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A new synonym of Stemona sessilifolia (Stemonaceae)


Based onherbarium and field observations and transplant experiment, Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq. was found to be a highly variable species in morphological characters such as habit, leaf shape, and the relative size of inner two perianth segments and the outer two perianth segments. In particular, the habit depends on whether the plant is growing in an open habitat, when it remains erect, or under forests when it is at first erect but then adopts a scandent habit. Thus it is clear that S. sessilifolia is a variable species and that S. shandongensis D. K. Zang must be treated as conspecific with it.Based on herbarium and field observations and transplant experiment, Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq. was found to be a highly variable species in morphological characters such as habit, leaf shape, and the relative size of inner two perianth segments and the outer two perianth segments. In particular, the habit depends on whether the plant is growing in an open habitat, when it remains erect, or under forests when it is at first erect but then adopts a scandent habit. Thus it is clear that S. sessilifolia is a variable species and that S. shandongensis D. K. Zang must be treated as conspecific with it.

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全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (3): 399–402(2007) doi:10.1360/aps050114
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
2005-08-04 收稿, 2006-09-01 收修改稿。
基金项目: 教育部高等学校博士点基金资助项目(20020335104)(Supported by the Ph.D. Program Foundation of Ministry of
Education of China, Grant No. 20020335104)。
* 通讯作者(Author for correspondence. E-mail: cxfu@zju.edu.cn)。
李恩香 傅承新*
(浙江大学生命科学学院植物系统进化与生物多样性实验室, 国家濒危野生动植物种质基因资源保护中心 杭州 310058)
A new synonym of Stemona sessilifolia (Stemonaceae)
LI En-Xiang FU Cheng-Xin*
(Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany and Biodiversity, College of Life Sciences, and State Conservation Center for
Gene Resources of Endangered Wildlife, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China.)
Abstract Based on herbarium and field observations and transplant experiment, Stemona
sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq. was found to be a highly variable species in morphological characters
such as habit, leaf shape, and the relative size of inner two perianth segments and the outer
two perianth segments. In particular, the habit depends on whether the plant is growing in an
open habitat, when it remains erect, or under forests when it is at first erect but then adopts a
scandent habit. Thus it is clear that S. sessilifolia is a variable species and that S.
shandongensis D. K. Zang must be treated as conspecific with it.
Key words Stemona, Stemona sessilifolia, Stemona shandongensis, Stemonaceae, new
摘要 根据对直立百部Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq.大量标本的研究和野外调查及引种栽培观察, 结
合对山东百部Stemona shandongensis D. K. Zang模式标本产地的调查, 发现直立百部的形态性状是多变
的。研究表明它的习性受生境影响而多变, 从直立半灌木到蔓生都有; 叶型多变; 花通常出自叶腋, 而
花梗有时与叶柄, 甚至主脉合生; 内轮花被片大多明显大于外轮。山东百部的形态性状处于直立百部的
变异范围内, 因此作为独立的种是难以成立的, 应处理为直立百部的新异名。
关键词 百部属; 直立百部; 山东百部; 百部科; 新异名
科Stemonaceae百部属Stemona Lour.一新种——山东百部Stemona shandongensis D. K.
Zang, 其成立的主要依据是茎蔓生, 叶倒卵形, 先端突尖, 花梗与叶柄及叶片基部贴生,
花被片不反曲, 宽达0.4–0.6 cm, 外轮2片较狭, 而与近缘种直立百部S. sessilifolia (Miq.)
所标本馆(IBK)中所有的直立百部标本进行了仔细检查, 并对直立百部的多个生长地进
行了野外调查, 如山东泰山(山东百部模式标本原产地)、南京栖霞山、安徽合肥大蜀山和
安徽琅琊山, 同时还将上述每地各十余株直立百部引种到浙江大学植物园内进行观察。
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 400
研究发现, 直立百部是一个在形态上有较大变异的种。在林下幼期直立(图1), 以后
逐渐倒伏(图2), 或变为蔓生状, 在阳光充足的开阔地, 也可长成直立半灌木状; 不同居
群间和不同个体间的叶片形态大小变异较大(图3), 从卵状椭圆形、倒卵形、椭圆形到卵
状披针形均有, 先端以急尖、具短尖或骤尖为多, 间或有渐尖、钝形等多种变化, 基部常
下延; 甚至同一植株上叶形也有变化, 基部的常较宽圆, 上部的较窄而长; 花单生, 通常
出自茎下部鳞片状叶腋内, 或同时出现在鳞叶内和茎上部叶腋内, 花梗下部有时与叶柄
合生, 甚至与叶主脉基部合生, 同一植株上可出现多种着生方式; 花被片4枚, 2轮, 狭卵
形或披针形, 长1.3–1.8 cm, 外轮较狭, 宽0.35–0.55 cm, 内轮较宽, 宽0.4–0.65 cm, 或内
外2轮近等大, 同一植株上也有变化。从引种栽培的情况来看, 60多株植株中, 2005年有17
株开花, 共有花31朵, 其中来自琅琊山6株7朵, 栖霞山7株19朵, 南京中山植物园1株1朵,
泰山三阳观和黑龙潭3株4朵。所有观察的花内轮被片都大于外轮, 与陈汉斌(1990)对直立
百部的记载是一致的。在所有已观察的花中, 内轮花被片明显宽于外轮的有26朵, 内外两
轮几乎等大的只有5朵; 花被片的反曲现象只出现在花开放时的3–5天内, 此后花被片逐
渐闭合, 从而类似花蕾期的形态(图4)。从上述可见, 山东百部的主要特征处于直立百部
的变异范围内, 因此我们认为以茎蔓生, 叶倒卵形, 花梗与叶柄及叶片基部贴生, 花被片
不反曲, 宽达0.4–0.6 cm, 外轮2片较狭等性状为依据发表的新种山东百部是不能成立的,
应将其作为直立百部S. sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq.的异名来处理。
山东百部S. shandongensis的模式标本原存放在山东农业大学植物学教研室的标本柜
内, 作者曾经两次前往查看, 但是均未能找到, 后与臧先生联系, 被告知模式标本和其他
几份标本在校园搬迁过程中遗失。作者对其模式标本原产地, 以及南京、安徽滁州琅琊
山和合肥大蜀山等地直立百部的植株进行野外观察和移植, 结合标本馆查看标本, 最后
对山东百部S. shandongensis进行了归并处理:
Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Miq., Prolus. Fl. Jap. 386. 1867; Franch. & Savat., Enum. Pl. Jap.
2: 92. 1879; C. H. Wright in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 32: 942. 1896; Schltr. in Notizbl. Bot. Gart.
Berlin 9: 193. 1924; Icon. Corm. Sin. 5: 420, fig. 7670. 1976; Fl. Jiangsu 1: 345. 1977; Z. H. Ji
in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16 (1): 44, 1978; T. J. Wu in Fl. Sichuan. 9: 288. 1989; H. B. Chen in Fl.
Shandong 1: 675. 1990; X. W. Wang in Fl. Anhui 5: 97. 1992; J. Q. Xi in Fl. Zhejiang 7: 373;
Z. H. Ji in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 13 (3): 256. 1997; Fl. Henan 4: 354. 1998; Y. G. Sun in Fl.
Langyashan 165. 1999; Z. H. Ji & B. E. E. Duyfjes in Fl. China 24: 70. 2000. ––––Roxburghia
sessilifolia Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 211. 1866.
Stemona erecta C. H. Wright in Kew Bull. 117. 1895. Type: China. Nanjing (南京):
Without precise locality, C. Schmidt 1541 (Hb. Faber.)
Stemona shandongensis D. K. Zang in Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 16: 413. 1996. Type:
China. Shandong (山东): Taishan (泰山), D. K. Zang (臧得奎) 94002 (holotype, SDAU,
分布: 江苏、安徽、山东、河南、四川、浙江、江西等省。
China. Anhui (安徽): Chu Xian (滁县), Langyashan (琅琊山), W. Z. Fang et al. (方文哲等) 215 (IBK,
NAS4, LBG), S. J. Yang et al. (杨世基等) 473 (NAS), S. Y. Liu (刘思益) (CPU), E. X. Li (李恩香)
040522001 (HZU); Huangfushan (皇甫山), C. L. Gan (甘传良) 882037 (ANU); Hefei (合肥), Dashushan (大
蜀山), H. R. Zhou (周翰儒) 105 (ANUB), E. X. Li (李恩香) 040521001 (HZU). Henan (河南): Xinyang (信
阳), Anonymous 145 (PE); Zhenping (镇平), D. Guan (关代) 452 (NAS, PE). Jiangsu (江苏): Dantu (丹徒),
3 期 李恩香, 傅承新: 直立百部的一个新异名 401

图1–4 1. 来自不同居群的幼期直立的植株。a, 琅琊山。b, 栖霞山。c, 泰山。2. 后期倒伏的植株 (拍自安徽琅琊
山)。3. 叶的大小及形态变化。a, 取自泰山居群。b, 取自南京栖霞山居群。4. 花的不同时期。a, 一朵正在开放的
Figs. 1–4. 1. The plants from different habitation are erect at early age. a, Mt. Langyashan, Anhui. b, Mt. Qixiashan,
Jiangsu. c, Mt. Taishan, Shandong. 2. The plants become scramble at mature (from Mt. Langyashan, Anhui). 3. The size
and shape of the leaves. a, Collect from Mt. Taishan, Shandong. b, Collect from Mt. Xixiashan, Jiangsu. 4. The flowers in
different phases. a, A blossoming flower.

Nanjing Forestry Univ. Exped. (南京林业大学采集队) 7250 (IBSC); Fangshan (方山), Y. Huang (黄宜)
6534 (NAS; HHBG); Jiangning (江宁), H. L. Cheng & Q. L. Shi (程宏玲, 石齐亮) (CPU); Jiangpu (江浦), J.
F. Fan (范积芬) 113 (CPU); Jurong (句容), Maoshan (茅山), J. S. Yue (岳俊三) 0396(NAS); Lianyungang
(连云港), Guanyun (灌云), Z. Q. Wang (王遵亲) 19 (NAS), Haizhou (海州), F. Courtois 38755 (IBSC,
NAS), Yuntaishan (云台山), Xinhailian Exped. (新海连普查队) 314 (CPU), C. L. Tso (左景烈) 58 (NAS), R.
C. Ching (秦仁昌) 58 (PE), C. Q. Yuan et al. (袁昌齐等) 2349 (NAS); Liuhe (六合), X. L. Zhu (朱心濂)
9497 (HHBG); Nanjing (南京), Baohuashan (宝华山), J. J. Gong (龚家骥) 00700 (NAS), 650 (IBSC, NAS),
Qixiashan (栖霞山), S. J. Yang et al. (杨世基等) 360 (CPU, PE), X. J. Zhu (朱喜瑾) 19 (CPU), E. X. Li (李
恩香) 03111300 (HZU), Tangshan (汤山), J. S. Yue (岳俊三) 0327 (NAS), Tangshui (汤水), C. L. Tso (左景
烈) 148 (NAS), Yanziji (燕子矶), Y. Z. Sun (孙雄才) 2016 (CPU); Zhenjiang (镇江), C. T. Ting & Y. C.
Wang (丁志遵, 王意成) 0504 (NAS), Y. L. Keng (耿以礼) 1482 (NAS); Xuyi (盱眙), Pharmic Resources
Exped. (药源普查队) 422 (PU), C. Q. Yuan et al. (袁昌齐等) 2573 (NAS); Yixing (宜兴), C. T. Ting & Y. C.
Wang (丁志遵, 王意成) 0806 (NAS). Shandong (山东): Dazhoushan (大舟山), Shandong Wild Plant
Resources Exped. (山东野生植物资源普查队) 80 (PE); Jinan (济南), Z. W. Xie (谢宗万) 2474 (CPU);
Laoshan (崂山), Shandong Univ. (山大) 253 (PE); Linqu (临朐), T. Y. Cheo (周太炎) 5324 (NAS);
Mengshan (蒙山), T. Y. Cheo (周太炎) 6304 (NAS); Taishan (泰山), T. Y. Cheo (周太炎) 7131 (NAS), S. C.
Cui (崔顺昌) 209 (PE), E. X. Li (李恩香) 03110801 (HZU); Yidu (宜都), T. Y. Cheo (周太炎) 5259 (NAS).
Sichuan (四川): Chengdu (成都), Longquanyi (龙泉驿), Anonymous 66龙-10; Mt. Jinfoshan (金佛山), Z. Y.
Liu (刘正宇) 19941 (PE); Yuquan (玉泉), Z. Y. Liu (刘正宇) 19940 (PE).
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 402
提供方便, 安徽中医药学院王德群老师、华东师范大学王幼芳老师、王艾丽、孔航辉、
侯满福在工作中予以帮助, 一并致谢。
参 考 文 献
Chen H-B (陈汉斌) ed. 1990. Stemona Lour. In: Flora of Shandong (山东植物志). Qingdao: Qingdao
Publishing House. 1: 675–676.
Zang D-K (臧得奎), Peng W-D (彭卫东). 1996. A new species of Stemona from Shandong Province.
Bulletin of Botanical Research (植物研究) 16: 413–414.