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Discussion on the Validity of Roegneria C. Koch (Gramineae) as Genus by Numerical Taxonomic Method


This paper deals with the systematic position of Gen. Roegneria C. Koch
by numerical taxonomic method. The genus Roegneria C. Koch and its relatively related ge-
nera (Agropyron Gaerth., Elymus L., Elytrigia Desv., Leymus Hochst.) were selected as OTUS.
The numerical classification was based on 30 characters, of which 18 are morphological
(gross and microscopic) and 12 cytological. The dendrogram (Fig. 1.) is the optimal one,
which is selected according to the cophenetic correlation coefficient. Moreover, the results of
other cluster methods, which are based on either the correlation coefficient or the distance
coefficients, show the same structure similar to the Fig. 1. Hance, Gen. Roegneria is conside-
red congeneric with Gen. Elymus. According to the priority of International Code, Gen. Roeg-
neria C. Koch should be referred to Gen. Elymus L.

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