作 者 :Chang Roh-Hwei
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1984年 22卷 2期 页码:110-118
Keywords:Papilionoideae, Ormosia, Sect. Ormosia, Sect. Emarginatae,
The first classification for the genus Ormosia was proposed by Bentham. It was
followed by Taubert (1892) in Engler and Prantl’s Nat. Pflanzenf., who divided the genus
into 2 sections. On the basis of the pod structure and seed characters Prain (1900) arran-
ged the genus in 2 sections with 4 subsections. In the monograph on the genus Merrill
and L. Chen ( 1943 ) limited their taxonomic study to Chinese and Indo-Chinese species, and
recognized 34 species and 15 series. Recently Yakovlev (1971-1976) has treated the ge-
nus in 6 separate genera.
In the present paper the author recognizes 35 species, of which 7 species and 2 varie-
ties are new. The Chinese species of the genus are grouped into 3 sections and 6 series in
my classification.