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Activities of chlorophyll and protective enzyme systems in cotton plants Gossypium hirsutum L. with heavy leaf removal by no overcompensation


全 文 :第 26卷第 3期
2006年 3月
生 态 学 报
(中国科学院动物研究所,北京 100080)
摘要:研究了大强度去叶对棉花叶绿素和保护酶系的影响。结果表明,75%去叶和 100%去叶的大强度去叶不会促使棉花产生
超补偿现象,而使棉花成铃数分别减少 5.4%和9.8%。在短期内大强度去D-i~使棉花新生叶片增大、叶绿素含量下降。75%去
叶和100%去叶处理还使得棉花叶中蛋白质含量下降,POD酶活性上升、PPO酶活性下降,但 POD酶比活力和 PPO酶的比活力
(homeosta is)恢复元气 ,最终棉花也不会产生超补偿现象,此时植物处于伤害状态。内稳态变化可能存在信号分子。
关键词:大强度;去叶;超补偿 ;叶绿素;保护酶
文章编号:1000-0933(2006)03.0830.07 中圈分类号:Q51,Q968,$314 文献标识码 :A
Activities of chloroPhyl and protective enzyme systems in cotton plants Gossypium
hirsutum L.with heavy leaf removal by no overcompensation
LI Yue—Qiang,XUAN Wei-Jian,SHENG Cheng—Fa (Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China).Acta
Ecolo#ca Sinica。2OO6,26(3):830—836.
Abstract:When 8 squares are removed from each cotton plant,simulating bollworm herbivory,the coton fiber yield in the final
harvest wil increase by 10% 一30% .This kind of phenomenon that smal damages are beneficial to plants themselves is caled
overcompensation,which has become a hot focus in ecology and evolution studies in recent years.Besides coton,many scientists
have also found a lot of other plants that have this characteristic,such as grass,tree and vegetable.The conditions required for
producing overcompensation for a plant include developmental stage,sunlight,damage extent,damage sorts,etc.Our previous
study has shown that 50% leaf removal from total canopy area,simulating insect herbivory,could increase boll number by
24.4%.Furthermore,the peroxidase(POD)and polyphenol oxidase(PPO)activity were also changeable.This paper succeeds
last experimental study of leaf removal,but we emphasized to observe the efect of larger extent of leaf removal on coton growth
and development and on the occurrence of overcompensation.Particularly,this paper studies chlorophyll and protective enzyme
systems in cotton plants Gossypium hirsutum L.with 75% and 100% leaf removal respectively,which belonged evidently to heavy
leaf removal,of the total canopy leaf area at the early stage of prima ry anthesis.The results show that no overcompensation
phenomenon with a higher coton fiber yield produced in both cases of 75% and 100% leaf removal。whereas these cotton plants
having obvious decreases in bol number of 5.4% and 9.8% .respectively.The new-born leaves on treated plants always
presented larger area than that of control and the content of chlorophyll in these new-born leaves decreased during a short period.
Th e level in chlorophyll content in leaves of 75% leaf removal and 100% leaf removal were 19.7% and 20.1% lower than that
of control one week after leaf remova1.In the meantime.the treatments for herbivory simulation of 75% leaf removal and 100%
leaf removal decreased protein content in coton leaves.One week after leaf remova1.the protein content in 75% leaf removal was
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿资助项 目(KSCX3.IOZ.04);国家自然科学基金会优秀中青年人才专项基金资助项目(39221001)
收稿 日期:2004.07.27;修订日期:2005.03.01
作者简介:李跃强 (1968一),男,河南伊川人,博士,主要从事生理学和分子生态学研究.
*通讯作者 Author for corespondence.E.mail:shengcf@ioz.ac.cn
Foundation item:The project was surpported by CAS Innovation Program(No.KSCX3.IOZ.04)and National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.39221001)
Received date:2004·O7·27;Accepted date:2005·03·O1
Biography:LI Yue·Qians。Ph.D.。mainly engaged in physiology and molecular ecology.
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3期 李跃强 等:大强度去叶对棉花叶绿素和保护酶系的影响 83l
7·4% lower than that of control and 100% leaf removal was 23.1% lower than that of contro1
. Importantly,heavy leaf rem0va1
made the highest point of protein content on protein curve appear one week later for the cotton plants with treatment of 75% leaf
removal and one more week later for the coton plants with treatment of 1 00% leaf removal compared with contro1
. The Dlants with
large degree of leaf removal also had an enhanced activity of peroxidase(POD)but a,lowered activity of polyphenol oxidase(PPO)
in new-born leaves.Two weeks after leaf removal,cotton leaves with 75% leaf removal had a POD activitv 18
. 0% higher than
control and 100% leaf removal had a PO D activity 18.8% higher than contro1.Coton leaves with 75% leaf removal had a PPO
activity 7.O% lower than control and 100% leaf removal had a PP0 activity 9.3% lower than control one week after leaf remova1

But the specifc activity of both POD and PPO increased,Al these experimental data suggest that heavy leaf removal not only
wrecked the coton plant homeostasis but also brought about cotton plant serious damage.The wrecked plants with small amount of
proteins resulted from heavy leaf removal might be less resistant to other insect or non.insect infestations and could not r cover
easily from the damage so that they could correctly regulate their own metabolic machine going up onto the regular high leve1
. The
damaged homeostasis might have outachieved the modulation limit of plant resistance and functional induction of tran8norTna1
ability.So,cotton plants with treatment of heavy leaf removal of 75% and 100% leaf removal at the early stage of primary
anthesis could only give expressions of damage status.Together with the previous study,we conclude that if we want to get
overcompenation on cotton plants from leaf loss,we should strictly confine the extent of leaf loss to no more than 75% leaf
remova1. In agriculture, we can use this biological effect resulted from overcompensation to make certain methods to increase
agricultural yield.Most crops are plants with high level of endurance for environmental stresses.If we positively make proper
intensive artifcial mechanical wounds as well as metabolic balance tissue loss instead of those irregular insect and animal herbivory
or environmental stress,it is possible for us to get a good harvest without further utilization of fertilizer and plant hormones.In the
meantime,the overcompensatory efect also implies an elevation upon concrete threshold of pest management,resulting in reducing
the amount of insecticides and pesticides used for insect and pest management and saving the time for farm ers.Large scale of
application of pesticides in pest control often causes directly soil contamination and environmental air pollution,which severely
influence our life quality.So tissue balance and smal damage research to plants and animals have great importance to ecology

seems that there could be chemical signals coming from homeostasis change in plants.Th ese signals that might be smM1 molecular
substance,possibly in company with HSP protein,could move from damaged leaf tissues to the new-born leaves,after a long
distance transport and transducing over petioles and stems,and regulate the activities of POD and PPO in new-born leaves.This
signaling mechanism could be at least in part of the mechanism of overcompensation. If so, we will be thankful that ecology
ultimately links to molecular biology.Th is finding may be interesting to some scientists in the field of molecular biology who have
demonstrated that the ubiquitous protein chaperone hsp90 regulates more than 100 proteins involved in cellular signalling.But what
factor directly enhances the specifc activity of PPO like Ca2 iron remains to be elucidated
. Th is should be our next study
direction of work.
Key words:heavy degree;leaf removal;overcompensati0n;chlorophyll;protective enzyme
模拟棉铃虫侵害对棉花每株摘除 8个早蕾,可以使棉花纤维最终增产 10%一30%n】]。植物具有的这种少
许伤害有益的自然现象,在自然界中增加了物种的生存竞争力,而在农业生产中则可以增加农业收成 ]。因
此,超补偿现象 研究引起了人们的重视,成为近年来分子生态学研究的一个热点。在棉花生长的环境中有
和光合面积减小,植物固有的内稳态平衡破坏。因此作者认为去叶实验不能简单等 同于植物机械损伤
(wounding)。对棉花实施去叶处理可以引发超补偿现象,50%叶面积损失最终使棉花增产 24.4% 。但对于
棉花超补偿可以忍耐的最大失叶程度,还没有见到有关报道。本研究加大植物受害程度,分别给予棉株 75%
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1 材料和方法
1.1 供试材料和处理设置
实验采用陆地棉(Goss um hirsutum L.)为植物供试材料,品种为中棉所 13,种植地点为河北省霸州市。
种子经硫酸脱绒,于4月 25日露地直播于试验田中。棉苗株行距为 0.24m,0.62m。土壤肥力上等,田间常规
花叶片中脉剪去每一叶的 1/2叶面,不伤中脉。然后将剩余的半片叶用剪刀沿叶脉中部垂直于叶脉再剪除一
半,叶脉一半也被剪去,留取一半叶脉于剩余叶面上。剩余叶面是近轴部分右 l/4叶面。100%去叶时沿叶面
复3次,每小区面积为 20m ,田间随机排列,共计小区数 3×3=9个。然后,随棉花发育的时间进程,现场观察
1.2 棉花发育及保护酶系测定
叶绿素含量测定 取棉花功能叶片 0.2g,用 80%丙酮研磨提取叶中叶绿素,用 uV.754型分光光度计测
定其光吸收 O.D63、O.D“ 、O.D枷,然后计算叶绿素含量 。以80%丙酮为空白对照。
棉花叶中蛋白质含量测定 用50 mmol/L pH=7.0的PBS缓冲液冰浴研磨提取棉花功能叶片中的蛋白质
含量,5 O00g离心 10 min,取上清液用紫外法测定蛋白质含量。测定 O.D:印,O.D 。,查紫外法对照表得 尺值,
棉花叶中过氧化物酶(POD)活性测定 取上述测定蛋白质含量时获得的蛋白质上清液作为 POD酶粗提
液,来测定棉花叶中的过氧化物酶 POD活性。反应体系包括 2.9 ml 50mmol/L pH;5.91 PBS,1.0 ml 50mmol/L
愈创木酚,1.0 ml 2% O ,0.5ml酶粗提液。反应体系在加入 1.0 ml 2% H2O:后迅速于470nm波长(uV-754
紫外可见分光光度计)下测定体系 1min内的O.D值变化,计算酶活力。然后以上面测得的蛋白质含量为基础
计算单位蛋白质中的酶比活力" 。
多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性分析。取蛋白质含量测定得到的上清液作为测定棉花叶中多酚氧化酶 PPO活性
的酶粗提液。PPO活性反应体系包括3.9 ml 50mmol/L pH=5.91 PBS,1.0 ml 0.1 mmol/L邻苯二酚,0.5 rnl酶粗
提液。反应在室温下反应 15 rain,于525 am波长下测定 O.D值,计算酶活力。然后,以上面测得的蛋白质含
量为基础,计算单位蛋白质中的酶比活力 ’ 。
每项生理指标测定均重复3次,每次 2个平行实验。
2 实验结果
2.1 叶绿素含量
在剪叶处理的一段时间(6月25日左右),平均每 2d就可以长出一个新的完全展开叶片。因此,在 1周时,已
经有完全展开的 3片棉叶,可以满足生理学以及生物化学的分析需要。分析测定棉花功能叶片中叶绿素的含
量,结果如图 1所示。大强度去叶致使棉花新生叶片中叶绿素含量普遍降低。单从人的肉眼在田间就可以很
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3期 李跃强 等:大强度去叶对棉花叶绿素和保护酶系的影响 833
量由高到低依次为:CK、75% 去叶、100% 去叶。75%去叶处理比对照低 19.7%,100%去叶处理比对照低

图 1 模拟昆虫取食大强度去叶对棉花新生叶片中叶绿寨含量的影响(平均数 ±标准差,下同)
Fig.1 The efect of heavy leaf removal by simulating insect herbivory on chlorophyl content in the new.born leaves 0f coton(means±SD,the 8aIne bel0w)
2.2 蛋 白质含量变化
叶中蛋白质含量随时间而呈现出先升高再降低的抛物线式变化趋势(图 2),最高点在7月2日(处理后 l
周)。7月 2日是棉花始花期(anthesis),此时棉花体内各项代谢最为旺盛,需要较多的各项代谢酶系,因而叶
中蛋白质含量较高。去叶处理能改变叶片中蛋白质含量随生长进程的变化趋势,使得 75%去叶的蛋白质含
量最高点推迟 1周,100%去叶处理更向后。至2周时3者的蛋白质含量趋向接近,75%去叶高于对照。在所


一 对照 CK
— o- 75%去叶75%leafremoval
0 1 2 4 6
处理后时间(周)Time after treatment(week)
图2 模拟昆虫取食太强度去叶对棉花叶中蛋白质含量的影响
Fig.2 The effect of heavy defoliation by simulating insect herbivory on
protein content in the new-born leaves of cotton

室 0 l 2 4 6 处理后时间(周)Time after t~eatment(week)
图3 太强度去叶对棉花叶中过氧化物酶活性的影响
Fig.3 The efect of heavy leaf r~lloval on peroxidase(POD)activity in the
new.bom leaves of cotton
2.3 过氧化物酶活性 (POD)
大强度去叶处理可以增加棉花叶片中的 POD酶活性。2周时75%去叶比对照增高 18.0%,100%去叶比
对照增加18.8%(P<0.01)。这与棉花丢失叶面积后棉花体内的代谢调整和过氧化物的清除相关联 (图3)。
对照低 11.3%(P<0.01),75%处理稍微低于 100%处理。
2.4 多酚氧化酶 PPO活性变化 。
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得棉花叶中的蛋 白质含量下降。这不同于轻度去叶 25%、50%去叶常常增加棉花叶中蛋白质含量的情
形 ’ 。曾有报道,植物在遭受逆境时包括高温、低温、干旱、病虫侵袭时可以合成特异蛋白质,称谓热击蛋白
(hsp)⋯ 。曾在花生上得出结论,花生在受到干旱胁迫时蛋白质含量即快速增加,然后蛋白质含量下降 ]。
处Ⅲ 。光合功能衰退过程中一个最明显的指标是叶绿素和蛋白质含量的下降。也是植物在遭受内稳态平衡
后果的影响 ¨’ ,以便维持植物正常的新陈代谢。大强度去叶处理可以增加棉花叶片中的POD酶活性。2周
时75%去叶比对照增高 18.O%,100%去叶比对照增加 18.8%。这与棉花丢失叶面积后棉花体内的代谢调整
和过氧化物的清除相关联。这与从轻度去叶上获得的结果类似 ]。但在多酚氧化酶上,去叶处理在短期内可
以降低棉花叶中的 PPO酶活性,1周时 75%去叶处理 PPO活性比对照低 7.O%,100%去叶处理比对照低
9.3%。而之后 PPO酶活性随着去叶程度的加大而渐次表现增强。这暗示由于去叶程度过大早期已对植物造
成了危害;而随着棉花的复原逐步进行,后来棉花合成了较多的 PPO。说明 POD和 PPO的作用可能不同。而
且许多文献报道,POD和PPO的酶活性在植物中的作用不尽相同[1 ”]。对比活力的测定结果也说明 POD和
PPO在两个处理中的不同。处理后 1周,75%去叶处理和 100%去叶处理植株棉花叶片中的 POD比活力随着
去叶程度加深而顺序增加。至第6周时,各处理间以及与对照问的比活力已基本相同。这可能与 POD激活
或 POD合成增加有关。PPO比活力在多数情况下高于对照,与 POD比活力形成了鲜明的对比。这暗示着单
位蛋白质中的PPO活性增强。可能是因为某些因子激活了 PPO开始上升。这些情形不同于具有超补偿功能
的50%去叶情形 。因此,大强度去叶可能刺激破坏了与棉花的某些内稳态相关的代谢过程,导致能量消耗
过大,用来清除过氧化物的 PPO不能被及时合成,而只能以增加比活力来改变清除棉花具有的伤害因素,所
以造成 PPO含量下降。这种情况说明PPO稍微不同于 POD。本研究中测定使用的叶片都是新生完整叶片,
所有结果似乎表明有某种内稳态失衡信号分子从受伤叶片发出调节着新生叶片中的 POD和 PPO,而该信号
叶基、叶柄而到达新生叶片。单一 hsp蛋白质本身作为这种长距离信号分子⋯ 似乎不太现实,必须有其他小
分子信号物质的参与 。
本文的一个重要结论是,超过75%去叶就不能产生超补偿。因此,在实际的生产实践中利用植物 自身的
诱导能力来实现增产目的时应当注意这一点。同时,在大强度去叶情形下,有某种因子刺激了 PPO的活性增
强,但 PPO总活性下降。这些激活因子可能是 Ca2 ,也可能是其他离子,而对于总活性下降的原因,尚需作进
一 步研究。
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