Abstract:The obtaining of calluses and plantlets from cultured wheat anthersat the stages from pollen mother cell to trinucleate microspore has been reported previously. Haploids as well as diploids existed among the regenerated plantlets derivedfrom anthers at these stages. Present paper reports the study on androgenesis patter-ns of cultured anthers at meiosis, tetrad, early mid- and late uninucleate and trinucleate stage. Cytological evidence of pollen-origin of calluses produced by anthers atthese stages was given. Observation showed that meiosis of wheat anthers was able tocomplete under culture conditions, resulting in releasing microspores, from which multinucleate and multicellular pollen grains formed. In meiosis anthers, abnormal cells,including syncytium and two kinds of binueleate calls were sometimes observed. Theymight be products of abnormal meiosis and abnormal development of tapetum cells. Itwas noted that failure and/or uncomplction of forming callus wall and/or pollen wallin in vitro anthers at meiosis, tetrad and early uninucleate stage occured often. Itmight lead to the low frequency of callus induction. Mature wheat anthers (trinucleate stage) contained both normal and abnormal pollen grains (pollen dimorphism); onlythe abnormal pollen grains developed into embryoids while all the normai trinucleatepollen grains degenerated rapidly. However, the date of the frequency of equal divisionof microspores suggested that abnormal pollen (N pollen, small pollen) could not be theonly source of androgenic pollens in cultured anthers at late uninucleate and other earlier stages.