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Ontogeny of Anabaenopsis raciboskii Wolosz. and Its Taxonomical Relevance


An annual life cycle, including 4 developmental stages, is discovered in An-
abaenopsis raciborskii Wolosz of the West Lake, Hangzhou. The progress of these develop-
mental stages is influenced by the enviroment. The third stage with heterocysts expressed dis-
tinctly as Anabaenopsis raciborskii Wolosz., and the fourth stage was formerly recognized as
Raphidiopsis sinensis and R. curvata. It is considered based on these facts that Anabaenopsis
raciborskii Wolosz., R. curvata Frit. et Rich. and R. sinensis Jao are different forms at dif-
ferent stages of ontogeny, and ought be treated as a single species.

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