全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 43 (6): 552–556(2005) doi:10.1360/aps030076
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 22 September 2003 Accepted: 10 May 2005
Taxonomic notes on Meeboldia H. Wolff (Umbelliferae)
PU Fa-Ting PENG Yu-Lan
(Chengdu Institute of Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract Meeboldia (Umbelliferae) is treated as a genus including only two species, i.e. M.
yunnanensis and M. achilleifolia.
Key words Meeboldia, Sinodielsia, Peucedanum, Vicatia, Umbelliferae, taxonomic note.
Meeboldia H. Wolff (Umbelliferae) was established based on M. selinoides H. Wolff, a
Himalayan species. Since the type material of this species had been possibly lost, Mukherjee
& Constance (1991) designated M. achilleifolia (DC.) Murkh. & Constance, also a Himalayan
species, as the neotype of the genus, and pointed out that M. selinoides is conspecific with M.
Sinodielsia H. Wolff was described based on S. yunnanensis H. Wolff, a species from
Kunming, Yunnan, China. As Meeboldia and Sinodielsia appear to share some major generic
characters, such as strongly developed calyx-teeth, conical stylopodium, oblong-ovoid fruit,
both lateral and dorsal ribs prominent and filiform, and flat, slightly concave to sulcate
commissural surface, Mukherjee & Constance (1991) considered that Sinodielsia H. Wolff is
not clearly distinguished from Meeboldia and thus merged Sinodielsia to Meeboldia.
It is noteworthy that Pimenov & Kljuykov (2000) transferred Peucedanum delavayi
Franch. to Sinodielsia, making the combination S. delavayi (Franch.) Pimenov & Kljuykov. P.
delavayi, however, has fruit compressed dorsally in transection, lateral ribs narrowly winged,
and dorsal and median ribs filiform. Therefore, we think it is not acceptable to transfer P.
delavayi to Sinodielsia Kljuykov & Mukherjee, and Pimenov et al. (1991) transferred also
Vicatia thibetica H. de Boissieu and V. bipinnata Shan & Pu respectively to Sinodielsia. But
these two species have obsolete calyx-teeth, depressed stylopodium, and deeply concave to
deeply grooved commissural surface. Furthermore, the pollen morphology of V. thibetica and
V. bipinnata is also different from that of the species in Sinodielsia (Shu & Sheh, 2001). Thus
the two species had better be retained in the genus Vicatia.
Taxonomic treatments
Meeboldia H. Wolff in Feddes Repert. 19: 313. 1924; Mukherjee & Constance in Edinb. J.
Bot. 48: 44. 1991 et Umbell. India 1: 116. 1993; Pimenov & Leonov, Gen. Umbell 1: 74.
1993; S. L. Liou in C. Y. Wu, F1. Yunnan. 7: 405. 1997. ——Sinodielsia H. Wolff in Notizbl.
Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 278. 1925; S. L. Liou in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 55 (1): 108. 1979;
Pimenov et al. in Feddes Repert. 102: 383. 1991, p.p.; F. T. Pu in W. T. Wang, Vasc. Pl.
Hengduan Mts. 1: 1286. 1993; Pimenov & Leonov, Gen. Umbell. 1: 105.1993; Pimenov et al.
in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 34: 8. 1996; et in Feddes Repert. 111: 539. 2000, p.p.; P. Shu & M. L.
Sheh, Pollen Photo. Fl. Umbell. China 1: 23. 2001.
藏香芹属 (云南植物志)
Perennial herbs; taproot stout, conical to cylindroid, 1–2-branched. Stem slender, erect,
branched. Basal leaves ternate-3-pinnate or 3–4-pinnate, primary pinnae 4–9 pairs, ultimate
segments linear-subulate or antler-shaped; cauline leaves few, similar to the basal ones,
gradually reduced upward, with narrow sheaths. Peduncles elongate, apex slightly scabrous;
No. 6 PU Fa-Ting et al.: Taxonomic notes on Meeboldia H. Wolff (Umbelliferae) 553
bract 1 or several, linear-lanceolate; rays 6–15, unequal; bracteoles 5–9, similar to the bracts;
calyx-teeth evident, subulate, persistent; petals white, obovate, apex slightly notched with a
narrowly incurved lobule; stylopodium conic; styles recurved. Fruit oblong-ovoid, glabrous,
compressed laterally, base rounded, ribs filiform; mericarps pentagonal in transection, slightly
constricted at the commissure; vittae 2–4 in intervals, 2–5 on commissure; carpophore
bipartite to middle or base. Commisural surface flat or slightly concave to sulcate.
Type: Ptychotis achilleifolia DC. (=Meeboldia achilleifolia (DC.) Mukherjee &
A small genus with only two species.
Key to species
1. Taproot epidermis cyclically striate; basal leaves ternate-3-pinnate, primary pinnae 4–5 pairs, ultimate
segments antler-shaped; rays 5–10; commissural surface slightly concave ……… …… 1. M. yunnanensis
1. Taproot epidermis without cyclic striae; basal leaves 3–4-pinnate, primary pinnae 6–9 pairs, ultimate
segments linear-subulate; rays 6–15; commissural surface flat, concave to sulcate………2. M. achilleifolia
1. Meeboldia yunnanensis (H. Wolff) S. L. Liou in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Yunnan. 7: 405. 1997;
Constance & Pu in Novon 8 : 70. 1998. —— Sinodielsia yunnanensis H. Wolff in Notizbl.
Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 278. 1925; S. L. Liou in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 55 (1): 108. 1979;
Pimenov et al. in Feddes Repert. 102: 383. 1991; F. T. Pu in W. T. Wang, Vasc. Pl. Hengduan
Mts. 1: 1286. 1993; Pimenov & Leonov, Gen. Umbell. 1: 105. 1993; S. L. Liou in L. K. Fu et
al., High. Pl. China 8: 559. 2001. Type: China.Yunnan (云南): Yunnan-fu (Kunming, 昆明),
Cavalerie 422 (holotype, P).
Physospermopsis cruciata H. Wolff in Feddes Repert. 27: 127. 1929.
——Pleurospermum cruciatum (H. Wolff) M. Hiroe, Umbell. World, 1: 747. 1979. Type:
China. Yunnan (云南): Lijiang (丽江), Rock 10499 (holotype, E!).
Sinodielsia microloba Kljuykov in Feddes Repert. 97: 757. 1986. Type: China. SE
Xizang (西藏): Gongbo’gyamda (工布江达), Ludlow et al. 6201 (holotype, BM; isotype, E!).
Physospermopsis forrestii auct. non Norman: Fedde ex H. Wolff in Feddes Repert. 27:
179. 1929.
Sinodielsia yunnanensis auct. non H. Wolff: Farille in Candollea 40: 520. 1985.
藏香芹(云南植物志) 滇芹(中国植物志)
Additional specimens examined:
China. Yunnan (云南): Kunming (昆明), P. Y. Chiu (邱炳云) 77684, 77836 (KUN); T.
H. Pan & X. T. Liou (潘泽惠,刘心恬) 8602 (JSBI); T. N. Liou (刘慎谔) 3514 (KUN); G. S.
Shing et al. (辛景三等) 50966, 54944 (KUN); Songming (嵩明), P. I. Mao (毛品一) 1586
(KUN); Xiangyun (祥云), F. T. Pu & X. T. Liou (溥发鼎,刘心恬) 876 (CDBI, JSBI); Heqing
(鹤庆), F. T. Pu & X. T. Liou (溥发鼎,刘心恬) 955 (CDBI, JSBI); H. L. Zhao (赵会礼)
200207 (CDBI); Zhongdian (中甸), T. T. Yu (俞德俊) 13596 (PE); Yongping (永平), Forrest
11423 (E). Sichuan (四川): Muli (木里), F. T. Pu et al (溥发鼎等) 556 (CDBI); Q. S. Zhao et
al. (赵清盛等) 6088 (CDBI, SZ); T. T. Yu (俞德俊) 14027 (PE, KUN); Daocheng (稻城),
Sichuan Veg. Exped. (四川植被队) 2577 (CDBI). Xizang (西藏) : Nyingchi (林芝), K. Y.
Lang (郎楷永) 1079, 1298 (PE).
Distribution: C and NW Yunnan, SW Sichuan and E Xizang, China.
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 43 554
Fig. 1.Meeboldia achilleifolia (DC.) Mukherjee & Constance. A, outer habit; B, umbellule; C, petals; D, bract; E,
bracteole; F, fruit; G, transverse section of mericarps showing the vallecular oil duct and endosperm. Drawn by J. Gu from
the type gathering, Wallich 568 (K, E).
No. 6 PU Fa-Ting et al.: Taxonomic notes on Meeboldia H. Wolff (Umbelliferae) 555
Habitat: bushes, grassy slope, sparse Quercus-Pinus forests, forest edge; 1900–3500 m.
2. Meeboldia achilleifolia (DC.) Mukherjee & Constance in Edinb. J. Bot. 48: 44. 1991; et
Umbell. India. 1: 116. 1993.——Athamanta achilleifolia Wall. cat. 18. n. 568. 1829, nom.
nud.——Ptychotis achilleifolia DC., Prodr. 4: 109. 1830.——Pimpinella achilleifolia (Wall
ex DC.) C. B. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 684. 1879; H. Wolff in Engl., Pflanzenr. 90
(IV. 228): 286. 1927; Norman in J. Bot. (London.) 67: 245. 1929; Cannon in Hara &
Williams, Enum. Flow. Pl. Nepal. 2 (135. Umbell.): 187. 1979.——Vicatia achilleifolia
(Wall. ex DC.) Mukherjee in Candollea 37: 560. 1982; et in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 24: 43.
1983.——Tongoloa achilleifoila (Wall. ex DC.) Pimenov & Kljuykov in Feddes Repert. 102:
383. 1991. Type: From Nepal to India (Kumaon), Wallich 568 (holotype, K!; isotype, E!)
Meeboldia selinoides H. Wolff in Feddes Repert. 19: 313. 1924. Type: Himalaya. In
Valle Naini, 6500 supra mare, Meebold 3402.
Sinodielsia digitata Kljuykov in Feddes Repert. 97: 756. 1986. Type: Chungar, 6500
supra mare, 1938-11-13, Ludlow et al. 7263 (BM!).
Pimpinella achilleifolia (Wall. ex DC.) auct. non C. B. Clarke: F. T. Pu in Fl. Reip. Pop.
Sin. 55 (3): 242. 1992.
蓍叶藏香芹 (新拟) 蓍叶滇芹 (Flora of China)
Aditional specimens examined: Nepal. Without precise locality, Wallich 568 A (CAL,
E! ); Dhunche, Mukherrjee 237 (UC); Gurjackani et al. 3618, 4462 (BM).
Bhutan. Chungar, Ludlow et al. 7263 (BM).
India. Uttar Pradesh, Kumaon (北方邦), Wallich 568B (CAL); Naini Tal, Gillett et al.
2614 (UC).
Distribution: Himalayas from Nepal and Bhutan to India. Alt. 2000–4500 m.
De Boissieu H. 1906. Note sur quelques Ombelliféres de la Chine, d’aprés les collections du Muséum
d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 53: 423.
Liou S-L (刘守炉). 1986. Sinodielsia H. Wolff. In: Wu C-Y (吴征镒) ed. Flora Xizangica (西藏植物志).
Beijing: Science Press. 3: 418–421.
Liou X-T (刘心恬). 1997. Vicatia DC. In: Wu C-Y (吴征镒) ed. Flora Yunnanica (云南植物志). Beijing:
Science Press. 7: 397.
Mukherjee P K, Constance L. 1991. New taxa and transfers in Indian Umbelliferae. Edinburgh Journal of
Botany 48 (1): 44.
Pimenov M G, Mukherjee P K, Kljuykov E V, Leonov M V. 1991. Notes on the genera Vicatia DC.,
Sinodielsia H. Wolff and Tongoloa H. Wolff (Umbelliferae). Feddes Repertorium 102: 377–383.
Pimenov M G, Kljuykov E V. 2000. Taxonomic revision of Pleurospermum Hoffm. and related genera of
Umbelliferae III. The genera Physospermopsis H. Wolff and Hymenidium Lindl. Feddes Repertorium 111
(7–8): 536–539.
Shan R-H (单人骅), Sheh M-L (佘孟兰), Wang T-S (王铁僧), Pu F-T (溥发鼎), Shen K-M (沈观冕), Chang
H-T (张盍曾). 1986. New taxa of the Chinese Umbelliferae (2). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica (植物分类
学报) 24: 304–316.
Shan R-H (单人骅), Sheh M-L (佘孟兰). 1980. Xizang umbellifers: their geographical patterns and floristic
characteristics. Bulletin of the Nanjing Botanical Garden Memorial of Sun Yat Sen (南京中山植物园研
究论文集) 12–20.
Shu P (舒璞), Sheh M-L (佘孟兰). 2001. Pollen Photographs and Flora of Umbelliferae in China (中国伞形
科植物花粉图志). Shanghai: Scientific and Technical Publishers. 23–24.
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 43 556
溥发鼎 彭玉兰
(中国科学院成都生物研究所 成都 610041)
摘要 认为伞形科藏香芹属Meeboldia H. Wolff只包含2种,即滇芹Meeboldia yunnanensis (H. Wolff)
Constance & F. T. Pu和蓍叶藏香芹M. achilleifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Mukherjee & Constance。
关键词 藏香芹属; 滇芹属; 前胡属; 凹乳芹属; 伞形科; 分类修订