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An Analysis of the Flora of Qinling Mountain Range: Its Nature, Characteristics, and Origins

The Qinling Mountain Range, which covers an area of ca. 76500km2 and ranges
 from 32°05′ to 34°45′ N and from 104°30′ to 115°52′ E, is a major watershed of the
 Huanghe and Chang jiang rivers with the highest peak about 3767 m above sea level. The
 flora comprises ca. 3124 species in 892 genera, of which 51.9% of species and 4.4% of the
 genera are endemic to China. Evoluated in this paper is the importance of the 20 larger fami-
 lies which together contain 65.2% of the total number of species. The phytogeographical
 affinities of genera of seed plants in the flora are analyzed and briefly discussed. Among the
 native genera of the flora of the Qinling Mountain Range, 220 (26.8%) are tropical, 563
  (68.5%) temperate, and 39 (4.7%) endemic to China. It is clear from the figures that
 temperate genera play an important role in the flora and vegetation of the Qinling Mountain
 Range. The features of the flora include the unusually high proportion of endemic species, a
 wealth of Sino-Japanese elements and prominant temperate nature in compsition. On the ba-
 sis of analysis of paleobotanical materials in the Qinling Mountain Range and adjacent areas,
 historical distribution of dominant species, and the origin and relationships of Chinese en-
 demic genera occurring there, the flora is of outstanding originality. No doubt, the rich and
 diverse flora have evolved gradually and autochthonously at least since the latest Cretaceous.

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