作 者 :张小飞,王如松,李锋*,李正国,宋治清
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 21期 页码:5904~5913
Keywords:urban system, urban function assessment, Chinese mainland and Taiwan, coastal cities,
摘 要 :城市是一类社会-经济-自然复合生态系统,辨识其复杂的功能特征,需要一套科学的评价指标体系。选择北京、上海、深圳、广州、宁波、温州、天津、厦门、大连、无锡及台北、高雄、新竹、台南、台中、基隆16个中国大陆东部沿海与中国台湾岛西部沿海典型城市为研究区,结合城市生态系统理论、国家生态市建设指标、国内外生态城市评价指标及两岸沿海城市特色指标,构建两岸沿海典型城市生态系统功能评价指标体系,评价其社会、经济、自然子系统各自的功能及其协调发展程度。在自然子系统方面,由生态空间为基础,通过量化其提供的服务与自身代谢能力,说明自然子系统功能;社会子系统则通过其自身基本的人口承载能力、安全保障相关的社会稳定性及城市文化延续性进行判断;经济子系统功能需涉及当前的状态与未来的发展潜力,在此分别由生活富裕度与产业竞争力两方面进行探讨。基于3个子系统标准化后的数值构建协调系数,借以量化子系统间的协调发展情况。研究结果表明,由于台湾地区城市发展阶段相对超前,演化过程也相对成熟,于社会、经济子系统及整体功能上都有较高的功能值。依据本研究现有数据分析结果,16个典型城市中,单就各个子系统功能得分,自然子系统功能以台湾地区基隆市及大陆地区温州市较佳,社会子系统以台湾地区台北市及大陆地区厦门市较佳,经济子系统以台湾地区台北市及大陆地区北京市较佳。由于子系统间的协调发展有助于城市生态系统整体功能的提升,因此,台湾地区的基隆市及大陆地区上海市在社会、经济及环境保护的协调发展上亦有另一方面的借鉴意义。
Abstract:An urban ecosystem is the complex and over-arching system that combines social, economic, and natural subsystems, each having special problems of supply and waste discharge into and out of the system caused by various sources. To understand the complexity of urban ecosystem functions, a series of indicators is needed for an integrated assessment and comparison. Usually, a healthy urban ecosystem in proper working order shows the following characteristics: a higher environmental efficiency, a stronger economic vitality, and a better quality of life. Each of these factors could be considered the function of an urban ecosystem, especially in relation to sustainable development. Cities along the eastern coast of Chinese mainland and western coast of China Taiwan are similar because of relatively high development level, which have more attraction and influence for regional population and industry. Due to the differences in natural background conditions and development orientation, there are also some specific problems existing in the urban development of Chinese mainland and Taiwan. For a long time, urban development in Taiwan has been heavily affected by physical restriction, especially geological and meteorological disaster as well as sea levels rise; in relative terms, cities in mainland China have been beset with more problems from various environmental pollution and degradation. Since sustainable urban development is required to complement the advantages and learn each other′s experience, comparison on urban ecosystem functions among the typical coastal cities could provide policy makers the reference for planning urban development in the future. In this research, focusing on sixteen cities in the coastal areas of Chinese mainland and Taiwan, we developed an indicator scheme for integrated assessment of urban ecosystem functions. The indicator scheme was established based on urban ecological principles, urban development sustainability models, and eco-city assessment indicators. This scheme quantified and measured environment services, metabolic capability, social carrying capacity, social stability, cultural sustainability, opulence levels, and industrial competition. In addition, some alternative index, such as area and population, were used to improve data comparability for adapting different statistical standards. Finally, this scheme was applied to compare on levels of social well-being and social conflicts, economic potential and competition, and environmental sustainability (environmental degradation and resource deprivation). The results from the analysis suggested that cities in Taiwan have higher values in social and economic subsystems than cities in Chinese mainland, due to the relatively well-developed urban management system in China Taiwan. It also appeared that Keelung and Shanghai city have both reached a stage of well-balanced development in terms of social, economic, and environmental functions, which could serve as models for urban development in other coastal cities. Further comparison also provides insight into social well-being, economic potential, and environmental problems using each indicator subsystem; for example, Keelung and Wenzhou show higher value in the natural indicator subsystem, whereas Taipei and Xiamen are high in the social indicator subsystem, and Taipei and Beijing possess more development in the economic indicator subsystem. Based on the assessment and comparisons above, suggestions for the future optimization of urban ecosystems were provided for city managers and decision-makers.
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