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Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, a new species of the Liliaceae from Chongqing, China


Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, a new species of
the Liliaceae from Nanchuan, Chongqing, China, is described and illustrated. This species is
morphologically similar to D. smilacinum A. Gray in having leaves ovate to elliptic,
inflorescences terminal, flowers spreading, tepals white, slightly saccate at the base, but
differs from the latter in having stems dwarf, 15–20 cm tall, leaves 3–4, all on the upper part
of the stems, petioles 2–4 mm long, and tepals densely pubescent on the inner surface.

全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (4): 583–586(2007) doi:10.1360/aps06079
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
2006-09-15 收稿, 2007-03-29 收修改稿。
* 通讯作者(Author for correspondence. E-mail: hongdy@ibcas.ac.cn)。
李心正 张大明 洪德元*
(系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室, 中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093)
Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y.
Hong, a new species of the Liliaceae from
Chongqing, China
LI Xin-Zheng ZHANG Da-Ming HONG De-Yuan*
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100093, China)
Abstract Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, a new species of
the Liliaceae from Nanchuan, Chongqing, China, is described and illustrated. This species is
morphologically similar to D. smilacinum A. Gray in having leaves ovate to elliptic,
inflorescences terminal, flowers spreading, tepals white, slightly saccate at the base, but
differs from the latter in having stems dwarf, 15–20 cm tall, leaves 3–4, all on the upper part
of the stems, petioles 2–4 mm long, and tepals densely pubescent on the inner surface.
Key words Disporum, Disporum jinfoshanense, Liliaceae, new species, Chongqing, China.
摘要 描述了重庆市南川金佛山百合科Liliaceae一新种——金佛山万寿竹Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z.
Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong。该种与山东万寿竹D. smilacinum A. Gray相似, 具卵形或椭圆形叶, 顶生
花序, 花被片白色, 开展, 基部稍具浅囊; 不同之处在于其茎高15–20 cm, 叶3–4片, 集中于茎上部, 叶
柄明显, 长2–4 mm, 花被片内表面密布短柔毛。山东万寿竹只分布于山东半岛、朝鲜半岛以及日本。
关键词 万寿竹属; 金佛山万寿竹; 百合科; 新种; 重庆; 中国
2005年5月, 作者在重庆南川市金佛山自然保护区进行野外考察时, 在一级站附近
开阔谷地(海拔1198 m)碎石土质的北向草坡上, 发现一片正在开花的万寿竹属Disporum
Salisb.植物。当时觉得该植物和山东万寿竹D. smilacinum A. Gray相似, 遂拍照并采集数
株, 在中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE)进行详细比较研究后, 确定为万寿竹属一
1. 匍匐茎长10–30 cm, 花被片开展。
2. 茎高30–80 cm, 常分枝, 正常叶14–25, 有3–7片位于分枝下; 花被片是雄蕊长的2–3倍; 花丝与花
药等长……………………………………………1. 宝珠草 Disporum viridescens (Maxim.) Nakai
2. 茎高15–35 cm, 极少分枝, 正常叶3–7, (如有分枝)分枝下无叶或仅有一枚; 花被片是雄蕊长的1.5
倍; 花丝是花药长的两倍。
3. 茎高15–20 cm; 叶3–4, 全部位于茎上部1/3; 叶柄长2–4 mm; 花被片内表面密被柔毛(限于重庆
金佛山) ………………2. 金佛山万寿竹 D. jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 584
3. 茎高15–35 cm; 叶4–7, 全部位于茎上部2/3; 叶柄长≤2 mm; 花被片内面无毛(山东半岛、朝鲜
半岛和日本) ………………………………………………3. 山东万寿竹D. smilacinum A. Gray
1. 匍匐茎无或长仅1–5 cm; 花管状或钟状, 花被片不开展……………………………Disporum的其他种
Key to the new species and the other species of Disporum
1. Stolons 10–30 cm long, tepals spreading.
2. Stems 30–80 cm tall, often branched, 14–25 normal leaves with 3–7 below the branches, tepals 2–3 times
longer than stamens; filaments equal to anthers in length………1. D. viridescens (Maxim.) Nakai
2. Stems 15–35 cm tall, rarely branched, 3–7 normal leaves with none or 1 below the branches if branched,
tepals 1.5 times longer than stamens; filaments 2 times longer than anthers.
3. Stems 15–20 cm tall; leaves 3–4 all on the upper 1/3 part of the stems; petioles 2–4 mm long; tepals
densely pubescent on the inner surface (confined to Jinfo Shan, China) ……………………………
……………………………………………2. D. jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong
3. Stems 15–35 cm tall; leaves 4–7 all on the upper 2/3 part of the stems; petioles less than 2 mm long;
tepals glabrous on the inner surface (distributed in Shandong, Korean Peninsula, Japan) ……………
………………………………………………………………………………3. D. smilacinum A. Gray
1. Stolons absent or only 1–5 cm long; flowers tubular, campanulate, tepals not spreading ……………………
………………………………………………………………………………the other species of Disporum

金佛山万寿竹 新种 图1–5
Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong, sp. nov. Figs. 1–5
A D. smilacino A. Gray caulibus 15–20 cm altis, foliis 3–4 omnino ad superioribus 1/3
caulibus, petiolis 2–4 mm longis, tepalis dense pubescentibus ad interiore pagina recedit.
China. Chongqing (重庆): Nanchuan (南川), Jinfoshan Nature Reserve (金佛山自然保
护区), Yijizhan (一级站), alt. 1198 m, 29°02′871″ N, 110°12′619″ E , 2005-05-03, X. Z. Li
(李心正) Chongqing 06 (holotype, PE; isotype, PE).
Herbs perennial, with short rhizomes; stolons often present, 10–30 cm long. Stems
ascending, simple, rarely branched, 15–20 cm tall. Leaves 3–4, concentrated at distal 1/3 part
of stems, alternate; petioles 2–4 mm long; leaf blades ovate to elliptic, 7–8×2.3–4 cm,
chartaceous, base subrounded and slightly conduplicate, margin scabrous, apex acuminate,
cuspidate or acute; cross veins sometimes distinct. Inflorescences terminal, non-pedunculate,
1–2 (rarely 3 or 4)-flowered. Pedicels 2.6–3 cm long; tepals spreading, white, broadly
lanceolate, 13–17×3–4 mm, base slightly saccate, apex acute, densely pubescent on the inner
surface, veins not distinct. Stamens inserted at the base of tepals, included, 8–11 mm long;
filaments dilated proximally, 5–7 mm long; anthers extrorse, 3–4 mm long; pistil as long as
stamens; styles and stigma together 7 mm long, 2 times as long as ovary, stigmas 3-fid. Berry
globose, purple black, 8×6 mm. Fl. Apr.–May; fr. Sept.–Oct.
Chromosomes: 2n=16 (the voucher: X. Z. Li (李心正) Chongqing 06 (PE)).
多年生草本。根状茎短, 常具10–30 cm长的匍匐茎。茎上升, 单一, 极少分枝, 高
15–20 cm。叶3–4片, 集中于植株上部1/3, 叶柄明显, 长2–4 mm, 叶片卵形或椭圆形, 7–8
×2.3–4 cm, 纸质, 基部近圆形, 稍对折, 边缘有乳突, 先端渐尖、骤尖或急尖, 横脉有时
明显。花序顶生, 花序梗缺失, 具1–2朵花, 稀3或4朵花。花蕾椭球形。成熟花的花梗
长2.6–3 cm。花被片开展、白色、广披针形, 13–17×3–4 mm, 基部稍具浅囊, 脉纹不明
显, 先端尖, 内表面密布短柔毛。雄蕊生于花被片基部, 内藏, 长8–11 mm。花丝基部扁
平, 长5–7 mm。花药外向, 长3–4 mm。雌蕊与雄蕊等长, 花柱连同3裂的柱头长7 mm,
4 期 李心正等: 万寿竹属(百合科)一新种——金佛山万寿竹 585

图1 金佛山万寿竹 A, 植株; B, 雌蕊; C, 花。(李爱丽根据李心正重庆06号标本绘)
Fig. 1. Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong. A, a plant; B, a pistil; C, a flower, opened.
Drawn by A. L. Li from X. Z. Li Chongqing 06.
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 586

图2–5 金佛山万寿竹 2. 生境。3. 花, 背面观。4. 花, 侧面观。5. 花, 正面观。
Figs. 2–5. Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang & D. Y. Hong. 2. Habitat. 3. A flower, back view. 4.
Flowers, lateral view. 5. A flower, front view.

2倍于子房长度。浆果球形, 紫黑色, 8×6 mm。花期4–5月。果期9–10月。染色体数目
本种与山东万寿竹D. smilacinum A. Gray相似, 具卵形或椭圆形叶, 顶生花序, 花被
片白色, 开展, 基部稍具浅囊; 不同之处在于其茎高15–20 cm, 叶3–4片, 叶柄明显, 长
2–4 mm, 花被片内表面密布短柔毛。山东万寿竹只分布于山东半岛、朝鲜半岛以及日本。