作 者 :Cao Ya-Ling, Lu Rong-Sen
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1989年 2期
Keywords:Hippophae, Chromosome, Keryotype, Idiogram,
The present paper reports karyotypes in 4 species and 5 subspecies of Hippophae L.
in China. It is found that all of the species and subspecies are diploid, with 2n=24, their com-
plements are made of m and sm chromosomes and of them only H. thibetana has a pair of satel-
lites. All of these karyotypes are symmetrical and primitive. It can be simplied as follows:
Hippophae neurocarpa 2n = 2x = 24 = 18m+6sm, H. thibetana 2n = 2x = 24 = 14m
(2sat)+ 8sm, H. rhamnoides L. ssp. gyantsensis 2n=2x=24= 18m+ 6sm, H.
salicifolia 2n = 2x = 24 = 10m + 14sm, H. rhamnoides L. ssp. sinensis 2n=2x=
24 = 18m + 6sm, H. rhamnoides L. ssp. turkestanica 2n = 2x = 24 = 20m + 4sm;
Hi. rhamnoides L. ssp. yunnanensis 2n = 2x = 24 = 14 + 10sm, H. rhamnoides L.
ssp. mongolica 2n = 2x = 24 = 16m + 8sm.