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A Study on the Genus Chrysosplenium L. from China (Cont.)


This paper deals with the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the ge-
nus Chrysosplenium L. in China.
     Based on the characters and evolution of the seed, capsule, disk, ovary and leaf, the
species of this genus can be grouped into 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 16 series.  There
are 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 11 series in China.  They are as follows:
     I.  Subgen. Gamosplenium Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Leaves alternate.
     Lectotype: Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook. f. et Thoms.
     1.  Sect. Alternifolia Franch. emend. J. T. Pan
     Seeds smooth and glabrous.
     Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.
      (1)  Ser. Nudicaulia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior, sometimes mostly inferior; cap-
sule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top and bilobed with equal and horizontal-
ly divaricate or suberect lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous.
     Type: Chrysosplenium nudicaule Maxim.
      (2)  Ser. Alternifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk 8-lobed; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emar-
ginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally  divaricate lobes;  seeds smooth
and glabrous.
      Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolia L.
     2.  Sect. Nephrophylloides Turcz.
     Seeds minutely papillose or pilose.
     Type: Chrysosplenium sedakowii Turcz.
      (1)  Ser. Macrophylla Franch. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule nearly truncate and em-
arginate at top, and bilobed with equal lobes; seeds minutely papillose.
     Type: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Oliv.
      (2)  Ser. Ovalifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk generally 8-, rarely 4-, lobed, papillae absent around disk; ovary mostly infe-
rior; capsule subtruncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose or pilose.
     Type: Chrysosplenium ovalifolium M. Bieb. ex Bunge
      (3)  Ser. Lanuginosa Hara, emend. J. T. Pan
     Papillae numerous, brown around reduced disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule ne-
arly truncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose.
     Type: Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook. f. et Thoms.
     II.  Subgen. Chrysosplenium
     Leaves opposite.
     Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.
     1.  Sect. Trichosperma J. T. Pan, sect. nov.
     Capsule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal, suberect or divergent lobes.
     Type: Chrysosplenium trichospermum Edgew. ex Hook. f. et Thoms.
     This section is divided into 4 series in the world, with only 1 in China.
     (1)  Ser. Nepalensia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk obscure or absent; ovary generally mostly inferior;  cassule not truncate at
top, and bilobed with subequal and suberect or divergent lobes; seeds smooth and gla-
      Type: Chrysosplenium nepalense D. Don
     2.  Sect. Grayana J. T. Pan, sect. nov.
     Capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes.
     Type: Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim.
     This section consists of 4 series in the world, with 3 series in China.
      (1)  Ser. Sinica Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-superior; capsule bilobed with distinctly
unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose.
      Type: Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim.
      (2)  Ser. Esulcata Franch. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk (4)-8-lobed; ovary generally half-inferior; capsule bilobed with unequal and
ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose or pilose.
     Lectotype: Chrysosplenium dubium J. Gayex DC.
      (3)  Ser. pilosa maxim. emend. J. T. Pan
     Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule bilobed with distinctly
unequal and ascending lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally ll-18-costate and minu-
tely papillose or tuberculate on the ridge.
      Type: Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim.
      3.  Sect. Chrysosplenium
      Capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizon-
tally divaricate lobes.
      Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.
      (1)  Ser. Romosa J. T. Pan, ser. nov.
      Disk distinctly 8-lobed, papillae sparse, brown around disk; ovary mostly inferior; ca-
psule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally
divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous.
      Type: Chrysosplenium ramosum Maxim.
      This series is monospecific one, also occurring in China, namely C. ramosum Maxim.
      (2)  Ser. Delavayi Hara
      Disk distinctly 8-lobed, Papillae sparse, brown around the disk; ovary mostly infe-
rior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and hori-
zontally divaricate lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally 10-16-costate and transverse-
ly striate on the ridge.
      Type: Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch.
      This series can be considered as the most advanced one in the Chrysaspleninm L.
      So far, the Chrysosplenium L. comprises 64 species in the world, among which 1 spe-
cies is found in North Africa, 2 in South America, 4 in Europe, 5 in North America, 56
in Asia, of which 3 occur in Sikkim, 5 Bhutan, 5 Mongolia, 6 north Burma, 6 Korea, 7
north India, 8 Nepal, 12 Japan, 17 U.S.S.R. (of which 3 also in Europe), 34 China (in-
cluding 22 endemic species and 3 new species).
      In China, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces and Zhuang Autonomous Region of Gu-
angxi each has only 1 species, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces and Uy-
gur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each has 2, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces
each has 3, Qinghai Province 4, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guizhou Provinces each has
5, Jilin and Hubei Provinces each has 6, Gausu Province 8, Shaanxi Province and Xi-
zang (Tibet) Autonomous Region each has 10, Yunnan Province has 11, Sichuan Provi-
nce has 14.
     Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the north temperate zone
of Asia, and the region covering Shaanxi Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang may be
regarded as an important part of this centre.
     The 7 species of Ser.  Nudicaula Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan can be considered as the
most primitive ones in this genus. They are mostly distributed in Shaanxi (Qin Ling),
south Gansu, southeast Qinghai, southwest Sichuan and nothwest Yunnan of China. This
region may be considered as the centre of the origin (or at least differentiation) of this
     The new species and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: C. hy-
drocotylifolium Levl. et Vant. var. emeiense J. T. Pan, C. taibaishanense J. T. Pan, C.
lixianense Jien ex J. T. Pan, C. qinlingense Jien ex J. T. Pan.

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