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Conservation status of Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded orchid in China


Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China, is reported. This species is characterized by having brightly yellow median sepals, orange ligulate or ligulate-spathulate petals with straight margin, brownish orange lip, and subcircular staminode. The populations are located on the karst cliffs near the peak of hills at altitude of 690 to 730 m. The plants grow under the evergreen broad-leaved forest. More than sixteen orchid species are found growing with P. helenae. The soil around the roots of the orchids was measured as pH 7.2. The growth of plants and the development of flower buds were positively correlated with the tree cover. Based on our two-year observation, however, we found very few flowers and fruits in the populations of this species, which might be most affected by resource limitation and pollinator limitation. At present the woodlands in this area were protected well, but the orchid populations still face potential threat because of their high commercial values. We, therefore, suggest that the conservation of this newly recorded orchid should be valued greatly and immediately.

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全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (3): 333–336(2007) doi:10.1360/aps050175
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
2005-12-01收稿, 2007-04-17收修改稿。
基金项目: 广西博士学位授权点学科建设专项经费资助项目(KYX2006ZD05)及广西自然科学基金(桂科自0542033)联合
资助(Supported by a Special Doctorial Program of Guangxi, China Grant No. KYX2006ZD05, and the Natural Science
Foundation of Guangxi, China, Grant No. 0542033)。
* 通讯作者(Author for correspondence. E-mail: xueyuegui@126.com; Tel.: 86-773-5845949)。
黄云峰 薛跃规*
(广西师范大学生命科学学院 桂林 541004)
Conservation status of Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.,
a newly recorded orchid in China
HUANG Yun-Feng XUE Yue-Gui*
(College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China)
Abstract Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from
China, is reported. This species is characterized by having brightly yellow median sepals,
orange ligulate or ligulate-spathulate petals with straight margin, brownish orange lip, and
subcircular staminode. The populations are located on karst cliffs near peaks of hills at
altitude of 690 to 730 m. The plants grow under the evergreen broad-leaved forest. More than
sixteen orchid species are found growing with P. helenae. The soil around the roots of the
orchids was measured as pH 7.2. The growth of plants and the development of flower buds
were positively correlated with the tree cover. Based on our two-year observation, however,
we found very few flowers and fruits in the populations of this species, which might be most
affected by resource limitation and pollinator limitation. At present the woodlands in this area
were protected well, but the orchid populations still face potential threat because of their high
commercial values. We, therefore, suggest that the conservation of this newly recorded orchid
should be valued greatly and immediately.
Key words Paphiopedilum, Paphiopedilum helenae, morphology, population conservation
status, habitat features.
摘要 海伦兜兰Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.为中国新记录种。本种中萼片黄色, 花瓣橙色, 狭长圆形或
略带匙形, 边缘直, 唇瓣橙褐色, 退化雄蕊为近圆形。文章首次报道了海伦兜兰在中国新分布点的居群
大小和繁育现状, 并对其生境、伴生植物等作了详细描述。海伦兜兰所在的森林群落目前保护状况良
好, 但由于该地靠近村寨和公路, 又不在保护区内, 海伦兜兰居群仍然面临潜在的威胁。考虑到海伦兜
兰在越南已遭受过度采集, 建议进一步加强对该新分布兜兰属Paphiopedilum植物的保护和监测。
关键词 兜兰属; 海伦兜兰; 形态; 居群保护现状; 生境特征
兜兰属Paphiopedilum Pfitz.植物是最受欢迎的兰科Orchidaceae植物之一, 全部种类
被列入《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录I中, 是植物保护中的“明星”
类群, 备受国际保护界的关注。我国政府也拟将兜兰属植物列入《国家重点保护野生植
物名录(第二批)》中一级保护植物, 使之成为《野生植物保护条例》的重点保护对象。兜
兰属包括约85种, 主要分布于亚洲热带地区和太平洋热带岛屿; 中国是兜兰属植物的主
植 物 分 类 学 报 45卷 334
要产地之一, 有约30种(陈心启未发表资料)。兜兰属植物多数种类局限生长在生态环境脆
弱的喀斯特地区并且个体聚集生长, 人为采集时很容易将所有个体采挖掉, 从而导致局
域性的绝灭(罗毅波等, 2003)。因此, 每个新发现的分布点对于兜兰属植物的保护都具有
重要意义。我们在考察广西西部兰科植物多样性时 , 在石灰岩地区首次发现了
Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.。该种主要分布在越南北部, 仅有5个分布点(Averyanov et al.,
海伦兜兰 新拟
Paphiopedilum helenae Aver. in Bot. Journ. (Leningrad) 81 (9): 108, fig. 2. 1996;
Averyanov et al. in Orchids 65: 1064. 1996.
地生草本。叶基生, 二列, 3–4(5)枚, 叶宽线形, 直或稍微弯曲, 坚革质, 有时甚厚,
稍肉质, 长(4)6–9(12) cm, 宽(1)1.2–1.6(2) cm; 叶面深绿色, 边缘有浅黄白色或灰绿色条
纹, 叶背面为灰绿色, 基部有紫红色斑点, 叶尖圆钝并具细小三齿; 花葶近直立、水平或
稍微下垂, 顶端生1花; 花葶长4–6.5 cm, 细小, 密被紫黑色的短柔毛; 花梗和子房均被
紫黑色短柔毛, 长2–3.5 cm; 花苞片卵形或椭圆形, 尖端钝, 长0.8–1.2 cm, 宽0.3–0.4 cm;
花较小, 直径5–7 cm, 中萼片黄色, 具白色边缘带, 倒卵形, 长1.8–3.5 cm, 宽1.5–2 cm,
顶端微凹或钝, 背面和边缘被短柔毛; 合萼片明显较中萼片小, 椭圆形, 色较浅, 长
1.7–1.9 cm, 宽1.1–1.3 cm, 尖端钝或浑圆, 背面和边缘亦被短柔毛; 花瓣橙色, 具纵向的
浅红褐色条纹, 边缘直, 狭长圆形或略带匙形, 顶端钝, 基部有少许毛或近无毛, 长
2.5–3.5 cm, 宽0.4–0.8 cm; 唇瓣橙褐色, 倒兜状, 长2–3 cm, 宽1.5–2 cm, 囊内侧具柔毛;
退化雄蕊近圆形, 长0.7–0.8 cm, 宽0.7–0.8 cm, 具小乳突, 中央具脐状突起。
该种与近缘种小叶兜兰Paphiopedilum barbigerum T. Tang & F. T. Wang的区别在于该
种的中萼片黄色, 具白色边缘, 花瓣黄色, 直边, 不呈波状, 退化雄蕊近圆形。
China. Western Guangxi (广西西部), alt. 730 m, in rock crevice on top of karst
limestone mountains, under slightly shading place, 2005-10-15, Y. F. Huang & Y. G. Xue (黄云
峰, 薛跃规) 05-10 (PE), 0096 (College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University).
最初, 我们在一座山的靠近山顶北坡只发现了1株海伦兜兰, 且只有1朵花, 生长在
一块巨大的石灰岩的细缝土壤中, 海拔730 m。仔细搜索周围未发现其他植株。在随后2
年的考察中, 我们又发现了新的植株, 其生境都非常特殊, 均生长在非常干旱的石灰岩
近山顶处的悬崖窄缝土壤中, 该土壤类型为黑色石灰土, 土壤腐殖质含量高。我们对一株
海伦兜兰周围的土壤样本进行理化性质测定, 结果显示其腐殖质含量达12.38%, pH 7.2,
氮含量为0.76%, 磷含量为0.23%, 钾含量为0.57%, 碳酸钙含量为3.2%。坡向多为北坡,
海拔一般在690–780 m, 上层郁闭度为0.65–0.90。郁闭度对海伦兜兰种群的生长和发育影
响较大, 据观察, 在郁闭度低的地方生长的植株往往长势弱, 植株较小, 叶面发黄, 花蕾
最好, 表现为克隆分株多, 植株大, 花蕾多且能长到完全开放。
海伦兜兰所处的森林植物群落为山顶常绿阔叶林 , 上层乔木优势种为清香木
Pistacia weinnannfolia J. Poisson ex Franch.、圆果化香树Platycarya longipes Wu、广西鹅
掌柴Schefflera kwangsiensis Merr. ex Li、小黄皮Clausena emarginata Huang和圆叶乌桕
3期 黄云峰, 薛跃规: 中国新分布种海伦兜兰的濒危状况 335
Sapium rotundifolium Hemsl., 高度一般为5–7 m; 灌木层主要伴生物种有米念芭Tirpitzia
ovoidea Chun & How ex Sha、秀丽海桐Pittosporum pulchrum Gagnep.、细叶谷木Memecylon
scutellatum (Lour.) Hook. & Arn.、龙须藤Bauhinia championii (Benth.) Benth.、铜钱树
Paliurus hemsleyanus Rehd.、红背山麻杆Alchornea trewioides (Benth.) Muell.、箬叶竹
Indocalamus longiauritus Hand.-Mazz.等, 一般高2–4 m; 草本层主要有波缘冷水花Pilea
cavaleriei Lévl.、菱唇毛兰Eria rhomboidalis T. Tang & F. T. Wang、毛兰属一种Eria sp.、
长臂卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum longibrachiatum Z. H. Tsi、石豆兰属一种Bulbophyllum sp.、同色
兜兰Paphiopedilum concolor (Bateman) Pfitz.、栗鳞贝母兰Coelogyne flaccida Lindl.、剑叶
鸢尾兰Oberonia ensiformis (J. E. Smith) Lindl.、单叶厚唇兰Epigeneium fargesii (Finet)
Gagnep.、节茎石仙桃Pholidota articulata Lindl.、单叶石仙桃Pholidota leveilleana Schltr.、
羊耳蒜属一种Liparis sp.、钗子股Luisia morsei Rolfe、大序隔距兰Cleisostoma paniculatum
(Ker-Gawl.) Garay、琴唇万代兰Vanda concolor Bl.、剑叶石斛Dendrobium acinaciforme
Roxb.、流苏石斛Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook.。
考察统计表明, 在6座山峰的近山顶处共发现35株海伦兜兰。我们认为该地区与这6
座山峰类似的山峰上也可能有海伦兜兰生长, 粗略估测该地区可能分布的海伦兜兰居群
大小在350–500株。一般一个山头分布1株到12株不等, 每一株由5–8个克隆分株组成。经
过两年来的观察, 我们发现海伦兜兰的开花率不高, 尽管花蕾数量比较多, 但能顺利长
到开放阶段的花蕾比例并不高, 特别是植株长势弱的花蕾往往还没能长到开花期就萎缩
常开放的花朵, 其结实率也非常低。2005年10月我们发现在35株海伦兜兰中没有一个残
存果实, 2006年8–9月, 在我们所观察的83个植株(包括克隆分株)中共有261个花蕾, 175朵
花能正常开放, 占总花蕾数的67.05%, 但只发现了去年残存的2个果实。2007年2月我们
对这一居群回访时只发现1个果实, 仅占到2006年总花蕾数的0.38%, 总开花数的0.57%。
此外, 我们还于2006年8月对一个山头的海伦兜兰居群进行传粉生物学观察, 在长达8 h
的连续监视中, 我们未见到任何传粉者为其进行传粉。因此我们推测海伦兜兰的低结实
目前该地区的植被保护状况良好, 但分布点离公路和居民区较近, 在当地市场上目
前未见有野生兜兰出售, 但见到一些药用兰科植物还在大量收购, 主要种类有流苏石斛、
石斛Dendrobium nobile Lindl.、毛唇芋兰Nervilia fordii (Hance) Schltr.。海伦兜兰首次发表
于1996年(Averyanov, 1996; Averyanov et al., 1996), 分布于越南北部高平省。海伦兜兰发
表后, 立刻遭受大规模的商业采集, Averyanov等(2003)估计在该新种发表后的几星期内
的海伦兜兰居群并不在保护区内, 我们建议有关部门立即加强保护和管理工作。
致谢 中国科学院植物研究所罗毅波博士、郎楷永教授帮助鉴定标本, 并对本文进行审
阅、斧正, 谨致衷心的谢意!
植 物 分 类 学 报 45卷 336
参 考 文 献
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Botany Journals (St.-Petersburg) 81: 105–110.
Averyanov L V, Hiep N T, Loc P K, Huye D D. 1996. Endangered Vietnamese Paphiopedilums. I.
Paphiopedilum helenae. The Magazine of the American Orchid Society 65: 1062–1068.
Averyanov L V, Cribb P, Loc P K, Hiep N T. 2003. Slipper orchid of Vietnam: with an introduction to the
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Luo Y-B (罗毅波), Jia J-S (贾建生), Wang C-L (王春玲). 2003. Conservation strategy and potential
advantages of the Chinese Paphiopedilum. Biodiversity Science (生物多样性) 11: 491–498.