RMB (about US $ 22
million), and would be based at the CAS Kunming
Institute of Botany (KIB).
The specific conservation aim of the project was
to collect and safeguard as many as 66 500 acces鄄
sions of 6 450 species ( including seeds from 4 000
species) by the end of the first phase in 2010, and
190 000 accessions of 19 000 species ( including
seeds from 10 000 species) by the end of the second
phase in 2020, with special focus on endangered
and endemic species and those of potential economic
or scientific value. This involved the establishment
of facilities for five subordinate sections—the seed
bank, the DNA bank, the plant in vitro bank, the
microbial culture bank (based at Yunnan Universi鄄
ty), and an animal cell line bank ( based at CAS
Kunming Institute of Zoology ) —which together
constituted an international research centre on plant
genomics and seed biology.
It was expected that the bank would be devel鄄
oped into a world鄄leading facility for the study and
preservation of germplasm resources of rare and en鄄
dangered endemic and economically important
plants, animal species and microorganisms for the
following purposes: to safeguard the bio鄄resources of
strategic significance in China; to provide germplasm
material and relevant information needed in the bio鄄
technology industry and life science research; to
promote the industrialization of biotechnology and the
sustainable development of the economy; and to con鄄
tribute to China忆s fulfillment of the Conventions on
Biological Diversity.
The construction of the GBOWS building started
in March 2005, and was completed in February
2007. The bank was put into trial operation at the
end of 2007 and officially opened in October 2008.
In November 2009, the whole project, including its
conservation targets for the first phase, passed the na鄄
tional review and audit. In 2007, the creation of the
GBOWS was elected as one of the top ten developments
in science and technology in China by academicians of
CAS and Chinese Academy of Engineering.
The strategy and progress of the Germ鄄
plasm Bank
Because the economic and biological value of
seeds can be extremely high, the global seed trade for
crops has reached to US $ 36. 5 billion per annum in
2009 ( http: / / www. apsaseed. org / docs / 00b9aab6 /
ASC2009 / NSA / NSAI. pdf). Seeds are relatively easy
to collect, can represent a range of genetic diversity
in the species if harvested from a wild population of
individuals and can be stored in a relatively small
311 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 李德铢等: 种质资源保存的战略问题和面临的挑战摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
space. For these reasons and since most species of
seed bearing plants produce desiccation tolerant seeds
in relative abundance, the seed bank represents the
most important composition of germplasm banks.
As part of Premier WEN Jia鄄Bao忆s official visit
to the UK in May 2004, an agreement between CAS
and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew relating to col鄄
laboration in the conservation and research of wild
plant species was signed in London by Prof. CHEN
Zhu, then vice president of CAS and Prof. Peter
Crane, then the director of Kew. The objective of
this agreement was to enhance the scientific research
capabilities of both parties in the ex鄄situ conservation
of indigenous and endangered plant species, with an
emphasis on research and conservation of wild plant
species from China and from the United Kingdom.
To this end, a team of young scientists was recruited
and sent to the MSB at the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew to be trained on the protocol of seed collection
and taxonomy. In 2005, the team began to collect,
evaluate and preserve the germplasm of wild spe鄄
With the support of government funding,
GBOWS has now established a nationwide network
for the collection and preservation of germplasm ma鄄
terials from across China, pooling the efforts from 58
universities and research institutes with the partici鄄
pation of more than 600 professionals. The bank has
also actively been coordinating some 13 natural re鄄
serves in Yunnan, from which over 100 staff mem鄄
bers have been trained for standardized collection of
germplasm materials of wild species.
By the end of 2009, 74 641 accessions / strains
of various types of wild germplasm resources were
collected and have now been conserved in GBOWS,
including seeds, in vitro plant materials, animal cell
lines, microorganism strains and DNA samples, of
which 8 444 species have been identified. GBOWS忆
seed bank holds 31 199 accessions of seeds, of
which 4 781 species have been identified, belonging
to 1 337 genera and 166 families. This collection ac鄄
counts for 16. 7% of the country忆s entire native flora
of flowering plants, including 1 339 species endemic
to China, 73 endangered and 1 235 of potential eco鄄
nomic values. Figure 1 shows the locations across
China from which the seeds collected by the end of
2009 were gathered. As of December 2010, totals
for the seed bank at GBOWS include 44 549 seed
accessions of 5 732 species, accounting for 20% of
native species of seed plants in China.
The seed collection also includes 590 acces鄄
sions of 252 species of wild plant seeds from MSB
and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), in ac鄄
cordance with exchange programmes. An initial via鄄
bility test for 495 of the accessions resulted in 52%
success (germination percentage 逸75% ), which is
slightly higher than that of MSB忆s 51% , showing the
high quality of the collections.
The advanced facility and management of
GBOWS has brought immediate world recognition
(Cyranoski, 2003). In December 2007, an agree鄄
ment between KIB and ICRAF relating to collabora鄄
tion in seed depositing and conservation was signed.
ICRAF holds global collections of tree seeds of dis鄄
tinct plant genetic resources of importance to human鄄
ity, and wishes to ensure the long鄄term safety of its
collection by depositing samples of that collection in
GBOWS. Following this agreement, 386 accessions
of seeds from 19 countries have been safely stored in
GBOWS忆 seed bank.
Since the construction of the bank began, KIB
researchers have been carrying out major scientific
programmes, including, studies on species with des鄄
iccation sensitive seeds, piloting the standardization
of the collection and conservation of germplasm ma鄄
terials of important wild species, sharing of best鄄
practices and data, the investigation and preserva鄄
tion of wild plants on the Tibetan Plateau, and re鄄
search on the DNA barcoding of plants based on the
collections of the germplasm bank. The unique
placement of the GBOWS in close proximity to a ma鄄
jor biodiversity hotspot, and its close collaboration
with the MSB and ICRAF, contribute to its vital im鄄
portance in conservation efforts.
41摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
Fig. 1摇 Conceptual Map of China showing origins of those seeds preserved at GBOWS
The challenges of plant germplasm conser鄄
The successful attainment of the GBOWS goal
to store 44 549 accessions of seeds by the end of
2010 ( just a 5鄄year period, starting at the end of
2005), was due to an annual collecting rate double
that of MSB Project忆s 50 369 accessions of seeds in
13 years (by October 2009). However, the ambi鄄
tious targets for the next ten years ( listed in the ta鄄
ble 1), have raised certain challenges.
Table 1摇 Conservation target of GBOWS for the
next ten years (by 2020)
Type / form of germplasm Number ofspecies
Number of
accessions / strains
Seeds 10 000 100 000
Tissue culture 2 000 20 000
Animal cell lines 100 1 000
Microbial culture 2 000 20 000
DNA (genomic, and cDNAs) 3 000 —
Living collection of plant 1 000 10 000
摇 摇 One challenge is that the China Plant Special鄄
ists Group of IUCN忆 s Species Survival Commission
(SSC) has listed 4 408 species as endangered,
which stands for about 15. 4% of China忆s total high鄄
er plants. According to our assessment based on ex鄄
tensive and intensive herbarium and field work over
the years, this figure could be as high as 20% -
25% , or even higher. To ascertain the proper fig鄄
ure, more systematic investigation and detailed eval鄄
uation are required. Among the 31 199 accessions of
seeds conserved by 2009, 4 781 species, or only a鄄
bout 60% of the collection, have been identified,
with some likely misidentified.
The targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Con鄄
servation (GSPC) (2002 -2010) include the pre鄄
liminary assessment of the conservation status of all
known plant species at national, regional and inter鄄
national levels (Target 2), and the conservation of
60% of threatened plant species in accessible ex situ
collections, preferably in the country of origin, with
511 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 李德铢等: 种质资源保存的战略问题和面临的挑战摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
10% of them included in recovery and restoration
programmes (Target 8). The Convention on Biologi鄄
cal Diversity Conference of the Parties tenth meeting
in Nagoya, Japan on 18 - 29 October 2010 passed
proposals for a consolidated update of the GSPC
2011-2020. This new framework set more ambitious
targets, making Target 2 a full assessment of the
conservation status of all known plant species, to
guide conservation action. The scope of Target 8 was
increased to place at least 75% of threatened plant
species in ex鄄situ collections, preferably in the coun鄄
try of origin, and at least 20% available for recovery
and restoration programmes (http: / / www. cbd. int /
gspc / targets. shtml). There are a number of factors
that might reduce successful preservation in ex situ
collections below an optimal level. These include a
failure to identify species precisely and promptly, a
failure to develop knowledge and apply technologies
appropriately to ensure the preservation of species;
and an aversion to investment in innovative approa鄄
ches. These shortcomings can be remedied by ad鄄
dressing Target 15: the appropriate training of scien鄄
tists and the provision of sufficient facilities to carry
out the GPSC framework.
There is a need for cryopreservation. Ortho鄄
dox, bankable seeds, such as the main crops used
in mass food and feed production, show, within lim鄄
its, systematic improvements in longevity on dehy鄄
dration and cooling (Ellis and Roberts, 1980; Ro鄄
berts and Ellis, 1989; Dickie et al., 1990). By
contrast, recalcitrant seeds, such as oaks (Quercus)
and cacao ( Theobroma ), are sensitive to drying
(Black and Pritchard, 2002; Berjak and Pamment鄄
er, 2007). The mechanisms by which recalcitrant
seeds lose viability are various and complex, inclu鄄
ding membrane damage and metabolic dysfunction
( Berjak and Pammenter, 2007 ). Interestingly,
death in the dry state for orthodox seeds and desicca鄄
tion鄄induced death in recalcitrant seeds (and viabili鄄
ty loss in other plant cells in response to stress) fol鄄
low the path of programmed cell death after an initia鄄
tion step that is modulated by reactive oxygen spe鄄
cies鄄induced oxidation of the major cellular antioxi鄄
dant and redox buffer, glutathione (Kranner et al.,
2006). Such understanding of the similar means of
viability loss under disparate stresses increases the
likelihood of developing protective intervention meas鄄
ures to enable the preservation of biodiverse seeds.
Across nearly 200 species, it was found that species
from drier ( total rainfall) and warmer temperature
(mean annual) locations tended to have greater seed
P50 ( time taken in storage for viability to fall to
50% ) under accelerated ageing conditions than spe鄄
cies from cool, wet conditions ( Probert et al.,
2009). Moreover, species P50 values were correla鄄
ted with the proportion of collections (not necessari鄄
ly the same species) in a family that lost a signifi鄄
cant amount of viability after 20 years under condi鄄
tions for long鄄term seed storage, that is, seeds pre鄄
equilibrated with 15% relative humidity air and then
stored at -20益 (Probert et al., 2009), as accepted
by the international community ( FAO and IPGRI,
1994). Such relative underperformance at - 20益
was apparent in 26% of collections (Probert et al.,
2009). Similarly, it has been estimated that the P50
for the seeds of 276 species held for an average of 38
years under cool (5益) and cold (25 years at -18益)
temperature was >100 years only for 61 (22%) of the
species (Walters et al., 2005). Although 25 species
( from 19 genera) of Cruciferae had high germination
(often >90% ) after nearly 40 years storage at -5 to
-10益 (Perez鄄Garcia et al., 2007), it is reasonable
to conclude that, as an extra insurance policy for
conservation, cryopreservation should be considered
appropriate for all orthodox seeds. Cryopreservation
likely represents the only large鄄scale, long鄄term op鄄
tion for the ex situ conservation of species that are
clonal or have recalcitrant seeds.
The urgent need for taxonomic and seed bi鄄
ology expertise. As mentioned above, only 60% of
seed accessions of seeds at GBOWS have been iden鄄
tified; and only a fraction of these identifications
have been verified. The rapid development of the
project and protocols has thus far meant that misi鄄
61摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷
dentification is unavoidable. Therefore, the certifi鄄
cation or endorsement of the more than 600 nation鄄
wide network professionals忆 taxonomic expertise is of
essential importance. Seed biology expertise would
also increase the effective long鄄term management of
the germplasm banks. Another approach to improve
proper identification is to use DNA barcoding tech鄄
nology to identify the seeds. As an example, a sam鄄
ple of Drymaria Willd. in the collection was initially
misidentified as Pycnospora R. Br. . By using DNA
barcodes and double鄄checking voucher specimens,
this mistake was discovered and corrected.
Concluding remarks
The need to increase efforts to develop ex situ
plant conservation approaches is clear. Seed banking
is the most efficient approach of all ex situ conserva鄄
tion approaches, and cryopreservation will become
increasingly important in the attainment of the ex situ
conservation goal and in enabling long鄄term seed
preservation. In this paper, we have introduced the
background and progress in the creation of the Germ鄄
plasm Bank of Wild Species. We have compared its
strategy and future prospects with other major ex situ
conservation facilities in the world, e. g., the MSB
project (now the MSB Partnership). After reviewing
recent progress in seed biology, we conclude that the
updated Target 8 of the GSPC (2011-2020) should
set clear aims for the use of cryopreservation to pro鄄
tect threatened and vulnerable species with orthodox
and recalcitrant seeds. We also stress the need to
train young scientists in taxonomy and seed biology
as a fundamental element in increasing human ca鄄
pacity to protect plant diversity, thus achieving Tar鄄
get 15 of GSPC.
Acknowledgements: We thank our colleagues, Jie Cai, Yan
Du, Zachary Lulu Huang, Dr. Larson鄄Rabin and Dr. Wolf鄄
gang Stuppy for various support. This review was in part base
on a review by Li and Pritchard (2009) published in Trends
in Plant Science.
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ISBN鄄13 978鄄92鄄79鄄08960鄄2
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筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌 筌
新摇 书摇 介摇 绍
《深圳植物志》, 李沛琼主编, 第 2 卷, 632 页, 120 彩色图板, 2010 年; 北京: 中国林业出版
社。 ISBN: 978-7-5038-5884-0, 定价: 299. 00 元 (精装本)。
《深圳植物志》 系列丛书共 5 卷本, 其中 《深圳苔藓植物志》 为 1 卷; 维管束植物共 4 卷, 共收
录植物 2 800 多种。 其中蕨类植物采用秦仁昌系统 (1978), 裸子植物采用 Kubitzki系统 (1990), 被
子植物采用 Cronquist系统 (1988); 第 2 卷是本系列的第 1 本, 包括杜英科至火筒树科, 共 65 科 298
属 690 种和 25 变种。
深圳人不仅能取得经济奇迹, 同样也可以创造科学奇迹。 今天我们看到的 《深圳植物志》 确实
与众不同, 非常值得介绍; 因为: 1, 她有严格的编写规则, 并且公开写在前言中; 不仅写上, 更重
要的是严格按照规则执行! 2, 术语规范化, 描述准确化, 以本地标本为依据, 不仅真实正确而且非
常适用; 3, 每种植物都有科学性和艺术性相结合的形态图, 大部分都有比例尺; 而且近 3 / 4 的物种
有原色相片, 形象而又逼真; 4, 编写工作认真, 不仅作者如此, 编者和审稿人都极为负责, 所以编
写出来的成果经得起时间与实践的检验; 5, 王文采院士不仅仅是名誉主编, 而且对所有的文稿逐字
逐句审阅并修改, 使得本书的学术水平大为提高。 另外, 设计美观, 封 1 和封 2 是地形地貌图, 而封
3 和封 4 则是区划图, 吸取了我国地方植物志的编写精华。
深圳作为中国改革开放的特区至今只有 30 多年。 这 30 多年不仅建成世界上最新的大都市, 而且
社会、 经济、 人文、 历史、 自然、 景观也发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化。 深圳在都市化快速进程中, 经
过艰苦的努力采集了七万多份标本, 并将这些信息及时地记录下来, 非常值得称赞。 她作为中国改革
开放的特区确实与众不同, 不仅仅是资源调查和多样性保护工作, 还有外来物种的监测、 生态环境的
保护乃至资源的合理开发利用等, 因为她的历史太短、 而且发展速度太快、 以至世界历史上都不曾有
过。 人类在认识自然、 了解自然、 掌握自然并充分利用自然的历史进程中, 还有很多未知的境界有待
探讨; 也许我们今天还不是十分清楚, 但我们留下的宝贵历史遗产则无愧于子孙后代。
马金双摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇
2011 年元月于上海 (E鄄mail: jinshuangma@ gmail. com)
81摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 33 卷

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