Abstract:Protoplasts were isolated by enzyme digestion from leaf of Japanese butterbur (Petasites japonicus). The enzyme incubation mixture consisted of 4% (W/V)cellulase RS, 2% (W/V) hemicellulase, 1% (W/V) pectinase-dissolved Y-23 and polygalacturonase in a solution of 0. 5 mol/L mannitol at pH 5.7 . In the basic medium of 1/4 MS inorganic salts and 1/2 MS vitamins supplemented with 2 mg/L NAA, 0. 2–0. 5 mg/L BA, 0. 5 mol/L mannitol and 10 g/L sucrose, the cells divided luxuriantly. Regenerated plantlets were formed from callus after bud induction and root initiation.