作 者 :Zheng Shi-Zhang, He Min
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1985年 6期
Keywords:Hemerocallis fulva, H.fulva var.kwanso, Haurantiaca, Karyotype,
Some species of Hemerocallis were cultivated in the campus of Futan Un-
iversity, including the evergreen H. aurantiaca Baker. The original plant of H. auran-
tiaca was introduced from Zhangzhou, southeastern Fukien Province. The karyotype
formula of H. aurantiaca is 2n=33=12m+9sm+3st+3T+6m(sat). The karyotype
differs from those of summer-green or evergreen H. fulva (k(2n)=33=3M+21m+6sm
+3T) and H. fulva var. kwanso (K(2n)=33=3M+l8m+6sm+3st+3T). The vouchers
are kept in FUS.