Abstract:Copper content in the soil of Hongtou Shan copper ore is 40–2000 ppm, with mean value at 471 ppm. Standard deviation is 667.5. There are many principal types of plant communities: Coppice of Quercus liaotungensis and Corylus sp. and Lespedeza bicolor scrub. In the soli with copper content more than 500 ppm, Gypsophila pacffica usually grows together. It significantly indicates the abnormal soil with respect to copper content. Analysis of copper content for 347 samples of 48 species shows: Limiting value of copper content is 8.45–44.40 ppm in dry plants, with difference of the values being 35.95. The plants contained copper at 5–10 ppm account for 12.8% of the total plants, at 10–30 ppm for 76.9% and at 30–45 ppm for 10.6%. Direct correlation is found between copper content in the Plants and in the soil, for example, Gypsophila pacifiea r=0.844 (N=8) It is important in biogeoehemical prospecting. There are no striking correlation between copper content of the plants and pH and organic matter content of soil.