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Paris xichouensis, a new combination of Trilliaceae from China


全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 44 (5): 612–613(2006) doi:10.1360/aps050162
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 15 November 2005 Accepted: 6 March 2006
Supported by the National Science Foundation of the United States, Grant No. DEB-0103795, and the Ministry of Science and
Technology of China, Grant No. 2004BA721A34.
* Author for correspondence. E-mail: liheng@mail.kib.ac.cn; Tel.: 86-871-5223533; Fax: 86-871-5223533.
Paris xichouensis, a new combination of
Trilliaceae from China
JI Yun-Heng ZHOU Zhe-Kun LI Heng*
(Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China)
Abstract Paris xichouensis (H. Li) Y. H. Ji, H. Li & Z. K. Zhou is proposed as a new
combination based on P. cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li var. xichouensis H. Li. This species is
similar to P. cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li and P. vietnamensis (Takht.) H. Li, but differs by the
leaf blade papery, the petals green, much shorter than sepals, and the capsule green-yellow at
Key words Paris, Paris xichouensis, Trilliaceae, new combination.
Paris cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li is an evergreen perennial herb endemic to southwestern
China (southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Guizhou, and central to
southern Sichuan) (Li, 1986, 1998). Li (1986) described Paris cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li var.
xichouensis H. Li from southeastern Yunnan. In the course of making a revision of the genus
Paris L. of the world, we examined a large number of specimens of Paris, and found that the
variety is morphologically obviously different from the typical variety P. cronquistii var.
cronquistii and the other species in this genus, and thus should be raised to the specific status.
A new combination, P. xichouensis (H. Li) Y. H. Ji, H. Li & Z. K. Zhou, is proposed herein.
Paris xichouensis (H. Li) Y. H. Ji, H. Li & Z. K. Zhou, comb. & stat. nov.——Paris
cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li var. xichouensis H. Li in Bull. Res. Harbin 6 (1): 113, fig. 1. 1986;
H. Li in Z. Y. Wu, Fl. Yunnan. 8: 654. 1997; H. Li, The Genus Paris (Trilliaceae) 26, fig. 4-1.
1998; S. Y. Liang & V. G. Soukup in Z. Y. Wu & P. H. Raven, Fl. China. 24: 90. 2000. Type:
China. Yunnan (云南): Xichou (西畴), alt. 1460 m, 1964-05-26, S. Z. Wang (王守正) 486
(holotype, KUN!; isotype, KUN!).
西畴重楼 新组合
Additional specimens examined:
China. Yunnan (云南):Malipo (麻栗坡), S. X. Yang & X. Gong (杨世雄, 龚洵) 98846 (KUN);
Xichou (西畴), Y. H. Ji (纪运恒) 0249 (KUN).
Paris xichouensis is similar to both P. cronquistii and P. vietnamensis (Takht.) H. Li in
the evergreen habit, the 4–6 leaves, the stamens ca. 25 mm long, 3–4-whorled, the free
portion of connectives short, apex wanting or nearly wanting, and the capsule 4–6-ribbed, but
differs in the leaf blade papery, the petals green, much shorter than sepals, and the capsule
green-yellow at maturity. A detailed comparison of P. xichouensis, P. cronquistii, and P.
vietnamensis is given in Table 1.
Paris xichouensis is a Chinese endemic species only found in Xichou and Malipo,
southeastern Yunnan. It grows under evergreen broadleaf forest. According to the IUCN
(2001) red list categories and criteria, it should be categorized as an endangered species.

No. 5 JI Yun-Heng et al.: Paris xichouensis, a new combination of Trilliaceae from China 613
Table 1 Comparison of Paris xichouensis and its related species
P. xichouensis P. cronquistii P. vietnamensis
Leaf blade papery, glabrous membranous, sometimes adaxially
pubescent, abaxially purple or
mottled with purple
membranous, glabrous
Petal green, linear, apex widening,
much shorter than sepals
yellow-green, narrowly linear, longer
or slightly shorter than sepals
yellow-green, linear, much
longer than sepals
Stamen filaments purple; anther sacs
filaments green; anther sacs yellow filaments purple; anther
sacs yellow
Capsule green-yellow at maturity red at maturity yellow-red at maturity
Seed enveloped by orange
enveloped by red sarcotesta enveloped by orange

IUCN. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, version 3.1. Gland and Cambridge: IUCN Species
Survival Commission.
Li H (李恒). 1986. A study on the taxonomy of the genus Paris L. Bulletin of Botanical Research (植物研究)
6: 109–144.
Li H (李恒). 1998. The phylogeny of the genus Paris L. In: Li H ed. The Genus Paris (Trilliaceae) (重楼属植
物). Beijing: Science Press. 8–65.
纪运恒 周浙昆 李 恒*
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 昆明 650204)

摘要 将Paris cronquistii (Takht.) H. Li var. xichouensis H. Li提升为一独立的种,即西畴重楼Paris
xichouensis (H. Li) Y. H. Ji, H. Li & Z. K. Zhou。该种与凌云重楼P. cronquistii和越南重楼P. vietnamensis
(Takht.) H. Li近似,但叶纸质,花瓣绿色,远短于萼片,蒴果成熟时绿黄色而不同。
关键词 重楼属; 西畴重楼; 延龄草科; 新组合

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