作 者 :Friedrich Ehrendorfer, Rosabelle Samuel
期 刊 :植物分类学报 2001年 4期
Keywords:Anemoninae, Anemone, Hepatica, Pulsatilla, cpDNA, atpB/rbcLintergenic spacer sequences, Phylogeny, Systematics,
Plastid atpB/rbcL intergenic spacer sequences were obtained from 21 selected taxa and
one hybrid of Anemoninae (Anemone, Pulsatilla, Hepatica) and compared with Ficaria (Ranun-
culinae) as an outgroup. From the resulting matrix (1226 bp) a single most parsimonious tree was
obtained (Fig. 1 ). The branching of this tree is confirmed by many informative indels and appears
largely congruent with past plastid restriction analyses. Several new taxa are added. The monophyly
of the Anemoninae and their early split into two major clades is supported: clade I with the chromo-
some base number x = 8, clade Ⅱ with the reduced x = 7. Clade Ⅰ is made up of the basal Pulsatilla
and the Rivularis + Vitifolia groups. The Multifida group links to the crown groups Coronaria,
Blanda and Nemorosa. Clade Ⅱ consists of the basal Dichotoma group, followed by Hepatica, and
finally by the N. Hemisphere Narcissiflora and the S. Hemisphere Antucensis groups as sisters. The
problems of the Anemoninae ancestry, phylogenetic differentiation, and recent attempts for systemat-
ic classification are critically discussed. In view of the still incomplete sampling of DNA data, a
conservative and informal approach to classification problems is recommended.