作 者 :杨逢建,张衷华,王文杰,祖元刚,陈华峰,贾晶,关宇,张乃静
期 刊 :生态学报 2007年 27卷 2期 页码:442~449
Keywords:invasiveness, tannins, germination, hormone, spread, sexual reproduction apparatus,
摘 要 :种子繁殖是菊科植物延续后代的主要途径。目前在菊科植物中出现了大量的有害入侵植物,有鉴于此,选择典型的6种入侵植物和2种非入侵植物对其种子表面形态特征、种子千粒重、种子萌发特性、种子激素和单宁等代谢产物进行测定,试图对这些菊科入侵植物的入侵原因进行探讨。所选择的植物包括:取种于温带的入侵植物假苍耳(Iva xanthifolia Nutt)、豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)、三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida L.)和非入侵植物波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnata Cav.);亚热带的入侵植物薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)、紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng)、飞机草(Chromolaena odoratum (L.)R.M.King and H.Robinson.)和非入侵植物金光菊(Rudbeckia serotina (syn.R.hirta))。结果表明,在传播方式上,入侵植物比非入侵植物传播方式较为高等且多样化,薇甘菊、飞机草、紫茎泽兰均具有冠毛且种子轻小,适于风力传播;豚草和三裂叶豚草具有钩刺,易被人或动物携带;假苍耳种子较小且容易和北方的谷类等作物种子混杂,增加了人类活动传播的机会;而非入侵种金光菊和波斯菊种子较大,主要靠重力传播。在种子萌发率上,出现了南高北低的现象,这可能与种子的休眠有关,种子萌发速率在入侵种和非入侵种中平均为3d,两者并没有明显的区别。在种子生理生化特性上,种子GA和IAA含量在入侵种和非入侵种中区别不大,平均值分别在0.9~5μg/g和0.079~0.3μg/g之间;单宁含量出现南高北低现象,但在入侵种和非入侵种之间没有规律。所以在简单的风干种子的激素和单宁含量、种子萌发速率上并不能揭示出入侵种的快速占领新生境的能力。
Abstract:It is main path that the seed reproduction is offspring of asteraceae. We focused on seeds of asteraceae because there were lots of invasive plants from asteraceae, 8 asteraceae plants which included six species of invasive asteraceae plants and two species of noninvasive asteraceae plants were studied. There were Iva xanthifolia Nutt,Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.,Ambrosia trifida L. of invasive species and Cosmos bipinnata Cav of noninvasive species from temperate zone. There were Mikania micrantha H.B.K.,Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng,Chromolaena odoratum (L.)R.M.King and H.Robinson. of invasive species and Rudbeckia serotina (syn.R.hirta) of noninvasive species from sub-tropical zone. Surface character、germination character、hormone and tannins content of desiccation seed were measured in order to discuss the reason of invasion. Results showed invasive species are prior to noninvasive species in model of spread. Invasive species from sub-tropical zone have small, light, pappus, which could be conveyed through wind. Invasive species from temperate zone were hamulus, which could be conveyed through animal. Seeds of Iva xanthifolia Nutt were smaller and easy Congestion with farm crop seed, which were increased the opportunity of the dissemination by the mankind activity. Noninvasive species were not pappus or hamulus, which spread through gravitation. GA and IAA were not remarkably different between invasive species and noninvasive species. Content of tannins and germination rate rised from sub-tropical zone to temperate zone, but they were not different between invasive species and noninvasive species. In conclusion, invasive species and noninvasive species were not notably different at aspects of seed coat structure, hormone, tannins, germination, These characters of seeds of air-dry did not explain that invasive species able to occupy quickly new territory.