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Instructions for Authors


全 文 :Journal of Systematics and Evolution 46 (1): 103–106 (2008)
(formerly Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica)
Instructions for Authors

1. Scope of the journal
Journal of Systematics and Evolution (JSE, since 2008; formerly Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica) is a
plant-based international journal newly dedicated to the description and understanding of the biological
diversity. It covers: description of solid new taxa, monographic revision, phylogenetics, molecular evolu-
tion and genome evolution, evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary ecology, population biol-
ogy, conservation biology, biogeography, paleobiology, evolutionary theories, and related subjects.

2. Types of papers
JSE publishes 1) original research articles, 2) invited and contributed reviews, and 3) notes. Original
research articles describe the results of substantial research. Review articles present a fair and bal-
anced review of timely and significant topics in systematics and evolution. All manuscripts submitted
from 1 June 2008 should be in English. All papers should be intelligible to the audience and are

3. Publication charges
JSE allows free and open access to full text articles (PDF) for all issues. The Journal depends in
part on the payment of page charges for its operation. Payment of ¥200 Yuan (RMB, ~US$26) per
printed page is expected from all authors who have funds available for that purpose. Requests for waiver
of page charges should be submitted to the editorial office at jse@ibcas.ac.cn. Manuscripts are ac-
cepted or rejected purely on the basis of scientific merit. JSE will print color photographs, but authors
must pay the additional cost at the following charges: ¥2000 (~US$260) for color figures (four-color
process printing) per printed page, and ¥400 (~US$52) for high resolution black-and-white halftones
(two-color process printing) per printed page.

4. Review process
Submitted manuscripts are first checked for conformity to the JSE format and style by the editorial
office. Manuscripts not meeting the standards outlined in these Instructions for Authors will be returned
to the authors for correction before review and assessment by chief editors. The chief editors select
associate editors to handle the peer review process. All original papers are assessed by two or more
reviewers from anywhere in the world. The chief editors make the final decision on the acceptability of
each manuscript based on the reviewers comments and the associate editors recommendation. For
most manuscripts, the reviews and an editorial decision regarding publication will be available in three
months, except when a manuscript requires extensive revision and a second round of review.
We welcome submission of high quality manuscripts on controversial and frontier topics. To ensure
fairness to the authors and reviewers, this type of manuscripts will be open-reviewed, i.e., the reviewers
will need to reveal their identity to the authors. If necessary, the reviews will be published together with
the paper. When open-review is commissioned, the reviewers will be informed. The chief editors make
the decision whether a manuscript goes through open review or not.

5. Manuscript submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online via JSE submission & peer review system at
http://www.plantsystematics.com/index_en.asp or via email to jse@ibcas.ac.cn. Authors can track the
status of their manuscript via the JSE online system. Authors are requested to check recent issues of
JSE (available free at www.plantsystematics.com) for details of layout, especially for tables, figures, and

6. Manuscript preparation
The manuscript should be organized in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Key words, Main
Journal of Systematics and Evolution Vol. 46 No. 1 2008 104
text, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure legends, and Figures. Number all pages
consecutively, including tables, figure legends, and figures. For submission and review, acceptable
manuscript file formats include Word, WordPerfect, PDF, Text, or RTF format. However, if the manu-
script is accepted for publication, a PDF text file cannot be used and authors will be asked to send it in
Word or RTF format.
a. Title page should contain the article title, full names, and addresses of all authors, a running title of 40
characters or less, and the telephone and fax numbers and E-mail address of the corresponding author.
The authors’ names should be typed the given name first and the surname (in uppercase) last (e.g.,
Wen-Tsai WANG (王文采), Peter H. RAVEN). The given names should not be shortened to initials
unless it is how the author prefers to be known.
b. Abstract should be a concise paragraph of the paper, usually not exceeding 250 words for papers
written in English; for papers in Chinese, a more detailed abstract is recommended. The abstract should
summarize principal objectives, methods, results, and main conclusions of the research. Between 4 to
10 Key words should be arranged in an alphabetical order, separated by commas, and placed directly
below the abstract.

c. Main text, starting on a separate page, contains Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and
Discussion (or Results and Discussion). Authors are requested to check correct spelling and authors of
scientific names before submission, and abbreviate authors of plant scientific names in conformity with
Brummitt & Powell, Authors of Plant Names (Kew, 1992; also incorporated in International Plant Names
Index (IPNI), http://www.ipni.org and Index Fungorum, http://www.indexfungorum.org). Authors of scien-
tific names should be given once in the text (when first mentioned) and also in tables. Scientific names of
genera, species, subspecies, varieties and forms must be italicized. When a scientific name begins a
paragraph, it should not be abbreviated. Voucher specimens should be cited and deposited in a public
herbarium. The following format is required: country, political subdivision (typically province or state):
locality, collector(s) and number (herbarium acronym); but for the type indication, the collection date
should be added. Please use herbarium acronyms of Holmgren et al. (Regnum Veg. 120. 1990), and
Holmgren & Holmgren (Taxon 49: 113-124. 2000 and subsequent updates). This format applies also
when the material is tabulated. Names of new taxa should be followed by both a Latin diagnosis and a
full Latin description (or a full English description), and then by the holotype indication. For all type
specimens examined by the author(s), an exclamation mark should be given after the herbarium acro-
nym (e.g., PE!). Homotypic names should form a single paragraph, in a chronological sequence, with the
respective type indication at the end of each such paragraph.
d. Acknowledgements should concisely list dedications, acknowledgements, and funding sources.
e. References should start on a separate page after the main text and include only published or in-press
papers, book chapters, and books. Personal communications, unpublished manuscripts or reports,
theses, and dissertations (except Ph.D. dissertations) are not included in references, and instead should
be included as footnotes or in parentheses in the text.
In text citation of references, order references chronologically (oldest first) and then alphabetically
for those within the same year (e.g., Iyengar, 1923; Ornduff & Dulberger, 1978, 1981; Dulberger, 1980;
Ornduff, 1980). Please cite single author as Wang (1998) or (Wang, 1998); two authors, Wang and
Raven (2003) or (Wang & Raven, 2003); three or more authors, Wang et al. (2006) or (Wang et al.,
Authors are responsible for verifying each entry in the references against the original article; authors
are also responsible for cross-checking all entries in the references against the text citations and for their
agreement in spelling and year.
References should be listed in alphabetical order by authors’ surname. Single-author titles precede
multi-authored titles by the same first author, regardless of date. Papers with the same first author and
multiple authors should be listed in alphabetical order by the second author’s surname. Include all
names of authors for each entry, regardless of the number of authors for the work. Consult the following
Instructions for Authors

bibliographic citations to follow the punctuation, style, and abbreviations for references.
Journal article:
Soltis DE, Haufler CH, Darrow DC, Gastony GJ. 1983. Starch gel electrophoresis of ferns: A compilation
of grinding buffers, gel and electrode buffers, and staining schedules. American Fern Journal 73:
Wang W-T (王文采). 2000. Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (III). Acta Phytotaxonomica
Sinica (植物分类学报) 38: 497–514.
Stuessy TF. 1990. Plant taxonomy: The systematic evaluation of comparative data. New York: Columbia
University Press.
McNeill J, Barrie FR, Burdet HM, Demoulin V, Hawksworth DL, Marhold K, Nicolson DH, Prado J, Silva
PC, Skog JE, Wiersema JH, Turland NJ eds. 2006. International code of botanical nomenclature
(Vienna Code). Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner Verlag.
Book chapter:
Hamby RK, Zimmer EA. 1992. Ribosomal RNA as a phylogenetic tool in plant systematics. In: Soltis PS,
Soltis DE, Doyle JJ eds. Molecular systematics of plants. New York: Chapman & Hall. 50–91.
Wang W-T (王文采), Pan K-Y (潘开玉), Li Z-Y (李振宇). 1990. Gesneriaceae. In: Flora Reipublicae
Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志). Beijing: Science Press. 69: 125–581. (The Chinese edition of Flora
of China, except volume 2)
Wang W-T, Pan K-Y, Li Z-Y, Weitzman AL, Skog LE. 1998. Gesneriaceae. In: Wu Z-Y, Raven PH eds.
Flora of China. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 18: 244–401.
(The English edition of Flora of China.)
Ching R-C (秦仁昌), Fu S-H (傅书遐), Wang C-H (王铸豪), Shing G-H (邢公侠). 1959. Ophioglossum L.
In: Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志). Beijing: Science Press. 2: 7–10. (Volume 2 of
the Chinese edition of Flora of China)
Paper in conference proceedings:
Taylor IEP, Wallace JC. 1989. The structural association between cellulose and xyloglucan in the pri-
mary cell wall of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In: Schuerch C ed. Cellulose and Wood: Chemistry
and Technology. Proceedings of the 10th Cellulose Conference, Syracuse, N.Y., 29 May–2 June,
1988. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 273–282.
Ph.D. dissertation:
Jesson L K. 2002. The evolution and functional significance of enantiostyly in flowering plants. Ph.D.
Dissertation. Toronto: University of Toronto.
Xie L (谢磊). 2005. Pollen morphology and infrageneric evolutionary relationships in Clematis (Ranun-
culaceae). Ph.D. Dissertation. Beijing: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Electronic citation:
California State Coastal Conservancy. 2000. San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project [online].
Available from www.spartina.org [accessed 13 July 2005].
Pan X-Y (潘晓云), Geng Y-P (耿宇鹏), Sosa A, Zhang W-J (张文驹), Li B (李博), Chen J-K (陈家宽).
2007. Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides: biology, ecology and management. Acta Phytotax-
onomica Sinica (植物分类学报) 45: 884–900. doi:10.1360/aps06134.
Coelho FF, Capelo C, Ribeiro LC, Figueira JEC. 2007. Reproductive modes in Leiothrix (Eriocau-
laceae) in South-eastern Brazil: The role of microenvironmental heterogeneity [online]. Annals of
Botany. doi:10.1093/aob/mcm289. Available from www.aob.oxfordjournals.org [accessed 13 No-
vember 2007].
f. Tables should start on a separate page, with each table on an individual page. They should be
numbered with Arabic numerals in the order cited in the text. Tables should have an appropriate heading
Journal of Systematics and Evolution Vol. 46 No. 1 2008 106
and be self-explanatory.
g. Figure legends should start on a separate page. They should informatively describe the content of
the figure; figures and legends together should be self-explanatory. All symbols and abbreviations used
in the figures should be explained. Figure abbreviations should be placed in alphabetical order. Consult
the following examples to follow the punctuation, style, and format for figure legends.
Plate (group of figures):
Example 1
Figs. 1–8. The cell and cyst of Ensiculifera sp. (Figs. 4, 6 are SEM and others are LM). 1. An empty cyst
from the field, showing the organic spines. 2. A living cyst in culture. 3. Thecal plates, lateral view. 4.
Thecal plates, ventral view. 5, 6. Thecal plates, dorsal view. 7. Hypotheca, showing the spine of t plate
(arrow). 8. Hypotheca, showing the sulcal plates.
Example 2
Fig. 1. Tuomeya americana (Kützing) Papenfuss. A, Habit of frond. B, Part of a frond, showing shape of
whorls. C, The cross section through a node showing an axial cell and numerous layers of cortical cells.
D, Numerous cortical filaments. E, Carposporangia. F, Apical portion of the branch with an apical cell
Abbreviations: Ac, axial cell; bc, basal cell; cc, cortical cell; pf, primary fascicle; sf, secondary fascicle.
Single figure:
Example 3
Fig. 1. Strobilanthes quadrifaria (Wall. ex Nees) Y. F. Deng. A, inflorescence branch; B, leaves; C,
bract; D, bracteoles; E, calyx; F, opened corolla showing stamens; G, ovary and style; H, ovary; I, stigma.
Drawn by Y. X. Liu from the type gathering, G. D. Tao et al. 44675.
h. Figures include line drawings, photographs, charts, graphs, and maps. Each figure or plate should be
designed to fit into the area of either one or two columns of text. The maximal size of one-column illus-
tration is 8.0 cm×22.5 cm and that of a two-column illustration is 17.0 cm×22.5 cm. The figures, in-
cluding those arranged in groups, must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and each one
must be referred to in the text. Low-resolution files, inserted in text, may be adequate for review process,
but high-resolution files are always required to be submitted separately prior to publication. The minimal
requirements for final figures are 600 dpi for line art (black lines and text, including phylogenetic trees),
300 dpi for halftones and color (photographs and gray-scale images), and 600 dpi for combinations
(halftones with type). TIFF or JPG format files, prepared in Adobe Photoshop, are preferred. Consult the
editorial office at jse@ibcas.ac.cn for additional information.
i. Appendices should be avoided, but if they are needed, please consult the editorial office.

7. Units and abbreviations
Authors are required to use the International System of Units (SI Units) for exact measures of physical
quantities. Abbreviations of common technical terms may be used but the full term should be given at the
first mention in the main text.

8. Proofreading
Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for typographical errors and should be returned
along with changes within 2 days by FAX or email.

9. Copyright
A copyright transfer form will be sent to the corresponding author together with the pageproofs. After
being signed by the corresponding author, the form should be returned within 2 days by FAX or email.

10. Reprints
JSE does not provide free reprints. Reprints are sent until the purchase order form or payment is received.
植物分类学报 46 (1): 107 (2008)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution (formerly Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica)
1 基本要求
图要大小适中, 线条均匀, 主辅线分明。图中文字与符号均应与正文中一致。中文使用宋体, 英文和数字使用Times New
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要缩制时不会影响放大倍数的计算。图的宽度限制为≤8 cm(半栏排)和≤17 cm(通栏排)两种, 最大高度不超过22.5 cm。
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照片图(包括数码照片)要求主题和主要显示部分的轮廓分明, 反差适中, 便于制版。如果提交相纸照片图版, 照片应裁切
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5 微软办公软件作图
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Photoshop中进行进一步编辑, 去除多余的白边后调整大小。
所有文字的字体和字号见“基本要求”, 如果要改变已录入的中英文混排的文字字体, 选中文字后先选中文字体, 再选
英文字体, 英文和数字的字体就不会再变。
图中一般不加底纹装饰, 线条粗细要适中。带坐标轴的柱形图、条形图、折线图、散点图等图中主要线条的粗细一般
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7 图的提交
受软件的限制, 有的计算机不能打开太大的文件。为了保证顺利送审, 如果论文的插图不多, 可将图文件直接插入Word
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不大于10 M。
对于接受发表的稿件, 无论图文件是否插入Word, 插入的精度多大, 在提交Word文稿的同时, 都需提交高精度的符合
出版要求的图文件, tif或jpg格式均可。Word、Excel、Powerpoint等软件生成的图, 在提交tif或jpg格式文件的同时, 还应提供
8 图的印刷
照片图有3种印刷方式, 黑灰图版信息损失少, 比黑白图能更清晰地反映细微结构。黑灰图版(双色印刷)和彩色图版(四
色印刷)作者均需支付部分印制成本, 费用为黑灰400元/版, 彩色2000元/版。作者可根据图片的内容选用, 并请在提交图文件