Corybas (Orchidaceae), a genus of some 100 species, is distributed from the Himalayas and southern China, through the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and New Guinea, to Australia, New Caledonia, Tasmania, New Zealand and the islands of Polynesia. There are three recorded species in China, C. sinii Tang & Wang, C. daliensis Tang & Wang, and C. taiwanensis T. P. Lin & S. Y. Leu. In this paper, a new species, Corybas fanjingshanensis from Fanjing mountain nature reserve is described and illustrated. It is related to C. taliensis Tang & Wang, but differs by having rather short bract and lateral sepals and lacking lamellae on the disc. Its habitat and population size was reported in details.
全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (6): 808–812(2007) doi:10.1360/aps06146
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
2006-01-02 收稿, 2007-05-05 收修改稿。
熊源新 罗应春 上官法智 王 辉
(贵州大学生命科学院 贵阳 550025)
Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong, a new species of
Orchidaceae from Guizhou, China
(College of Life Sciences, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)
Abstract Corybas (Orchidaceae), a genus of some 100 species, is distributed from the
Himalayas and southern China, through the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and New
Guinea, to Australia, New Caledonia, Tasmania, New Zealand and the islands of Polynesia.
There are three recorded species in China, C. sinii Tang & Wang, C. daliensis Tang & Wang,
and C. taiwanensis T. P. Lin & S. Y. Leu. In this paper, a new species, Corybas
fanjingshanensis from Fanjing mountain nature reserve is described and illustrated. It is
related to C. taliensis Tang & Wang, but differs by having rather short bract and lateral sepals
and lacking lamellae on the disc. Its habitat and population size was reported in details.
Key words Corybas, Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong, Orchidaceae, new species,
distribution, Guizhou, China.
摘要 描述了在贵州梵净山自然保护区发现的兰科Orchidaceae植物一新种——梵净山铠兰Corybas
fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong, 并绘了线描图。该新种与大理铠兰C. taliensis Tang & Wang相近, 区别点在
于: 本新种花单朵顶生, 淡红色, 具深红色条纹, 有较短的苞片与侧萼片, 唇瓣的唇盘上无褶片。报道
了该种的采集过程、生境以及该种在梵净山居群的大小和保护状况, 并简单介绍了铠兰属Corybas在世
关键词 铠兰属; 梵净山铠兰; 兰科; 新种; 分布; 贵州; 中国
铠兰属Corybas Salisba是兰科Orchidaceae植物中的一个中等大小的属, 约有100种。
该属种类个体稀少而且很小, 生长在较为特殊的生态环境中。在我国大陆各大标本馆上
百万号种子植物标本中, 该属已知的标本不超过10份。铠兰属植物的珍艳稀有也是兰科
植物中少见的, 我国兰科植物分类的前辈唐进和汪发缵(1951)曾这样形容该属植物: “全
属都体小花大, 异常艳丽, 且叶有花纹, 更增加它的美观”。
铠兰属主要分布在南半球(Hatch, 2006)。澳大利亚有12种、新西兰有14种, 其余种类
什马尼亚以及波利尼西亚的一些岛屿上(Hatch, 2006)。该属的现代分布中心在澳大利亚、
新西兰以及周围的太平洋岛屿地区, 我国南部是该属分布的北缘。我国已经记载有3个特
有种: 铠兰C. sinii Tang & Wang和大理铠兰C. taliensis Tang & Wang (唐进, 汪发缵,
1951), 台湾铠兰C. taiwanensis T. P. Lin & S. Y. Leu (郎楷永等, 1999; 陈心启, 罗毅波,
6 期 熊源新等: 贵州兰科植物一新种——梵净山铠兰 809
南山地的自然保护区和台湾, 贵州省首次发现该属植物的分布(图1)。
图1 铠兰属在中国的地理分布 ▲ 大理铠兰; ■ 铠兰; ● 台湾铠兰; ◇ 梵净山铠兰。
Fig. 1. Distribution of Corybas in China. ▲ C. taliensis; ■ C. sinii; ● C. taiwanensis; ◇ C. fanjingshanensis.
梵净山铠兰 新种 图2, 3
Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong, sp. nov. Figs. 2, 3
Species nova haec habitu et forma foliorum C. taliensi valde similis, a quo bractea ovario
aequilonga vel paullo breviore; disco haud lamellato; sepalis lateralibus petalis brevioribus
bene differt.
China. Guizhou (贵州 ): Fanjing Shan (梵净山 ), alt. 2310 m, in mossy place,
2006-07-25, Y. X. Xiong (熊源新) F060701 (holotype, PE; isotype, GACP), alt. 2100–2350 m,
in mossy place, 2005-06-15, F. Z. Shangguan (上官法智) f-2132 (paratype, GACP).
Terrestrial herb, 35–60 mm tall; tuber subglobose, 4–6 mm in diam. Stem slender, erect,
base with a few membranous tubular sheaths. Leaf single, subterminal, sessile; 2.5–14×2–9.5
mm, with white venation, leaf blade cordate to broadly ovate, base cordate. Floral bract
lanceolate, equal to or slightly shorter than ovary with pedicel. Flower solitary, terminal, rosy
or pink, with purple striae; dorsal sepal erect, spatulate, 10–12×5–8 mm, with 7–9 dark red
stripes, apex rounded; lateral sepals similar to petals, narrowly linear or subulate,
5–5.5×0.5–0.8 mm, 1-veined; petals longer than lateral sepals, 6–7×0.5–1 mm; labellum
subobovate, erect at basal part, recurved at apical part, 11–15×6–10 mm, base tubular, apex
rounded, apical margins erose, disc with 9–13 purple stripes, central part without lamella, base
with 1 pink, rounded callus; spurs 2, hornlike, ca. 3 mm long; column ca. 2 mm long. Ovary
longitudinally 6-ridged.
This species resembles C. taliensis Tang & Wang, but differs in flower rosy, with purple
striae, equal to or slightly shorter than ovary with pedicel; disc central part without lamella.
直立陆生草本, 高35–60 mm。地下块茎球形, 直径4–6 mm。茎纤细, 直立, 2.5–6 cm
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 810
长, 基部具1–2枚膜质鞘。叶单生于茎近顶部, 心形或阔卵形, 长2.5–14 mm, 宽2–9.5 mm,
具白色的网状叶脉, 基部心形。花单朵顶生, 淡红色, 具深红色条纹, 无柄; 苞片披针形,
等于或稍短于子房; 花梗不明显; 中萼片匙形, 直立, 长10–12 mm, 宽5–8 mm, 具7–9条
紫色条纹, 先端圆形; 侧萼片和花瓣相似, 直立于两个距之间, 钻形, 长5–5.5 mm, 宽
图2 梵净山铠兰 A, 植株; B, 花顶面观; C, 花瓣(a), 侧萼片(b); D, 蕊柱(a), 子房(b); E, 花侧面观, 示苞片(a); F,
唇盘; G, 唇瓣内侧面观, 示胼胝体无褶片(a); H, 中萼片(a), 子房(b), 叶片(c)。熊源新根据熊源新F060701绘。
Fig. 2. Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong. A, habit; B, above view of flower; C, petal (a), lateral sepal (b); D,
column (a), ovary (b); E, lateral view of flower and bract (a); F, disc; G, inner view of labellum, showing callus rounded
without lamella (a); H, dorsal sepal (a), ovary (b), leaf (c). Drawn by Y. X. Xiong from Y. X. Xiong F060701.
6 期 熊源新等: 贵州兰科植物一新种——梵净山铠兰 811
图3 梵净山铠兰 A. 植株。B. 花侧面观。C. 花顶面观。D. 花前面观。E. 居群。F. 唇瓣内侧面观, 示胼胝体无
褶片(a)。拍照标本: 熊源新F060701。
Fig. 3. Corybas fanjingshanensis Y. X. Xiong. A, Habit. B, Lateral view of flower. C, Above view of flower. D,
Ventral view of flower. E, Population. F, Inner view of labellum, showing callus rounded without lamella. Photo from Y. X.
Xiong F060701.
植 物 分 类 学 报 45 卷 812
0.5–0.8 mm, 具一脉; 花瓣长于侧萼片, 长6–7 mm, 宽0.5–1 mm; 唇瓣倒卵圆形, 下部直
立, 上部外弯, 长1.1–1.5 cm, 宽0.6–1 cm, 基部管状, 上部圆形, 边缘齿蚀状, 唇盘上具
9–13条紫色条纹, 中部无褶片, 基部具一圆形、粉红色的胼胝体; 距2个, 角状, 长3 mm;
蕊柱长2 mm, 子房具6条纵肋。
本种在外形上近于Corybas taliensis Tang & Wang, 但本新种花单朵顶生, 淡红色,
具深红色条纹,苞片等于或稍短于子房, 唇盘中部无褶片, 侧萼片短于花瓣等特征而明显
梵净山是武陵山脉主峰, 位于贵州省东北部的江口、印江、松桃三县交界处。梵净
山自然保护区面积41900 ha2, 跨北纬27˚49′50″至28°1′30″, 东经108˚45′至108˚48′, 最高峰
凤凰山, 海拔2570.5 m。是地球同一纬度上保持最完好的原始生态地带, 也是中国14个具
有国际意义的陆地植物多样性关键地区之一。从20世纪30年代开始, 我国研究兰科植物
的学者对该地区的兰科植物开展过深入研究(吉占和, 1993), 但未有过铠兰属的记载。
工作, 2005年6月在梵净山金顶的东北面采到一号标本, 2006年6月再去原地补采, 但没采
到, 7月又再次上山针对该种进行较大面积的搜寻, 在梵净山金顶的东北面约5 km几无人
迹的密林中发现了该种的一个居群(图3: E)。
该居群位于海拔2300–2320 m多云雾的高山植被中, 坡度45˚–50˚, 面积约12 m2, 植
株最集中的区域有67株/m2。生长在通常高30–60 mm的高丛集型(tall turfs)(Magdefrau,
1982)的苔藓植物丛中。该苔藓植物群落是以暖地泥炭藓Sphagnum junghuhnianum Doz. &
Molk.和毛叶青毛藓Dicranodontium filifolium Broth.为主的水湿高丛集型苔藓群落, 其中
杂有弯叶灰藓Hypnum hamulosum B. S. G.、毛口大萼苔Cephalozia gollanii Steph.、疏叶叶
苔Jungermannia laxifolia Gao等苔藓植物。通常, 以泥炭藓Sphagnum spp.为主的苔藓植物
从外部形态上观察, 梵净山铠兰有着纤细柔弱的茎和近顶部单生的叶和花(图3: A),
只适应生存在水湿高丛集型苔藓群落中, 对环境的要求较为严格。该物种是我国兰科植
物中较为珍稀的种类, 应该加以保护。
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