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A Further Study of the Genus Viola in Hebei Province


In this study, 23 OTU’s including all the species of Viola in Hebei Provin-
ce were used in numerical taxonomic treatment. According to the principle of clustering line
method, a few lines which divide sections, subsections and species were respectively decided.
The result of numerical research roughly coincides with the scheme of 3 sections and 4 subsec-
tions proposed by Gingins et al.. Based on the value of distance coefficient, morphological
characters and geographical distribution, the species V. pekinensis is reduced as a synonym of
V. mongolica. The writer compared section Melanium with other sections with characters of
morphology, palynology, cytology, phytogeography as well as pollination ecology and sugges-
ted a revision of systematic position of section Melanium.

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