Abstract:Coarse woody debris (CWD) has a significant contribution to the forest ecosystem stability. Characteristics of storage and decomposition of CWD under three forests in Guangzhou were researched. The results showed that, (1) CWD storage and the ratio of CWD storage to total forest biomass were in the order evergreen broad-leaved forest > mixed conifer and broad-leaved forest > conifer forest. CWD of the three forests were mainly comprised of snags and logs. The conifer tree specie of CWD was mainly Pinus massonianai. The broad-leaved tree species of CWD were mainly Engelhardtia chrysolepis, Schima superba, etc. (2) The most of diameters of CWD were less than 10cm. Decay state of CWD was mostly in middle decay class. Interference and competition were the main origins of CWD under the three forests in Guangzhou. (3) Decomposition rates of CWD for the three forests were 0.0244,0.0407 and 0.0487 respectively, and they were in the order evergreen broad-leaved forest > mixed conifer and broad-leaved forest > coniferous forest. Furthermore, N, P and lignin contents increased while C, C/N and lignin/N decreased gradually with the decomposition of CWD.