Selection of Primary Trisomics from Anther Culture of Autotetraploid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) PRODUCTION OF WHEAT HAPLOIDS USING ANTHER CULTURE AND WHEAT×MAIZE HYBRIDIZATION TECHNIQUE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF MAGNETIC FIELD-FREE SPACE ON WHEAT Preliminary Study on Anther Culture of Erigeron breviscapus CO2 Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Transgenic Rice Pollen Lines Cytological Studies on Pollen Sterile Hybrid F1 and Its Parent Taichung 65 (Oryza sativa L.) during the Anther Culture The Effects of Anther Culture of Rice in Hybrids F1 from Japonica Crossed with Wide Compatibility Varieties PURIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT ON DUAL-PURPOSE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE PEIAI 64S BY ANTHER CULTURE In vitro Haploid Production and Application to Pepper Breeding Contributions of Chinese Botanists to Plant Tissue Culture in the 20th Century Progress of Haploid Production in Compositae CALLUS INDUCTION AND SUBCULTURE FROM ANTHERS OF UPLAND COTTON ( GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L.) Study on Anther Culture Effects of Mutant Lines of ‘Peiai 64S’ EFFECT OF LOW TEMPERATURE PRETREATMENT ON THE VARIATION OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES IN WHEAT ANTHER Effect of the Ratio of Sucrose to Maltose on the Frequency of Induction and Differentiation of Pollen Callus in Wheat Man-Made Triticeae Genomes by Chromosome Recombination——Ⅱ.Screening for Hapoid Triticale Clones with High Anther Culture Efficiency Preliminary Study of Anther Culture of Platycodon grandiflorum Studies on the Analysis of Variance and Major/Minor Factors of Medium Components Influencing the Efficiency of Anther Culture Ability Genetic Effect Analysis in Wheat Anter Culture of Different Generations A Study on the Effects of 1B/1R Translocation on Anther Culture in Wheat Genetic Analysis of Null Alleles in Rice Doubled Haploid Plants from Anther Culture The Establishment of Mutant Pool Using Anther Culture of Autotetrapolyploid Rice Studies of Effects of Several Factors on Anther Culture of Capsicum annuum L. Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture In vitro Haploid Production and Application to Pepper Breeding Research Progress in Androgenesis and Haploid Breeding of Gramineous Forage and Turfgrass Plants Ploidy on Anther Plantlets of Screening of Salt-Tolerant Wheat Variants Via Anther Culture in Salt Stress Media Experimental Studies on Optimization Medium of Japonica Rice Anther Culture Anther Culture of Naked Oat and the Establishment of Its Haploid Suspension Cell DNA Synthesis in Microspores in Anther Culture of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) The Influence of Hormones on Microspore Development of Wheat Anther Culture In Vitro A Study on the Application of C17 Medium for Anther Culture Studies of Effects of Several Factors on Anther Culture of Capsicum annuum L. Anther Culture of Medicago sativa L. and Ploidy detection. Anther Culture and Haploid Induction from Isatis indigotica (Cruciferae) Anther culture and plant regeneration of Robinia hispida EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION PRETREATMENT ON CALLUS INDUCTIVITY AND DIFFERENTIATION OF STRAWBERRY ANTHER Flower Morphogenesis and Microspore Development Versus Anther Culture of Cucumber Effects of Glutamine,Proline,and Exogenous Hormones on the Anther Culture of Alfalfa In vitro pollen germination and anther culture of Senna obtusifolia Callus induction and plant regeneration of Liriope spicatavar. prolifera anther BREEDING OF A NEW EARLY SEASON INDICA RICE VARIETY GANZAOXIAN 56 BY IRRADIATION, ANTHER CULTURE AND HYBRIDIZATION Studies of Culture Character in Gl abrous Rice (Oryza sativa L.) The Inheritance of Characters of Doubled Haploid (DH)Derived from Indica/Japonica Hybrid F1 Anther Culture of Rice Induction of Pollen Plant of Hybrid Offspring from Cultivated and Wild Rice and Their Genetic Expression A New Eggplant Hybrid‘Haifeng Changqie 2’ Analysis of Protein Expression at Different Microspore Development Stages in Wheat Cultivar Shaannong 138 Evaluation and Analysis of Anther Culture Characteristics in Gansu Wheat Cultivars and Backbone Parents In vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration Technology System of Capsicum annuum var. grossum Anthers L-Alanine Stimulates Differentiation of Barley Pollen Callus Effects of Physical and Chemical Factors on Induction Frequency of the Pollen Plantlet and Changes in Starch Formation in Anthers Genetic variation of Medicago sativa callus revealed by the ploidy analyser THE BREEDING OF A WHEAT MUTANT POLLEN-DERIVED VARIETY CHUANFU No.5 AND THE RELATED TECHNIQUES CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS RESISTANT MUTANT FROM TOBACCO‘S ANTHERS TREATED WITH γ RAY THROUGH ANTHER CULTURE STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL BACKGROUND ABOUT DIFFERENCES AMONG ANTHER CULTURE ABILITIES OF RICE Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture Genetic Control Analysis of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Anther Culture Response Improvement of Callus Induction Efficiency in Anther Culture of Autotetraploid Rice THE FIRST STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF ANTHER CULTURE IN IMPROVEMENT OF SPRING WHEAT POPULATION Analysis of Ploidy in Dedrocalamus latiflorus Plants Obtained by Anther Culture 八倍体小偃麦与普通小麦杂交后代花药培养的研究 Induction of Microspores-derived Embryos and Calli from Anther Culture in Carrot Induction of Microspores-derived Embryos and Calli from Anther Culture in Carrot
Effect of Genotype and Growing Environment on Anther Culture in Wheat
Observation of Androgenesis in Cultured Wheat Anthers at Meiosis, Tetrad, Early Uninucleate and Trinucleate Stage POLYMERIZATION OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MUTANT GENES AND FERRITIN GENE IN RICE Influence of Cold Pretreatment on the Production of Pollen Callus in Anther Cultures of Barley Preparation of Gui Culture Medium and Its Application to Wheat Anther Culture STUDY ON SELECYION OF SALINE TOLERANT VARIANTS FROM POPLAR ANTHER CALLUSLINES Studies on the Effect of Bleeding Sap of Towel Gourd(Luffa Cylindrica Roem)on Rice Anther Culture Studies on the Anther Culture of Oryza rufipogen Griff Ⅰ.Studies on the Enhancement of the Induction Rate of Callus and the Differentiation Rate of Green Plantlet Application of Somaclonal Variation in Wheat Breeding Variability of Anther Culture and the Technology Strategies for Developing Pract ical Photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterile Rice Effects of Cold Pretreatment on the Structure of Anther Wall Browning in Japonica Rice during Anther Culture

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