Abstract:A new combination, Plantago fengdouensis (Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang) Y. Wang & Z. Y. Li, is proposed based on P. erosa Wall. var. fengdouensis Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang. This species is similar to P. cornuti Gouan in the plant becoming black when dry and in having relatively large seeds, but differs by having leaves dentate or pinnately incised, 3(5)-nerved, bracts triangular-ovate, corolla lobes narrowly triangular, capsules fusiform-ellipsoid, circumscissile near the middle, and seeds longitudinally 1-grooved on the ventral side. P. fengdouensis belongs to Plantago L. subgen. Plantago, which is characterized by having corollas glabrous, filaments adnate near corolla base, and cotyledons parallel to the ventral side (i.e. hilum face). It is a highly restricted species in distribution, occurring only on two islets in Fengdu County and Zhong Xian County within the Three-Gorges Dam Area.