作 者 :郑忠明,宋广莹,周志翔*,韩筱婕,滕明君,李智琦
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 24期 页码:7045~7054
Keywords:lake wetland, classified protection, plant diversity, hotspots analysis, Wuhan,
摘 要 :湿地植被多样性特征及其影响因素的调查分析是湿地植被保护与恢复策略制定的基础。借鉴生物多样性热点分析原理,在武汉市城市湖泊湿地植物多样性调查的基础上,研究了湖泊湿地的植被多样性特征,探讨了城市湖泊湿地植被分类保护与恢复对策。结果表明,武汉市湿地维管束植物的物种丰富度、植物多样性、优势度和均匀度指数在各湖泊间的变化趋势较为一致,但在空间变化幅度上存在一定差异。按照物种丰富度、多样性、优势度、均匀度、湿地植被群丛数目,以及典型湿地植物的物种所占比例、丰富度和优势度的差异,可将调查涉及的26个典型湖泊湿地分为原生植被湖泊、次生植被湖泊、人工植被湖泊和退化植被湖泊4类。原生植被湖泊应建立相对严格的湿地保护区,优先保护原有湿地植被。次生植被湖泊最多,城市发展区内的次生植被湖泊应建立30-100m的植被缓冲带,促进植被自然恢复和发育;而农业区的次生植被湖泊应引导和规范湖泊周围的农业生产模式,以减少人类活动干扰。人工植被湖泊应通过建立城市湿地公园,人工促进植被的近自然恢复。而退化植被湖泊则应尽快采用生态工程法促进湿地植被生境改善,并积极开展近自然湿地植被重建与恢复。
Abstract:The conservation and restoration of vegetation diversity is significant to the management of urban wetlands, underlying the effects of urbanization and global climate change. Wetland vegetation usually shows different diversity characteristics because of the difference of wetland location and human activity disturbance. Thus some differentiation approaches are necessary to the conservation and restoration of wetland vegetation at regional level. The wetland vegetation diversity and human activity disturbance should be considered as the basis of such differentiation approaches. Biodiversity Hotspots approach was usually used to reflect the effectiveness and the priority of biodiversity conservation in the planning of biodiversity conservation at large scale. And it could also serve as a new method to the conservation and restoration of wetland vegetation at small and medium scale. Based on the principals of biodiversity hotspots and plant diversity feathers, a classified protection framework and related countermeasures were studied, by the investigation of plant diversity for vegetation conservation and restoration of urban lake wetlands in Wuhan. The results showed that, the change trends of species richness, plant diversity, ecological dominance, and evenness of vascular plants in lake wetlands in Wuhan are relative consistent. But, there were significant differences in plant diversity (abundance, diversity and evenness), association abundance and common wetland plants diversity (including percents of total common wetlands, abundance and dominance) between various fielded lakes. The spatial distribution of abundance of vegetation types, formation and association in different lakes were very consistent. Even though the vegetation communities were abundant in Donghu Lake, Yanxihu Lake, Sanjiaohu Lake, Yandonghu Lake and Chedunhu Lake, the majority of lakes still contain fewer plant community types. And the number of typical plant species had more obvious spatial variation. According to these characteristics, the lakes were classified into four classes, which included native vegetation lakes, secondary vegetation lakes, artificial vegetation lakes, and degraded vegetation lakes. In the native vegetation lakes, wetland natural reserves should be constructed so as to conserve the native wetland plants. The secondary vegetation lake is the most common type of lakes. Differentiated management measures should be developed according to their location. In urban area, vegetation buffer zones with the width of 30-100m should be considered to establish in order to promote restoration and development of wetland natural vegetations; while in agricultural areas, the government and managers should guide and regulate the mode of agricultural production around the lake to reduce disturbance of the human activities. Urban wetland parks should be constructed to protect the artificial vegetation lakes and promote the near-natural restoration of wetland vegetations. Some ecological engineering methods are also needed to improve wetland habitat of the degraded lakes as soon as possible, and then recover them with near-natural wetlands vegetation. The approach shown in this study could be used to determine protection levels of lake-wetland vegetation according to plant diversity and its influencing factors. It provides a basis for strategy development, selection of specific measures and the practice of management activities of wetland vegetation conservation. It is hoped that the results will be integrated into the comprehensive management of urban lake-wetland protection and restoration.
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